This report ranks vendors by which sells the most compounds in your active cart. Click on Download to download all this information in tab delimited format suitable for reading in a spreadsheet program. Click on the vendor name to go to the vendor information page in ZINC. Click on "N available" to focus on this vendor's compounds only. Click on Send Quote Request to compose an email to the vendor. If the supplier code is clickable, it takes you directly to the vendor page for that compound. Click on the ZINC ID to go to the Molecule detail page. Click on the SMILES to perform find analogs of that compounds in ZINC. Hover over the smiles for the molecular structure.


ROCK1_1uM_instock (Public by mshender) Default Download

Catalogs to Purchase

Available Catalogs

Ryan Scientific BB 12 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
077-51922 000-46704 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
093-62105 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
093-61857 048-20405 047-99536 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z
093-62289 CCn1c2c(cncc2nc1c3c(non3)N)CNC4CC[NH2+]CC4
2 Z
048-08260 CC1=C([C@H](CC(=O)N1)c2ccc(cc2)C(F)(F)F)C(=O)Nc3cc4cn[nH]c4cc3F
7 Z
048-08260 CC1=C([C@@H](CC(=O)N1)c2ccc(cc2)C(F)(F)F)C(=O)Nc3cc4cn[nH]c4cc3F
7 Z
048-08279 Cc1c2cc(ccc2[nH]n1)c3cc(cnc3)OC[C@H](Cc4ccccc4)[NH3+]
7 Z
093-62145 048-08190 CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CC(C)(C)O)OC[C@H]4CCC[NH2+]C4
14 Z
048-08361 CC1=C([C@@H](NC(=[NH+]1)c2ccnc(c2)Cl)c3ccc(cc3F)Cl)C(=O)Nc4cc5cn[nH]c5cc4F
3 Z
048-08361 CC1=C([C@H](N=C(N1)c2ccnc(c2)Cl)c3ccc(cc3F)Cl)C(=O)Nc4cc5cn[nH]c5cc4F
3 Z
048-08261 C[NH+](C)CCOc1cc(ccc1NC(=O)[C@@H]2COc3ccccc3O2)c4c[nH]nc4
4 Z
048-08261 C[NH+](C)CCOc1cc(ccc1NC(=O)[C@H]2COc3ccccc3O2)c4c[nH]nc4
4 Z

Sigma Aldrich (Building Blocks) 5 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
H139|SIGMA c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
Y0503|SIGMA C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
PZ0012|SIGMA CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z
H4413|SIGMA c1cc2c(cc[nH]c2=O)c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
12 Z
SML0428|SIGMA CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CC(C)(C)O)OC[C@H]4CCC[NH2+]C4
14 Z

Ryan Scientific 4 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
048-04806 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
048-04560 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z
048-04976 CCn1c2c(cncc2nc1c3c(non3)N)CNC4CC[NH2+]CC4
2 Z
048-04837 CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CC(C)(C)O)OC[C@H]4CCC[NH2+]C4
14 Z

Excenen 4 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
EX-A060 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
EX-A423 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
EX-A023 Cc1c2cc(ccc2[nH]n1)c3cc(cnc3)OC[C@H](Cc4ccccc4)[NH3+]
7 Z
EX-A031 CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CC(C)(C)O)OC[C@H]4CCC[NH2+]C4
14 Z

UORSY BB Make-on-demand 3 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
BBV-25217191 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
BBV-34808683 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z
BBV-40702198 CCn1c2ccncc2nc1c3c(non3)N
9 Z

Labotest 3 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
LT01184225 c1ccc2c(c1)nc(n2CC3CC3)c4c(non4)N
6 Z
LT00079353 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z
LT00522936 CC(C)Cn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
3 Z

Lab Seeker Building Blocks 3 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
SC-20087 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
SC-52844 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
SC-47294 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Fluorochem 3 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
050724 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
061484 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z
390270 c1cc2c(cc[nH]c2=O)c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
12 Z

TimTec 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
ST50984431 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z
ST51009539 CC(C)Cn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
3 Z

StruChem BB make-on-demand 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
SC-22700 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
SC-47294 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

StruChem BB 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
SC-20087 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
SC-52844 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z

Mcule Make-on-demand 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
MCULE-1374831127 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
MCULE-2693369461 c1ccc2c(c1)nc(n2CC3CC3)c4c(non4)N
6 Z

Mcule 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
MCULE-1374831127 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
MCULE-2693369461 c1ccc2c(c1)nc(n2CC3CC3)c4c(non4)N
6 Z

FineTech 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
FT-0602399 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
FT-0601668 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z

Enamine Building Blocks 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
EN300-68842 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
EN300-181591 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z

Enamine BB Make on Demand 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
BBV-34808683 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z
BBV-40702198 CCn1c2ccncc2nc1c3c(non3)N
9 Z

Chemstep 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
37728 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
61209 CCn1c2ccncc2nc1c3c(non3)N
9 Z

Boerchem Pharmatech BB 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
BC678601 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
BC649925 C[C@@]12[C@@H]([C@@H](C[C@@H](O1)n3c4ccccc4c5c3c6n2c7ccccc7c6c8c5C(=O)NC8)[NH2+]C)OC
8 Z

BioSynth 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
Q-101028 Q-201107 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
Q-201774 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

BOC Sciences BB 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
105628-07-7 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
105628-72-6 c1cc2c(cc[nH]c2=O)c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
12 Z

American Custom Chemicals Corp. 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
CCH0005757 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z
HCH0013365 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

APIChem 2 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
AC-4515 AC-4279 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z
AC-23166 CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CC(C)(C)O)OC[C@H]4CCC[NH2+]C4
14 Z

eMolecules 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
901874 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

Zylexa Pharma BB 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
ZP-BB-AS004741 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Vesino Industrial Co Ltd 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
VP60106 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Toslab 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
803362 c1ccc2c(c1)nc(n2CC3CC3)c4c(non4)N
6 Z

Synergy Scientific BB 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
SYNS41798 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Synchem UG and Co KG 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
un229 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z

SynInnova Labs BB 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
SL-384 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Sequoia Research Products 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
557795-19-4 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Scientific Exchange (make on demand) 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
M-283884 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z

Oakwood Chemical 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
061484 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z

MicroSource World Drugs 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
01502366 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

MicroSource Pharmakon 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
01502366 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

MedChem Express 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
HY-10249A CCn1c2c(cnc(c2nc1c3c(non3)N)C#CCO)OCCC[NH3+]
Only Z

IBScreen Bioactives 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
Bio-0145 CC[NH+](CC)CCNC(=O)c1c(c([nH]c1C)/C=C\2/c3cc(ccc3NC2=O)F)C
29 Z

Focus Synthesis BB Make-on-Demand 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
FS200224 C[C@H](C1CCC(CC1)C(=O)Nc2ccncc2)[NH3+]
23 Z

Focus Synthesis BB 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
FS200081 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

Combi-Blocks 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
QA-9180 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

ChemBridge BuildingBlocks 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
4022970 CCn1c2ccccc2nc1c3c(non3)N
13 Z

Capot Chemical 1 Available Email Quote Request

ZINC ID Supplier Code SMILES (Find Similar) Suppliers Score
21890 c1cc2cnccc2c(c1)S(=O)(=O)N3CCC[NH2+]CC3
40 Z

Non-Unique/Empty Catalogs

Ignored Catalogs

Compound Availability


The following compounds are included in the above report:

# ZINC ID SMILES (Find Similar) Score
1 6486
2 6989
3 22706
4 22708
5 53816
6 206684
7 3814434
8 3964325
9 5481799
10 13815406
11 13907839
12 13981024
13 13998530
14 14954389
15 14954393
16 16052569
17 34285211
18 34663497
19 34663498
20 34894468
21 40414458
22 40414461
23 40955526
24 45254824
25 45254830
26 45291242

Not for Sale:

The following compounds are not availabile from any known vendors:

# ZINC ID SMILES (Find Similar) Score
1 34603838