Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #4 Of 12), Eukaryotic (250 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 250 69 34 22

Clustered By Gene (12)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
CAH1-1-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #1 Of 12), Eukaryotic 970 46 22 28
CAH1-10-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #10 Of 12), Eukaryotic 55 8 1 1
CAH1-11-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #11 Of 12), Eukaryotic 0 0 0 0
CAH1-12-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #12 Of 12), Eukaryotic 49 18 7 6
CAH1-2-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #2 Of 12), Eukaryotic 2 1 1 1
CAH1-3-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #3 Of 12), Eukaryotic 13 12 1 1
CAH1-5-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #5 Of 12), Eukaryotic 742 126 12 16
CAH1-6-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #6 Of 12), Eukaryotic 52 0 0 0
CAH1-7-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #7 Of 12), Eukaryotic 2 0 0 0
CAH1-8-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #8 Of 12), Eukaryotic 77 7 1 1
CAH1-9-E Carbonic Anhydrase I (cluster #9 Of 12), Eukaryotic 1 0 1 0

Most Common Rings