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Search Results | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Crickets chirp in the distance. Chirp Chirp.


No substances matching your criteria were found.

However 41 substances were found by removing the purchasability filter.

If you believe there should have been a result, please tell us what you think is missing. (Vendor ID, Compound ID, URL to where we can find the molecule on line). Thanks!

Parameters Provided:

annotation.name = Z80496
anotation.type = F10
page.format = summary
page.num = 1
filter.purchasability = purchasable

Structural Results Found: (before additional filtering)

SQL Query Was

SELECT DISTINCT(ci.sub_id_fk) AS sub_id FROM catalog_item AS ci INNER JOIN catalog AS c ON ci.cat_id_fk=c.cat_id INNER JOIN note AS n ON ci.sub_id_fk=n.sub_id_fk INNER JOIN annotation AS a ON n.anno_id_fk=a.anno_id  WHERE c.free = 1 AND a.short_desc LIKE 'Z80496' AND c.purchasable IN (1,2,4,5)    LIMIT 50


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