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Z80140 - GBM | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

GBM (11 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 11 1 0 3
ADME/T ≤ 10μM 0 0 0 0

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z81186 Z81186 CHEMBL614097 LS174T (Colon Adencocarcinoma Cells) 8
Z80936 Z80936 CHEMBL614818 HEK293 (Embryonic Kidney Fibroblasts) 7
Z80928 Z80928 CHEMBL394 HCT-116 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80125 Z80125 CHEMBL613508 DU-145 (Prostate Carcinoma) 2
Z80211 Z80211 CHEMBL614721 LoVo (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z80250 Z80250 CHEMBL614339 Me665/2/21 2
Z80306 Z80306 CHEMBL614188 NB-4 (Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells) 2
Z80390 Z80390 CHEMBL390 PC-3 (Prostate Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80449 Z80449 CHEMBL614894 SAOS-2 (Osteosarcoma Cells) 2
Z80561 Z80561 CHEMBL615023 U2OS (Osteosarcoma Cells) 2
Z80852 Z80852 CHEMBL614069 A-431 (Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z81024 Z81024 CHEMBL396 NCI-H460 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma) 2
Z81065 Z81065 CHEMBL613984 IGROV-1 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z81170 Z81170 CHEMBL612518 LNCaP (Prostate Carcinoma) 2
Z80135 Z80135 CHEMBL614296 F9 1
Z80354 Z80354 CHEMBL614213 OVCAR-3 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81034 Z81034 CHEMBL614004 A2780 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1