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Z50617 - Human Coxsackievirus B3 | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Human Coxsackievirus B3 (91 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 91 17 1 1

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z50746 Z50746 CHEMBL612436 Human Enterovirus 71 6
Z101844 Z101844 CHEMBL612778 Human Coxsackievirus B6 4
Z103013 Z103013 CHEMBL615086 Human Coxsackievirus A9 4
Z50674 Z50674 CHEMBL612678 Human Rhinovirus 2 4
Z101842 Z101842 CHEMBL612777 Human Coxsackievirus A24 3
Z101843 Z101843 CHEMBL613202 Human Coxsackievirus B2 3
Z50615 Z50615 CHEMBL613552 Human Echovirus 9 3
Z50618 Z50618 CHEMBL613555 Human Coxsackievirus B5 3
Z50666 Z50666 CHEMBL613750 Coxsackievirus 3
Z50667 Z50667 CHEMBL612677 Human Coxsackievirus B1 3
Z50668 Z50668 CHEMBL612320 Human Coxsackievirus B4 3
Z50078 Z50078 CHEMBL612464 Human Rhinovirus 45 2
Z50093 Z50093 CHEMBL612478 Human Rhinovirus 63 2
Z50132 Z50132 CHEMBL612527 Human Rhinovirus 39 2
Z50135 Z50135 CHEMBL612529 Human Rhinovirus 85 2
Z50523 Z50523 CHEMBL613129 Influenza B Virus 2
Z50620 Z50620 CHEMBL613557 Human Poliovirus 3 2
Z50665 Z50665 CHEMBL613749 Enterovirus 2
Z50670 Z50670 CHEMBL613752 Human Poliovirus 2 2
Z50792 Z50792 CHEMBL612403 Human Rhinovirus 29 2
Z101846 Z101846 CHEMBL612779 Human Echovirus 6 1
Z101847 Z101847 CHEMBL613204 Human Enterovirus 68 1
Z50085 Z50085 CHEMBL612470 Human Rhinovirus Sp. 1
Z50088 Z50088 CHEMBL612473 Human Rhinovirus 9 1
Z50091 Z50091 CHEMBL612476 Human Rhinovirus 41 1
Z50094 Z50094 CHEMBL612479 Human Rhinovirus 70 1
Z50095 Z50095 CHEMBL612480 Human Rhinovirus 86 1
Z50130 Z50130 CHEMBL612525 Human Rhinovirus 15 1
Z50622 Z50622 CHEMBL613713 Human Rhinovirus 1B 1
Z50669 Z50669 CHEMBL613751 Human Echovirus 11 1
Z50675 Z50675 CHEMBL613756 Human Rhinovirus 89 1
Z50679 Z50679 CHEMBL613759 Human Rhinovirus 14 1
Z50731 Z50731 CHEMBL612353 Echovirus 1
Z50793 Z50793 CHEMBL612549 Human Rhinovirus 72 1