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KAP3_BOVIN - CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Bovin | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Bovin (18 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 18 2 0 2
Binding ≤ 1μM 14 1 0 1

Reactome Network (0)

UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3 0 0 0
UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
KAP2_BOVIN P00515 CHEMBL3654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Bovin 14 4 4 4
KAPCA_BOVIN P00517 CHEMBL2654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Bovin 152 8 1 3
KAPCB_BOVIN P05131 CHEMBL3279 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Bovin 79 9 2 4

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCA_BOVIN P00517 CHEMBL2654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Bovin 17
KAPCB_BOVIN P05131 CHEMBL3279 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Bovin 17
AKT1_HUMAN P31749 CHEMBL4282 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT, Human 9
KAP2_BOVIN P00515 CHEMBL3654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Bovin 9
KPCA_RAT P05696 CHEMBL2855 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Rat 8
KPCB_RAT P68403 CHEMBL3020 Protein Kinase C Beta, Rat 8
KPCD_RAT P09215 CHEMBL3633 Protein Kinase C Delta, Rat 8
KPCE_RAT P09216 CHEMBL3424 Protein Kinase C Epsilon, Rat 8
KPCG_RAT P63319 CHEMBL3604 Protein Kinase C Gamma, Rat 8
KPCL_RAT Q64617 CHEMBL3990 Protein Kinase C Eta, Rat 8
KPCT_RAT Q9WTQ0 CHEMBL4563 Protein Kinase C Theta, Rat 8
KPCZ_RAT P09217 CHEMBL5379 Protein Kinase C Zeta, Rat 8
MYLK_HUMAN Q15746 CHEMBL2428 Myosin Light Chain Kinase, Smooth Muscle, Human 8
KGP1_BOVIN P00516 CHEMBL3183 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 1 Alpha, Bovin 7
KAPCA_HUMAN P17612 CHEMBL4101 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Human 2
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 2
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 2
AKT2_HUMAN P31751 CHEMBL2431 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT2, Human 1
AKT3_HUMAN Q9Y243 CHEMBL4816 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT3, Human 1
CDK2_HUMAN P24941 CHEMBL301 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2, Human 1
CSK_HUMAN P41240 CHEMBL2634 Tyrosine-protein Kinase CSK, Human 1
FER_HUMAN P16591 CHEMBL3982 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FER, Human 1
FGFR1_HUMAN P11362 CHEMBL3650 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1, Human 1
FGFR1_MOUSE P16092 CHEMBL3960 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1, Mouse 1
FGFR2_HUMAN P21802 CHEMBL4142 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 1
FGFR3_HUMAN P22607 CHEMBL2742 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3, Human 1
FGFR4_HUMAN P22455 CHEMBL3973 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4, Human 1
FYN_HUMAN P06241 CHEMBL1841 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FYN, Human 1
HCK_HUMAN P08631 CHEMBL3234 Tyrosine-protein Kinase HCK, Human 1
IKKB_HUMAN O14920 CHEMBL1991 Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Beta Subunit, Human 1
JAK1_HUMAN P23458 CHEMBL2835 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK1, Human 1
JAK1_MOUSE P52332 CHEMBL2968 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK1, Mouse 1
JAK2_HUMAN O60674 CHEMBL2971 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK2, Human 1
JAK3_HUMAN P52333 CHEMBL2148 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK3, Human 1
KGP1_HUMAN Q13976 CHEMBL4273 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 1 Beta, Human 1
KGP2_HUMAN Q13237 CHEMBL2896 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 2, Human 1
KPCA_HUMAN P17252 CHEMBL299 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Human 1
KS6A5_HUMAN O75582 CHEMBL4237 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 5, Human 1
KS6B1_HUMAN P23443 CHEMBL4501 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase 1, Human 1
MP2K1_HUMAN Q02750 CHEMBL3587 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1, Human 1
MP2K2_HUMAN P36507 CHEMBL2964 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2, Human 1
PGFRA_HUMAN P16234 CHEMBL2007 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Human 1
PGFRB_HUMAN P09619 CHEMBL1913 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Human 1
ROCK2_HUMAN O75116 CHEMBL2973 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 2, Human 1
ROCK2_RAT Q62868 CHEMBL5490 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 2, Rat 1
TYK2_HUMAN P29597 CHEMBL3553 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TYK2, Human 1
VGFR1_HUMAN P17948 CHEMBL1868 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1, Human 1
VGFR2_HUMAN P35968 CHEMBL279 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 1
VGFR3_HUMAN P35916 CHEMBL1955 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3, Human 1
Z104300 Z104300 CHEMBL1907606 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase; ERK1/ERK2 1