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KAPCA_HUMAN - CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Human | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Human (247 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 247 29 9 19
Binding ≤ 1μM 120 12 8 11
Functional ≤ 10μM 8 0 0 0
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

DARPP-32 events

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
CDK5_HUMAN Q00535 CHEMBL4036 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5, Human 4
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
ABL1_HUMAN P00519 CHEMBL1862 Tyrosine-protein Kinase ABL, Human 6
AKAP1_HUMAN Q92667 CHEMBL3678 Protein Kinase A Anchoring Protein 1, Human 12
CDK2_HUMAN P24941 CHEMBL301 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2, Human 41
CDK5_HUMAN Q00535 CHEMBL4036 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5, Human 4
JAK2_HUMAN O60674 CHEMBL2971 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK2, Human 4
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203
WEE1_HUMAN P30291 CHEMBL5491 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase WEE1, Human 1

Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203


Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)-mediated triacylglycerol hydrolysis

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

Interleukin-3, 5 and GM-CSF signaling

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
JAK2_HUMAN O60674 CHEMBL2971 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK2, Human 4
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203
PK3CA_HUMAN P42336 CHEMBL4005 PI3-kinase P110-alpha Subunit, Human 1
PK3CB_HUMAN P42338 CHEMBL3145 PI3-kinase P110-beta Subunit, Human 1
TEC_HUMAN P42680 CHEMBL4246 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TEC, Human 1

Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 15
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KC1D_HUMAN P48730 CHEMBL2828 Casein Kinase I Delta, Human 6
KC1E_HUMAN P49674 CHEMBL4937 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Human 6
NEK2_HUMAN P51955 CHEMBL3835 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK2, Human 1
PLK1_HUMAN P53350 CHEMBL3024 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK1, Human 1
PLK4_HUMAN O00444 CHEMBL3788 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK4, Human 2

Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the ce

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 15
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KC1D_HUMAN P48730 CHEMBL2828 Casein Kinase I Delta, Human 6
KC1E_HUMAN P49674 CHEMBL4937 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Human 6
NEK2_HUMAN P51955 CHEMBL3835 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK2, Human 1
PLK1_HUMAN P53350 CHEMBL3024 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK1, Human 1
PLK4_HUMAN O00444 CHEMBL3788 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK4, Human 2

PKA activation

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

PKA activation in glucagon signalling

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

PKA-mediated phosphorylation of CREB

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

PKA-mediated phosphorylation of key metabolic factors

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

Rap1 signalling

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203
RAF1_HUMAN P04049 CHEMBL1906 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RAF, Human 3

Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
CD11A_HUMAN Q9UQ88 CHEMBL5416 PITSLRE Serine/threonine-protein Kinase CDC2L2, Human 2
CD11B_HUMAN P21127 CHEMBL5808 PITSLRE Serine/threonine-protein Kinase CDC2L1, Human 2
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 15
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KC1D_HUMAN P48730 CHEMBL2828 Casein Kinase I Delta, Human 6
KC1E_HUMAN P49674 CHEMBL4937 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Human 6
NEK2_HUMAN P51955 CHEMBL3835 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK2, Human 1
PLK1_HUMAN P53350 CHEMBL3024 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK1, Human 1
PLK4_HUMAN O00444 CHEMBL3788 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK4, Human 2

Regulation of insulin secretion

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203

Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
AURKA_HUMAN O14965 CHEMBL4722 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Aurora-A, Human 3
CCNB1_HUMAN P14635 CHEMBL2412 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B1, Human 9
CCNB2_HUMAN O95067 CHEMBL3723 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B2, Human 9
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 15
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KC1D_HUMAN P48730 CHEMBL2828 Casein Kinase I Delta, Human 6
KC1E_HUMAN P49674 CHEMBL4937 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Human 6
NEK2_HUMAN P51955 CHEMBL3835 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK2, Human 1
PLK1_HUMAN P53350 CHEMBL3024 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK1, Human 1
PLK4_HUMAN O00444 CHEMBL3788 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK4, Human 2

Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203


Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
FAK1_HUMAN Q05397 CHEMBL2695 Focal Adhesion Kinase 1, Human 1
FAK2_HUMAN Q14289 CHEMBL5469 Protein Tyrosine Kinase 2 Beta, Human 2
FYN_HUMAN P06241 CHEMBL1841 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FYN, Human 5
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203
MAPK2_HUMAN P49137 CHEMBL2208 MAP Kinase-activated Protein Kinase 2, Human 2
MK11_HUMAN Q15759 CHEMBL3961 MAP Kinase P38 Beta, Human 3
MK12_HUMAN P53778 CHEMBL4674 MAP Kinase P38 Gamma, Human 3
MK13_HUMAN O15264 CHEMBL2939 MAP Kinase P38 Delta, Human 2
MK14_HUMAN Q16539 CHEMBL260 MAP Kinase P38 Alpha, Human 3
PAK2_HUMAN Q13177 CHEMBL4487 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK 2, Human 1
PK3CA_HUMAN P42336 CHEMBL4005 PI3-kinase P110-alpha Subunit, Human 1
PK3CB_HUMAN P42338 CHEMBL3145 PI3-kinase P110-beta Subunit, Human 1
ROCK1_HUMAN Q13464 CHEMBL3231 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 1, Human 16
ROCK2_HUMAN O75116 CHEMBL2973 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 2, Human 4
UFO_HUMAN P30530 CHEMBL4895 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor UFO, Human 3
VGFR2_HUMAN P35968 CHEMBL279 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 10
UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
KAPCA_BOVIN P00517 CHEMBL2654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Bovin 152 8 1 3
KAPCA_MOUSE P05132 CHEMBL4991 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Mouse 4 3 3 3
KAPCA_RAT P27791 CHEMBL3390 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Rat 5 3 3 1

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (3)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
KAPCA-1-E CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit (cluster #1 Of 4), Eukaryotic 394 28 12 17
KAPCA-2-E CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit (cluster #2 Of 4), Eukaryotic 13 9 1 6
KAPCA-3-E CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit (cluster #3 Of 4), Eukaryotic 1 1 1 1
KAPCA-4-E CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit (cluster #4 Of 4), Eukaryotic 1 1 1 0
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 206
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 203
KPCD_HUMAN Q05655 CHEMBL2996 Protein Kinase C Delta, Human 104
KPCG_HUMAN P05129 CHEMBL2938 Protein Kinase C Gamma, Human 103
KPCA_HUMAN P17252 CHEMBL299 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Human 102
KPCB_HUMAN P05771 CHEMBL3045 Protein Kinase C Beta, Human 102
KPCE_HUMAN Q02156 CHEMBL3582 Protein Kinase C Epsilon, Human 102
KPCL_HUMAN P24723 CHEMBL3616 Protein Kinase C Eta, Human 97
KPCZ_HUMAN Q05513 CHEMBL3438 Protein Kinase C Zeta, Human 49
KPCD1_HUMAN Q15139 CHEMBL3863 Protein Kinase C Mu, Human 43
KPCT_HUMAN Q04759 CHEMBL3920 Protein Kinase C Theta, Human 43
KPCD3_HUMAN O94806 CHEMBL2595 Protein Kinase C Nu, Human 42
CDK2_HUMAN P24941 CHEMBL301 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2, Human 41
KPCI_HUMAN P41743 CHEMBL2598 Protein Kinase C Iota, Human 41
Z104295 Z104295 CHEMBL1907601 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 4/cyclin D1 41
CCNE1_HUMAN P24864 CHEMBL3617 G1/S-specific Cyclin E1, Human 35
CCNE2_HUMAN O96020 CHEMBL2884 G1/S-specific Cyclin E2, Human 35
AKT1_HUMAN P31749 CHEMBL4282 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT, Human 34
EGFR_HUMAN P00533 CHEMBL203 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Human 33
PHKG1_HUMAN Q16816 CHEMBL4004 Phosphorylase Kinase Gamma Subunit 1, Human 33
PHKG2_HUMAN P15735 CHEMBL2349 Phosphorylase Kinase Gamma Subunit 2, Human 32
KAPCB_BOVIN P05131 CHEMBL3279 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Bovin 31
GSK3B_HUMAN P49841 CHEMBL262 Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Beta, Human 27
SRC_HUMAN P12931 CHEMBL267 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SRC, Human 27
AKT2_HUMAN P31751 CHEMBL2431 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT2, Human 23
KS6B1_HUMAN P23443 CHEMBL4501 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase 1, Human 21
KCC2A_HUMAN Q9UQM7 CHEMBL4147 CaM Kinase II Alpha, Human 18
AKT3_HUMAN Q9Y243 CHEMBL4816 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT3, Human 17
KAPCA_BOVIN P00517 CHEMBL2654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Bovin 17
KCC2B_HUMAN Q13554 CHEMBL4121 CaM Kinase II Beta, Human 17
KCC2D_HUMAN Q13557 CHEMBL2801 CaM Kinase II Delta, Human 16
KCC2G_HUMAN Q13555 CHEMBL3829 CaM Kinase II Gamma, Human 16
ROCK1_HUMAN Q13464 CHEMBL3231 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 1, Human 16
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 15
Q95J97_RABIT Q95J97 CHEMBL4885 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Rabit 15
AKAP1_HUMAN Q92667 CHEMBL3678 Protein Kinase A Anchoring Protein 1, Human 12
AKAP2_HUMAN Q9Y2D5 CHEMBL3899 Protein Kinase A Anchoring Protein 2, Human 12
KS6A5_HUMAN O75582 CHEMBL4237 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 5, Human 12
VGFR2_HUMAN P35968 CHEMBL279 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 10
CCNB1_HUMAN P14635 CHEMBL2412 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B1, Human 9
CCNB2_HUMAN O95067 CHEMBL3723 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B2, Human 9
CCNB3_HUMAN Q8WWL7 CHEMBL3606 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B3, Human 9
KGP2_HUMAN Q13237 CHEMBL2896 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 2, Human 9
KS6A4_HUMAN O75676 CHEMBL3125 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 4, Human 9
KS6A6_HUMAN Q9UK32 CHEMBL4924 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 6, Human 9
PGFRB_HUMAN P09619 CHEMBL1913 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Human 9
KGP1_HUMAN Q13976 CHEMBL4273 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 1 Beta, Human 8
KS6A1_HUMAN Q15418 CHEMBL2553 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 1, Human 8
KS6A2_HUMAN Q15349 CHEMBL3906 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 2, Human 8
KS6A3_HUMAN P51812 CHEMBL2345 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 3, Human 8
KIT_HUMAN P10721 CHEMBL1936 Stem Cell Growth Factor Receptor, Human 7
KPCA_RAT P05696 CHEMBL2855 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Rat 7
KPCB_RAT P68403 CHEMBL3020 Protein Kinase C Beta, Rat 7
KPCD_RAT P09215 CHEMBL3633 Protein Kinase C Delta, Rat 7
KPCE_RAT P09216 CHEMBL3424 Protein Kinase C Epsilon, Rat 7
KPCG_RAT P63319 CHEMBL3604 Protein Kinase C Gamma, Rat 7
KPCL_RAT Q64617 CHEMBL3990 Protein Kinase C Eta, Rat 7
KPCT_RAT Q9WTQ0 CHEMBL4563 Protein Kinase C Theta, Rat 7
KPCZ_RAT P09217 CHEMBL5379 Protein Kinase C Zeta, Rat 7
LCK_HUMAN P06239 CHEMBL258 Tyrosine-protein Kinase LCK, Human 7
ABL1_HUMAN P00519 CHEMBL1862 Tyrosine-protein Kinase ABL, Human 6
CHK1_HUMAN O14757 CHEMBL4630 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Chk1, Human 6
CLK1_HUMAN P49759 CHEMBL4224 Dual Specificty Protein Kinase CLK1, Human 6
CSK21_HUMAN P68400 CHEMBL3629 Casein Kinase II Alpha, Human 6
FGFR1_HUMAN P11362 CHEMBL3650 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1, Human 6
GSK3A_HUMAN P49840 CHEMBL2850 Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Alpha, Human 6
INSR_HUMAN P06213 CHEMBL1981 Insulin Receptor, Human 6
KC1D_HUMAN P48730 CHEMBL2828 Casein Kinase I Delta, Human 6
KC1E_HUMAN P49674 CHEMBL4937 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Human 6
KS6B2_HUMAN Q9UBS0 CHEMBL3111 Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase 2, Human 6
MYLK_HUMAN Q15746 CHEMBL2428 Myosin Light Chain Kinase, Smooth Muscle, Human 6
PGFRA_HUMAN P16234 CHEMBL2007 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Human 6
AURKC_HUMAN Q9UQB9 CHEMBL3935 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Aurora-C, Human 5
CCNA1_HUMAN P78396 CHEMBL3609 Cyclin A1, Human 5
CCNA2_HUMAN P20248 CHEMBL2582 Cyclin A2, Human 5
FGFR2_HUMAN P21802 CHEMBL4142 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 5
FLT3_HUMAN P36888 CHEMBL1974 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor FLT3, Human 5
FYN_HUMAN P06241 CHEMBL1841 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FYN, Human 5
JAK3_HUMAN P52333 CHEMBL2148 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK3, Human 5
KC1G2_HUMAN P78368 CHEMBL2543 Casein Kinase I Gamma 2, Human 5
LATS2_HUMAN Q9NRM7 CHEMBL5907 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase LATS2, Human 5
MK01_HUMAN P28482 CHEMBL4040 MAP Kinase ERK2, Human 5
MK08_HUMAN P45983 CHEMBL2276 C-Jun N-terminal Kinase 1, Human 5
MK09_HUMAN P45984 CHEMBL4179 C-Jun N-terminal Kinase 2, Human 5
SLK_HUMAN Q9H2G2 CHEMBL4202 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 2, Human 5
VGFR3_HUMAN P35916 CHEMBL1955 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3, Human 5
Z104294 Z104294 CHEMBL1907600 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5/CDK5 Activator 1 5
Z80840 Z80840 CHEMBL614490 ER22 Cell Line 5
CDK5_HUMAN Q00535 CHEMBL4036 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5, Human 4
CDK9_HUMAN P50750 CHEMBL3116 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 9, Human 4
CLK4_HUMAN Q9HAZ1 CHEMBL4203 Dual Specificity Protein Kinase CLK4, Human 4
CSK22_HUMAN P19784 CHEMBL4070 Casein Kinase II Alpha (prime), Human 4
CSK2B_HUMAN P67870 CHEMBL2358 Casein Kinase II Beta, Human 4
CSK_HUMAN P41240 CHEMBL2634 Tyrosine-protein Kinase CSK, Human 4
CTRO_HUMAN O14578 CHEMBL5579 Citron Rho-interacting Kinase, Human 4
DDR1_HUMAN Q08345 CHEMBL5319 Epithelial Discoidin Domain-containing Receptor 1, Human 4
DDR2_HUMAN Q16832 CHEMBL5122 Discoidin Domain-containing Receptor 2, Human 4
EPHA6_HUMAN Q9UF33 CHEMBL4526 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 6, Human 4
FGFR4_HUMAN P22455 CHEMBL3973 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4, Human 4
FRK_HUMAN P42685 CHEMBL4223 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FRK, Human 4
GAK_HUMAN O14976 CHEMBL4355 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase GAK, Human 4
HCK_HUMAN P08631 CHEMBL3234 Tyrosine-protein Kinase HCK, Human 4
JAK2_HUMAN O60674 CHEMBL2971 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK2, Human 4
KC1A_HUMAN P48729 CHEMBL2793 Casein Kinase I Alpha, Human 4
KC1G1_HUMAN Q9HCP0 CHEMBL2426 Casein Kinase I Gamma 1, Human 4
KCC1A_HUMAN Q14012 CHEMBL2493 CaM Kinase I Alpha, Human 4
KCC4_HUMAN Q16566 CHEMBL2494 CaM Kinase IV, Human 4
M4K1_HUMAN Q92918 CHEMBL5749 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase 1, Human 4
M4K3_HUMAN Q8IVH8 CHEMBL5432 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase 3, Human 4
M4K5_HUMAN Q9Y4K4 CHEMBL4852 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase 5, Human 4
MET_HUMAN P08581 CHEMBL3717 Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Human 4
MK03_HUMAN P27361 CHEMBL3385 MAP Kinase ERK1, Human 4
MK10_HUMAN P53779 CHEMBL2637 C-Jun N-terminal Kinase 3, Human 4
MK15_HUMAN Q8TD08 CHEMBL5198 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase 15, Human 4
NTRK1_HUMAN P04629 CHEMBL2815 Nerve Growth Factor Receptor Trk-A, Human 4
RET_HUMAN P07949 CHEMBL2041 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor RET, Human 4
RIPK2_HUMAN O43353 CHEMBL5014 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RIPK2, Human 4
ROCK2_HUMAN O75116 CHEMBL2973 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 2, Human 4
STK10_HUMAN O94804 CHEMBL3981 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 10, Human 4
STK33_HUMAN Q9BYT3 CHEMBL6005 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 33, Human 4
STK3_HUMAN Q13188 CHEMBL4708 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MST2, Human 4
TNIK_HUMAN Q9UKE5 CHEMBL4527 TRAF2- And NCK-interacting Kinase, Human 4
VGFR1_HUMAN P17948 CHEMBL1868 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1, Human 4
VGFR2_MOUSE P35918 CHEMBL3337 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2, Mouse 4
ALK_HUMAN Q9UM73 CHEMBL4247 ALK Tyrosine Kinase Receptor, Human 3
AURKA_HUMAN O14965 CHEMBL4722 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Aurora-A, Human 3
AURKB_HUMAN Q96GD4 CHEMBL2185 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Aurora-B, Human 3
CDK16_HUMAN Q00536 CHEMBL4597 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PCTAIRE-1, Human 3
CDK19_HUMAN Q9BWU1 CHEMBL6002 Cell Division Cycle 2-like Protein Kinase 6, Human 3
CDK7_HUMAN P50613 CHEMBL3055 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 7, Human 3
CDK8_HUMAN P49336 CHEMBL5719 Cell Division Protein Kinase 8, Human 3
CLK2_HUMAN P49760 CHEMBL4225 Dual Specificity Protein Kinase CLK2, Human 3
CSF1R_HUMAN P07333 CHEMBL1844 Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Human 3
CSK21_RAT P19139 CHEMBL2661 Casein Kinase II Alpha, Rat 3
CSK2B_RAT P67874 CHEMBL2463 Casein Kinase II Beta, Rat 3
DAPK3_HUMAN O43293 CHEMBL2468 Death-associated Protein Kinase 3, Human 3
E2AK2_HUMAN P19525 CHEMBL5785 Interferon-induced, Double-stranded RNA-activated Protein Kinase, Human 3
EPHA3_HUMAN P29320 CHEMBL4954 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 3, Human 3
FER_HUMAN P16591 CHEMBL3982 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FER, Human 3
FGFR3_HUMAN P22607 CHEMBL2742 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3, Human 3
INSRR_HUMAN P14616 CHEMBL5483 Insulin Receptor-related Protein, Human 3
KAP0_HUMAN P10644 CHEMBL4928 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP1_HUMAN P31321 CHEMBL2320 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type I-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP2_BOVIN P00515 CHEMBL3654 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Bovin 3
KAP2_HUMAN P13861 CHEMBL2221 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-alpha Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KAP3_HUMAN P31323 CHEMBL2270 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Human 3
KKCC1_HUMAN Q8N5S9 CHEMBL5256 CaM-kinase Kinase Alpha, Human 3
KKCC2_HUMAN Q96RR4 CHEMBL5284 CaM-kinase Kinase Beta, Human 3
KPCD2_HUMAN Q9BZL6 CHEMBL4900 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase D2, Human 3
LATS1_HUMAN O95835 CHEMBL6167 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase LATS1, Human 3
LTK_HUMAN P29376 CHEMBL5627 Leukocyte Tyrosine Kinase Receptor, Human 3
MERTK_HUMAN Q12866 CHEMBL5331 Proto-oncogene Tyrosine-protein Kinase MER, Human 3
MK11_HUMAN Q15759 CHEMBL3961 MAP Kinase P38 Beta, Human 3
MK12_HUMAN P53778 CHEMBL4674 MAP Kinase P38 Gamma, Human 3
MK14_HUMAN Q16539 CHEMBL260 MAP Kinase P38 Alpha, Human 3
MKNK1_HUMAN Q9BUB5 CHEMBL4718 MAP Kinase-interacting Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MNK1, Human 3
MKNK2_HUMAN Q9HBH9 CHEMBL4204 MAP Kinase Signal-integrating Kinase 2, Human 3
MP2K2_HUMAN P36507 CHEMBL2964 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2, Human 3
MUSK_HUMAN O15146 CHEMBL5684 Muscle, Skeletal Receptor Tyrosine Protein Kinase, Human 3
MYLK2_HUMAN Q9H1R3 CHEMBL2777 Myosin Light Chain Kinase 2, Human 3
NLK_HUMAN Q9UBE8 CHEMBL5364 Serine/threonine Protein Kinase NLK, Human 3
NTRK2_HUMAN Q16620 CHEMBL4898 Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2, Human 3
NTRK3_HUMAN Q16288 CHEMBL5608 NT-3 Growth Factor Receptor, Human 3
PAK4_HUMAN O96013 CHEMBL4482 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK 4, Human 3
PKN1_HUMAN Q16512 CHEMBL3384 Protein Kinase N1, Human 3
PKN2_HUMAN Q16513 CHEMBL3032 Protein Kinase N2, Human 3
RAF1_HUMAN P04049 CHEMBL1906 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RAF, Human 3
ST32B_HUMAN Q9NY57 CHEMBL5912 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 32B, Human 3
STK36_HUMAN Q9NRP7 CHEMBL4312 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 36, Human 3
STK4_HUMAN Q13043 CHEMBL4598 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MST1, Human 3
TIE1_HUMAN P35590 CHEMBL5274 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor Tie-1, Human 3
TIE2_HUMAN Q02763 CHEMBL4128 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TIE-2, Human 3
TTK_HUMAN P33981 CHEMBL3983 Dual Specificity Protein Kinase TTK, Human 3
TYK2_HUMAN P29597 CHEMBL3553 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TYK2, Human 3
UFO_HUMAN P30530 CHEMBL4895 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor UFO, Human 3
Z104300 Z104300 CHEMBL1907606 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase; ERK1/ERK2 3
AAK1_HUMAN Q2M2I8 CHEMBL3830 Adaptor-associated Kinase, Human 2
AAPK1_HUMAN Q13131 CHEMBL4045 AMP-activated Protein Kinase, Alpha-1 Subunit, Human 2
ABL2_HUMAN P42684 CHEMBL4014 Tyrosine-protein Kinase ABL2, Human 2
ACV1B_HUMAN P36896 CHEMBL5310 Activin Receptor Type-1B, Human 2
ANKK1_HUMAN Q8NFD2 CHEMBL5547 Ankyrin Repeat And Protein Kinase Domain-containing Protein 1, Human 2
AVR2B_HUMAN Q13705 CHEMBL5466 Activin Receptor Type-2B, Human 2
BLK_HUMAN P51451 CHEMBL2250 Tyrosine-protein Kinase BLK, Human 2
BMP2K_HUMAN Q9NSY1 CHEMBL4522 BMP-2-inducible Protein Kinase, Human 2
BRAF_HUMAN P15056 CHEMBL5145 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase B-raf, Human 2
CD11A_HUMAN Q9UQ88 CHEMBL5416 PITSLRE Serine/threonine-protein Kinase CDC2L2, Human 2
CD11B_HUMAN P21127 CHEMBL5808 PITSLRE Serine/threonine-protein Kinase CDC2L1, Human 2
CDC7_HUMAN O00311 CHEMBL5443 Cell Division Cycle 7-related Protein Kinase, Human 2
CDK14_HUMAN O94921 CHEMBL6162 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PFTAIRE-1, Human 2
CDK17_HUMAN Q00537 CHEMBL5790 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PCTAIRE-2, Human 2
CDK18_HUMAN Q07002 CHEMBL5316 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PCTAIRE-3, Human 2
CDK1_YEAST P00546 CHEMBL5213 Cell Division Control Protein 28, Yeast 2
CDK3_HUMAN Q00526 CHEMBL4442 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 3, Human 2
CDK4_HUMAN P11802 CHEMBL331 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 4, Human 2
CHK2_HUMAN O96017 CHEMBL2527 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Chk2, Human 2
DAPK1_HUMAN P53355 CHEMBL2558 Death-associated Protein Kinase 1, Human 2
DAPK2_HUMAN Q9UIK4 CHEMBL3123 Death-associated Protein Kinase 2, Human 2
DMPK_HUMAN Q09013 CHEMBL5320 Myotonin-protein Kinase, Human 2
DYR1A_RAT Q63470 CHEMBL5508 Dual Specificity Tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated Kinase 1A, Rat 2
DYR1B_HUMAN Q9Y463 CHEMBL5543 Dual Specificity Tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated Kinase 1B, Human 2
EPHA2_HUMAN P29317 CHEMBL2068 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 2, Human 2
EPHA4_HUMAN P54764 CHEMBL3988 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 4, Human 2
EPHA5_HUMAN P54756 CHEMBL3987 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 5, Human 2
EPHA7_HUMAN Q15375 CHEMBL4602 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 7, Human 2
EPHA8_HUMAN P29322 CHEMBL4134 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 8, Human 2
EPHB1_HUMAN P54762 CHEMBL5072 Ephrin Type-B Receptor 1, Human 2
EPHB2_HUMAN P29323 CHEMBL3290 Ephrin Type-B Receptor 2, Human 2
EPHB3_HUMAN P54753 CHEMBL4901 Ephrin Type-B Receptor 3, Human 2
EPHB4_HUMAN P54760 CHEMBL5147 Ephrin Type-B Receptor 4, Human 2
FAK2_HUMAN Q14289 CHEMBL5469 Protein Tyrosine Kinase 2 Beta, Human 2
FES_HUMAN P07332 CHEMBL5455 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FES, Human 2
FGR_HUMAN P09769 CHEMBL4454 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FGR, Human 2
IKKB_HUMAN O14920 CHEMBL1991 Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Beta Subunit, Human 2
ITK_HUMAN Q08881 CHEMBL2959 Tyrosine-protein Kinase ITK/TSK, Human 2
KAP3_BOVIN P31322 CHEMBL3280 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Type II-beta Regulatory Subunit, Bovin 2
KC1AL_HUMAN Q8N752 CHEMBL5520 Casein Kinase I Isoform Alpha-like, Human 2
KCC1D_HUMAN Q8IU85 CHEMBL5073 CaM Kinase I Delta, Human 2
KCC2A_MOUSE P11798 CHEMBL3347 CaM Kinase II Alpha, Mouse 2
KCC2B_MOUSE P28652 CHEMBL4735 CaM Kinase II Beta, Mouse 2
KCC2G_MOUSE Q923T9 CHEMBL4456 CaM Kinase II Gamma, Mouse 2
KPB1_HUMAN P46020 CHEMBL2905 Phosphorylase Kinase Alpha M Subunit, Human 2
KPB2_HUMAN P46019 CHEMBL2906 Phosphorylase Kinase Alpha L Subunit, Human 2
KPBB_HUMAN Q93100 CHEMBL3844 Phosphorylase Kinase Beta Subunit, Human 2
KSYK_HUMAN P43405 CHEMBL2599 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SYK, Human 2
LIMK2_HUMAN P53671 CHEMBL5932 LIM Domain Kinase 2, Human 2
LYN_HUMAN P07948 CHEMBL3905 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Lyn, Human 2
M3K9_HUMAN P80192 CHEMBL2872 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 9, Human 2
M4K4_HUMAN O95819 CHEMBL6166 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase 4, Human 2
MAPK2_HUMAN P49137 CHEMBL2208 MAP Kinase-activated Protein Kinase 2, Human 2
MARK2_HUMAN Q7KZI7 CHEMBL3831 MAP/microtubule Affinity-regulating Kinase 2, Human 2
MELK_HUMAN Q14680 CHEMBL4578 Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase, Human 2
MK13_HUMAN O15264 CHEMBL2939 MAP Kinase P38 Delta, Human 2
MLTK_HUMAN Q9NYL2 CHEMBL3886 Mixed Lineage Kinase 7, Human 2
MP2K1_HUMAN Q02750 CHEMBL3587 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1, Human 2
MP2K4_HUMAN P45985 CHEMBL2897 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 4, Human 2
MRCKB_HUMAN Q9Y5S2 CHEMBL5052 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MRCK Beta, Human 2
MRCKG_HUMAN Q6DT37 CHEMBL5615 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MRCK Gamma, Human 2
MST4_HUMAN Q9P289 CHEMBL5941 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MST4, Human 2
MYO3A_HUMAN Q8NEV4 CHEMBL5546 Myosin IIIA, Human 2
MYO3B_HUMAN Q8WXR4 CHEMBL5654 Myosin-IIIB, Human 2
NEK5_HUMAN Q6P3R8 CHEMBL5044 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Nek5, Human 2
NUAK1_HUMAN O60285 CHEMBL5784 NUAK Family SNF1-like Kinase 1, Human 2
NUAK2_HUMAN Q9H093 CHEMBL5698 NUAK Family SNF1-like Kinase 2, Human 2
P90584_PLAFA P90584 CHEMBL4090 Protein Kinase Pfmrk, Plafa 2
PDPK1_HUMAN O15530 CHEMBL2534 3-phosphoinositide Dependent Protein Kinase-1, Human 2
PGFRA_RAT P20786 CHEMBL2513 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Rat 2
PI42B_HUMAN P78356 CHEMBL5667 Phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase Type-2 Beta, Human 2
PI51A_HUMAN Q99755 CHEMBL5969 Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase Type-1 Alpha, Human 2
PIM1_HUMAN P11309 CHEMBL2147 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PIM1, Human 2
PIM2_HUMAN Q9P1W9 CHEMBL4523 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PIM2, Human 2
PIM3_HUMAN Q86V86 CHEMBL5407 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PIM3, Human 2
PLK3_HUMAN Q9H4B4 CHEMBL4897 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK3, Human 2
PLK4_HUMAN O00444 CHEMBL3788 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK4, Human 2
PTK6_HUMAN Q13882 CHEMBL4601 Tyrosine-protein Kinase BRK, Human 2
Q17066_ASTPE Q17066 CHEMBL5124 Cdc2, Astpe 2
RIOK1_HUMAN Q9BRS2 CHEMBL5975 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RIO1, Human 2
RIPK1_HUMAN Q13546 CHEMBL5464 Receptor-interacting Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 1, Human 2
ROCK2_RAT Q62868 CHEMBL5490 Rho-associated Protein Kinase 2, Rat 2
ROS1_HUMAN P08922 CHEMBL5568 Proto-oncogene Tyrosine-protein Kinase ROS, Human 2
SIK1_HUMAN P57059 CHEMBL6082 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase SIK1, Human 2
SRMS_HUMAN Q9H3Y6 CHEMBL5703 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Srms, Human 2
STK25_HUMAN O00506 CHEMBL5552 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 25, Human 2
STK3_MOUSE Q9JI10 CHEMBL4310 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MST2, Mouse 2
TBA1A_RAT P68370 CHEMBL4139 Tubulin Alpha-1 Chain, Rat 2
TESK1_HUMAN Q15569 CHEMBL5604 Dual Specificity Testis-specific Protein Kinase 1, Human 2
TNI3K_HUMAN Q59H18 CHEMBL5260 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase TNNI3K, Human 2
TNK1_HUMAN Q13470 CHEMBL5334 Non-receptor Tyrosine-protein Kinase TNK1, Human 2
YES_HUMAN P07947 CHEMBL2073 Tyrosine-protein Kinase YES, Human 2
AAPK2_HUMAN P54646 CHEMBL2116 AMP-activated Protein Kinase, Alpha-2 Subunit, Human 1
ACK1_HUMAN Q07912 CHEMBL4599 Tyrosine Kinase Non-receptor Protein 2, Human 1
ACVR1_HUMAN Q04771 CHEMBL5903 Activin Receptor Type-1, Human 1
ADCK4_HUMAN Q96D53 CHEMBL5753 Uncharacterized AarF Domain-containing Protein Kinase 4, Human 1
ARBK1_HUMAN P25098 CHEMBL4079 G-protein Coupled Receptor Kinase 2, Human 1
ARBK2_HUMAN P35626 CHEMBL1075166 Beta-adrenergic Receptor Kinase 2, Human 1
BLK_MOUSE P16277 CHEMBL3343 Tyrosine-protein Kinase BLK, Mouse 1
BMPR2_HUMAN Q13873 CHEMBL5467 Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type-2, Human 1
BMR1A_HUMAN P36894 CHEMBL5275 Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type-1A, Human 1
BMX_HUMAN P51813 CHEMBL3834 Tyrosine-protein Kinase BMX, Human 1
BRSK1_HUMAN Q8TDC3 CHEMBL5650 BR Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 1, Human 1
BRSK2_HUMAN Q8IWQ3 CHEMBL4574 BR Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 2, Human 1
BTK_HUMAN Q06187 CHEMBL5251 Tyrosine-protein Kinase BTK, Human 1
CAH14_HUMAN Q9ULX7 CHEMBL3510 Carbonic Anhydrase XIV, Human 1
CAH1_HUMAN P00915 CHEMBL261 Carbonic Anhydrase I, Human 1
CAH2_HUMAN P00918 CHEMBL205 Carbonic Anhydrase II, Human 1
CAH4_HUMAN P22748 CHEMBL3729 Carbonic Anhydrase IV, Human 1
CAH5A_HUMAN P35218 CHEMBL4789 Carbonic Anhydrase VA, Human 1
CAH6_HUMAN P23280 CHEMBL3025 Carbonic Anhydrase VI, Human 1
CAH7_HUMAN P43166 CHEMBL2326 Carbonic Anhydrase VII, Human 1
CAH9_HUMAN Q16790 CHEMBL3594 Carbonic Anhydrase IX, Human 1
CCL2_HUMAN P13500 CHEMBL1649052 C-C Motif Chemokine 2, Human 1
CCNB_MARGL P15206 CHEMBL4260 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B, Margl 1
CDK1_MOUSE P11440 CHEMBL4084 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Mouse 1
CDK6_HUMAN Q00534 CHEMBL2508 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 6, Human 1
CLK3_HUMAN P49761 CHEMBL4226 Dual Specificity Protein Kinase CLK3, Human 1
DCLK1_HUMAN O15075 CHEMBL5683 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase DCLK1, Human 1
DCLK2_HUMAN Q8N568 CHEMBL5519 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase DCLK2, Human 1
DCLK3_HUMAN Q9C098 CHEMBL6123 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase DCLK3, Human 1
E2AK4_HUMAN Q9P2K8 CHEMBL5358 Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2-alpha Kinase 4, Human 1
EPHA1_HUMAN P21709 CHEMBL5810 Ephrin Type-A Receptor 1, Human 1
ERBB2_HUMAN P04626 CHEMBL1824 Receptor Protein-tyrosine Kinase ErbB-2, Human 1
ERBB4_HUMAN Q15303 CHEMBL3009 Receptor Protein-tyrosine Kinase ErbB-4, Human 1
ERG1_RAT P52020 CHEMBL4241 Squalene Monooxygenase, Rat 1
FAK1_HUMAN Q05397 CHEMBL2695 Focal Adhesion Kinase 1, Human 1
FGFR1_MOUSE P16092 CHEMBL3960 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1, Mouse 1
FGR_RAT Q6P6U0 CHEMBL4362 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FGR, Rat 1
GRK4_HUMAN P32298 CHEMBL5861 G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 4, Human 1
GRK5_HUMAN P34947 CHEMBL5678 G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 5, Human 1
GRK6_HUMAN P43250 CHEMBL6144 G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 6, Human 1
GRK7_HUMAN Q8WTQ7 CHEMBL1075133 G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 7, Human 1
HIPK1_HUMAN Q86Z02 CHEMBL5427 Homeodomain-interacting Protein Kinase 1, Human 1
IGF1R_HUMAN P08069 CHEMBL1957 Insulin-like Growth Factor I Receptor, Human 1
IKKA_HUMAN O15111 CHEMBL3476 Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Alpha Subunit, Human 1
IKKE_HUMAN Q14164 CHEMBL3529 Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Epsilon Subunit, Human 1
INSR_MOUSE P15208 CHEMBL3187 Insulin Receptor, Mouse 1
IRAK3_HUMAN Q9Y616 CHEMBL5081 Interleukin-1 Receptor-associated Kinase 3, Human 1
IRAK4_HUMAN Q9NWZ3 CHEMBL3778 Interleukin-1 Receptor-associated Kinase 4, Human 1
JAK1_HUMAN P23458 CHEMBL2835 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK1, Human 1
JAK1_MOUSE P52332 CHEMBL2968 Tyrosine-protein Kinase JAK1, Mouse 1
KAPCA_MOUSE P05132 CHEMBL4991 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Mouse 1
KAPCA_RAT P27791 CHEMBL3390 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Rat 1
KAPCB_MOUSE P68181 CHEMBL2481 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Mouse 1
KC1A_MOUSE Q8BK63 CHEMBL5148 Casein Kinase I Alpha, Mouse 1
KC1D_MOUSE Q9DC28 CHEMBL5175 Casein Kinase I Delta, Mouse 1
KC1E_MOUSE Q9JMK2 CHEMBL5140 Casein Kinase I Epsilon, Mouse 1
KC1G1_MOUSE Q8BTH8 CHEMBL4455 Casein Kinase I Gamma 1, Mouse 1
KC1G3_HUMAN Q9Y6M4 CHEMBL5084 Casein Kinase I Isoform Gamma-3, Human 1
KCC1G_HUMAN Q96NX5 CHEMBL5258 CaM Kinase I Gamma, Human 1
KCC2A_RAT P11275 CHEMBL2359 CaM Kinase II Alpha, Rat 1
KGP1_BOVIN P00516 CHEMBL3183 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase 1 Alpha, Bovin 1
KSYK_RAT Q64725 CHEMBL4364 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SYK, Rat 1
LCK_MOUSE P06240 CHEMBL2480 Tyrosine-protein Kinase LCK, Mouse 1
LIMK1_HUMAN P53667 CHEMBL3836 LIM Domain Kinase 1, Human 1
LYN_RAT Q07014 CHEMBL4363 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Lyn, Rat 1
M3K10_HUMAN Q02779 CHEMBL2873 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 10, Human 1
M3K11_HUMAN Q16584 CHEMBL2708 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 11, Human 1
M3K14_HUMAN Q99558 CHEMBL5888 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 14, Human 1
M3K4_HUMAN Q9Y6R4 CHEMBL4853 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 4, Human 1
M3K5_HUMAN Q99683 CHEMBL5285 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 5, Human 1
M3K7_HUMAN O43318 CHEMBL5776 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 7, Human 1
MARK1_HUMAN Q9P0L2 CHEMBL5940 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MARK1, Human 1
MARK3_HUMAN P27448 CHEMBL5600 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase C-TAK1, Human 1
MARK4_HUMAN Q96L34 CHEMBL5754 MAP/microtubule Affinity-regulating Kinase 4, Human 1
MINK1_HUMAN Q8N4C8 CHEMBL5518 Misshapen-like Kinase 1, Human 1
MK07_HUMAN Q13164 CHEMBL5332 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase 7, Human 1
MP2K3_HUMAN P46734 CHEMBL2109 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3, Human 1
MP2K6_HUMAN P52564 CHEMBL2171 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 6, Human 1
MRCKA_HUMAN Q5VT25 CHEMBL4516 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase MRCK-A, Human 1
MTOR_HUMAN P42345 CHEMBL2842 FK506 Binding Protein 12, Human 1
MYLK3_HUMAN Q32MK0 CHEMBL4627 Myosin Light Chain Kinase, Human 1
MYLK4_HUMAN Q86YV6 CHEMBL5426 Myosin Light Chain Kinase Family Member 4, Human 1
MYLK_CHICK P11799 CHEMBL3062 Myosin Light Chain Kinase, Smooth Muscle, Chick 1
NEK1_HUMAN Q96PY6 CHEMBL5855 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Nek1, Human 1
NEK2_HUMAN P51955 CHEMBL3835 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK2, Human 1
NEK7_HUMAN Q8TDX7 CHEMBL4849 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK7, Human 1
NEK9_HUMAN Q8TD19 CHEMBL5257 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase NEK9, Human 1
NOX4_HUMAN Q9NPH5 CHEMBL1250375 NADPH Oxidase 4, Human 1
P3C2B_HUMAN O00750 CHEMBL5554 Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 Domain-containing Beta Polypeptide, Human 1
PAK1_HUMAN Q13153 CHEMBL4600 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK 1, Human 1
PAK2_HUMAN Q13177 CHEMBL4487 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK 2, Human 1
PAK3_HUMAN O75914 CHEMBL2999 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK 3, Human 1
PAK6_HUMAN Q9NQU5 CHEMBL4311 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK6, Human 1
PAK7_HUMAN Q9P286 CHEMBL4524 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PAK7, Human 1
PDK1_HUMAN Q15118 CHEMBL4766 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isoform 1, Human 1
PGFRA_MOUSE P26618 CHEMBL3466 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Mouse 1
PGFRB_MOUSE P05622 CHEMBL2749 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Mouse 1
PK3CA_BOVIN P32871 CHEMBL2498 PI3-kinase P110-alpha Subunit, Bovin 1
PK3CA_HUMAN P42336 CHEMBL4005 PI3-kinase P110-alpha Subunit, Human 1
PK3CB_HUMAN P42338 CHEMBL3145 PI3-kinase P110-beta Subunit, Human 1
PK3CG_HUMAN P48736 CHEMBL3267 PI3-kinase P110-gamma Subunit, Human 1
PLK1_HUMAN P53350 CHEMBL3024 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK1, Human 1
PLK2_HUMAN Q9NYY3 CHEMBL5938 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PLK2, Human 1
PRKX_HUMAN P51817 CHEMBL5818 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PRKX, Human 1
Q7ZJM1_9HIV1 Q7ZJM1 CHEMBL3471 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase, 9hiv1 1
Q8MMZ8_EIMTE Q8MMZ8 CHEMBL5036 CGMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Eimte 1
Q9BJF5_TOXGO Q9BJF5 CHEMBL1781862 Calmodulin-domain Protein Kinase 1, Toxgo 1
RIOK3_HUMAN O14730 CHEMBL5659 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RIO3, Human 1
RK_HUMAN Q15835 CHEMBL5607 Rhodopsin Kinase, Human 1
SIK2_HUMAN Q9H0K1 CHEMBL5699 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase SIK2, Human 1
SRC_CHICK P00523 CHEMBL3655 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SRC, Chick 1
SRPK1_HUMAN Q96SB4 CHEMBL4375 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase SRPK1, Human 1
SRPK2_HUMAN P78362 CHEMBL5668 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase SRPK2, Human 1
ST17A_HUMAN Q9UEE5 CHEMBL4525 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 17A, Human 1
ST17B_HUMAN O94768 CHEMBL3980 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 17B, Human 1
ST32C_HUMAN Q86UX6 CHEMBL5405 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 32C, Human 1
ST38L_HUMAN Q9Y2H1 CHEMBL4851 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 38-like, Human 1
STK11_HUMAN Q15831 CHEMBL5606 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 11, Human 1
STK16_HUMAN O75716 CHEMBL3938 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 16, Human 1
STK24_HUMAN Q9Y6E0 CHEMBL5082 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 24, Human 1
SYK_HUMAN Q15046 CHEMBL5575 Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase, Human 1
TAB1_HUMAN Q15750 CHEMBL5605 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 7-interacting Protein 1, Human 1
TEC_HUMAN P42680 CHEMBL4246 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TEC, Human 1
TGFR1_HUMAN P36897 CHEMBL4439 TGF-beta Receptor Type I, Human 1
TGFR2_HUMAN P37173 CHEMBL4267 TGF-beta Receptor Type II, Human 1
TLK1_HUMAN Q9UKI8 CHEMBL5388 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Tousled-like 1, Human 1
TLK2_HUMAN Q86UE8 CHEMBL5404 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Tousled-like 2, Human 1
TSSK1_HUMAN Q9BXA7 CHEMBL6003 Testis-specific Serine/threonine-protein Kinase 1, Human 1
TXK_HUMAN P42681 CHEMBL4367 Tyrosine-protein Kinase TXK, Human 1
TYRO3_HUMAN Q06418 CHEMBL5314 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor TYRO3, Human 1
ULK3_MOUSE Q3U3Q1 CHEMBL3832 ULK3 Kinase, Mouse 1
VGFR1_MOUSE P35969 CHEMBL3516 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1, Mouse 1
VGFR3_MOUSE P35917 CHEMBL4758 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3, Mouse 1
WEE1_HUMAN P30291 CHEMBL5491 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase WEE1, Human 1
ZAP70_HUMAN P43403 CHEMBL2803 Tyrosine-protein Kinase ZAP-70, Human 1