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Z50674 - Human Rhinovirus 2 | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Human Rhinovirus 2 (42 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 42 2 4 4

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z81247 Z81247 CHEMBL399 HeLa (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells) 19
Z50085 Z50085 CHEMBL612470 Human Rhinovirus Sp. 14
Z50622 Z50622 CHEMBL613713 Human Rhinovirus 1B 13
Z50665 Z50665 CHEMBL613749 Enterovirus 10
Z50129 Z50129 CHEMBL612524 Human Rhinovirus 4 8
Z50666 Z50666 CHEMBL613750 Coxsackievirus 8
Z50679 Z50679 CHEMBL613759 Human Rhinovirus 14 8
Z50746 Z50746 CHEMBL612436 Human Enterovirus 71 6
Z50081 Z50081 CHEMBL612467 Human Rhinovirus 5 5
Z50617 Z50617 CHEMBL613554 Human Coxsackievirus B3 4
Z50132 Z50132 CHEMBL612527 Human Rhinovirus 39 3
Z50615 Z50615 CHEMBL613552 Human Echovirus 9 3
Z50667 Z50667 CHEMBL612677 Human Coxsackievirus B1 3
Z101842 Z101842 CHEMBL612777 Human Coxsackievirus A24 2
Z101843 Z101843 CHEMBL613202 Human Coxsackievirus B2 2
Z101844 Z101844 CHEMBL612778 Human Coxsackievirus B6 2
Z103013 Z103013 CHEMBL615086 Human Coxsackievirus A9 2
Z50078 Z50078 CHEMBL612464 Human Rhinovirus 45 2
Z50093 Z50093 CHEMBL612478 Human Rhinovirus 63 2
Z50135 Z50135 CHEMBL612529 Human Rhinovirus 85 2
Z50523 Z50523 CHEMBL613129 Influenza B Virus 2
Z50618 Z50618 CHEMBL613555 Human Coxsackievirus B5 2
Z50620 Z50620 CHEMBL613557 Human Poliovirus 3 2
Z50668 Z50668 CHEMBL612320 Human Coxsackievirus B4 2
Z50670 Z50670 CHEMBL613752 Human Poliovirus 2 2
Z50731 Z50731 CHEMBL612353 Echovirus 2
Z50792 Z50792 CHEMBL612403 Human Rhinovirus 29 2
Q4U254_9ENTO Q4U254 CHEMBL2857 Human Rhinovirus A Protease, 9ento 1
Z101845 Z101845 CHEMBL613203 Human Echovirus 13 1
Z101846 Z101846 CHEMBL612779 Human Echovirus 6 1
Z102516 Z102516 CHEMBL615048 Human Rhinovirus Strain Hanks 1
Z50088 Z50088 CHEMBL612473 Human Rhinovirus 9 1
Z50091 Z50091 CHEMBL612476 Human Rhinovirus 41 1
Z50094 Z50094 CHEMBL612479 Human Rhinovirus 70 1
Z50095 Z50095 CHEMBL612480 Human Rhinovirus 86 1
Z50130 Z50130 CHEMBL612525 Human Rhinovirus 15 1
Z50619 Z50619 CHEMBL613556 Human Poliovirus 1 1
Z50675 Z50675 CHEMBL613756 Human Rhinovirus 89 1
Z50692 Z50692 CHEMBL613769 Human Rhinovirus 16 1
Z50793 Z50793 CHEMBL612549 Human Rhinovirus 72 1