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Q7ZJM1_9HIV1 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase, 9hiv1 | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase, 9hiv1 (464 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 464 78 45 16
Binding ≤ 1μM 228 27 21 9
Functional ≤ 10μM 20 0 1 0

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (5)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Q7ZJM1-1-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #1 Of 6), Viral 417 69 34 18
Q7ZJM1-2-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #2 Of 6), Viral 1 1 0 0
Q7ZJM1-3-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #3 Of 6), Viral 7 2 0 0
Q7ZJM1-4-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #4 Of 6), Viral 1 1 1 0
Q7ZJM1-5-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #5 Of 6), Viral 69 10 13 0
Q7ZJM1-6-V Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase (cluster #6 Of 6), Viral 0 0 0 0
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
PIM1_HUMAN P11309 CHEMBL2147 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase PIM1, Human 22
Q72874_9HIV1 Q72874 CHEMBL243 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protease, 9hiv1 9
Q72547_9HIV1 Q72547 CHEMBL247 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Reverse Transcriptase, 9hiv1 5
P89582_9HIV2 P89582 CHEMBL3463 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Integrase, 9hiv2 4
TOP2A_HUMAN P11388 CHEMBL1806 DNA Topoisomerase II Alpha, Human 4
NQO1_HUMAN P15559 CHEMBL3623 Quinone Reductase 1), Human 3
XDH_HUMAN P47989 CHEMBL1929 Xanthine Dehydrogenase, Human 3
AURKA_HUMAN O14965 CHEMBL4722 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Aurora-A, Human 2
CDK1_HUMAN P06493 CHEMBL308 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1, Human 2
CP19A_HUMAN P11511 CHEMBL1978 Cytochrome P450 19A1, Human 2
DYR1A_MOUSE Q61214 CHEMBL4750 Dual-specificity Tyrosine-phosphorylation Regulated Kinase 1A, Mouse 2
DYRK2_HUMAN Q92630 CHEMBL4376 Dual-specificity Tyrosine-phosphorylation Regulated Kinase 2, Human 2
GSK3B_HUMAN P49841 CHEMBL262 Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Beta, Human 2
KD4DL_HUMAN B2RXH2 CHEMBL1293226 Lysine-specific Demethylase 4D-like, Human 2
LOX12_HUMAN P18054 CHEMBL3687 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, Human 2
LOX15_HUMAN P16050 CHEMBL2903 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase, Human 2
LOX5_RAT P12527 CHEMBL312 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Rat 2
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 2
MRP1_HUMAN P33527 CHEMBL3004 Multidrug Resistance-associated Protein 1, Human 2
Q965D5_PLAFA Q965D5 CHEMBL4150 Enoyl-acyl-carrier Protein Reductase, Plafa 2
Q965D7_PLAFA Q965D7 CHEMBL4512 Fatty Acid Synthase, Plafa 2
XDH_BOVIN P80457 CHEMBL3649 Xanthine Dehydrogenase, Bovin 2
Z50607 Z50607 CHEMBL378 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 2
Z50643 Z50643 CHEMBL379 Hepatitis C Virus 2
Z80874 Z80874 CHEMBL393 CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 2
ALDR_HUMAN P15121 CHEMBL1900 Aldose Reductase, Human 1
B2CL1_HUMAN Q07817 CHEMBL4625 Apoptosis Regulator Bcl-X, Human 1
CAH14_HUMAN Q9ULX7 CHEMBL3510 Carbonic Anhydrase XIV, Human 1
CAH1_HUMAN P00915 CHEMBL261 Carbonic Anhydrase I, Human 1
CAH2_HUMAN P00918 CHEMBL205 Carbonic Anhydrase II, Human 1
CAH4_HUMAN P22748 CHEMBL3729 Carbonic Anhydrase IV, Human 1
CAH5A_HUMAN P35218 CHEMBL4789 Carbonic Anhydrase VA, Human 1
CAH6_HUMAN P23280 CHEMBL3025 Carbonic Anhydrase VI, Human 1
CAH7_HUMAN P43166 CHEMBL2326 Carbonic Anhydrase VII, Human 1
CAH9_HUMAN Q16790 CHEMBL3594 Carbonic Anhydrase IX, Human 1
CCNB1_HUMAN P14635 CHEMBL2412 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B1, Human 1
CCNB2_HUMAN O95067 CHEMBL3723 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B2, Human 1
CCNB3_HUMAN Q8WWL7 CHEMBL3606 G2/mitotic-specific Cyclin B3, Human 1
CDK2_HUMAN P24941 CHEMBL301 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2, Human 1
CDK6_HUMAN Q00534 CHEMBL2508 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 6, Human 1
CLK1_HUMAN P49759 CHEMBL4224 Dual Specificty Protein Kinase CLK1, Human 1
CRFR1_HUMAN P34998 CHEMBL1800 Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 1, Human 1
CSK21_HUMAN P68400 CHEMBL3629 Casein Kinase II Alpha, Human 1
CSK21_RAT P19139 CHEMBL2661 Casein Kinase II Alpha, Rat 1
CSK2B_RAT P67874 CHEMBL2463 Casein Kinase II Beta, Rat 1
DRD3_HUMAN P35462 CHEMBL234 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Human 1
DYN1_HUMAN Q05193 CHEMBL4958 Dynamin-1, Human 1
EGFR_HUMAN P00533 CHEMBL203 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Human 1
ERCC5_HUMAN P28715 CHEMBL4736 DNA Excision Repair Protein ERCC-5, Human 1
ERG1_RAT P52020 CHEMBL4241 Squalene Monooxygenase, Rat 1
FEN1_HUMAN P39748 CHEMBL5027 Flap Endonuclease 1, Human 1
FGR_RAT Q6P6U0 CHEMBL4362 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FGR, Rat 1
FPS_FUJSV P00530 CHEMBL5708 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Transforming Protein FPS, Fujsv 1
FYN_HUMAN P06241 CHEMBL1841 Tyrosine-protein Kinase FYN, Human 1
GBRA1_HUMAN P14867 CHEMBL1962 GABA Receptor Alpha-1 Subunit, Human 1
GBRA2_HUMAN P47869 CHEMBL4956 GABA Receptor Alpha-2 Subunit, Human 1
GBRA3_HUMAN P34903 CHEMBL3026 GABA Receptor Alpha-3 Subunit, Human 1
GBRA4_HUMAN P48169 CHEMBL2472 GABA Receptor Alpha-4 Subunit, Human 1
GBRA5_HUMAN P31644 CHEMBL5112 GABA Receptor Alpha-5 Subunit, Human 1
GBRA6_HUMAN Q16445 CHEMBL2579 GABA Receptor Alpha-6 Subunit, Human 1
GSHR_YEAST P41921 CHEMBL4119 Glutathione Reductase, Yeast 1
GSK3A_HUMAN P49840 CHEMBL2850 Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Alpha, Human 1
INSR_HUMAN P06213 CHEMBL1981 Insulin Receptor, Human 1
KAPCA_HUMAN P17612 CHEMBL4101 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Alpha-catalytic Subunit, Human 1
KAPCB_HUMAN P22694 CHEMBL2918 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Beta-1 Catalytic Subunit, Human 1
KAPCG_HUMAN P22612 CHEMBL2743 CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase, Gamma Catalytic Subunit, Human 1
KMO_RAT O88867 CHEMBL3457 Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase, Rat 1
KPCA_HUMAN P17252 CHEMBL299 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Human 1
KPCT_HUMAN Q04759 CHEMBL3920 Protein Kinase C Theta, Human 1
KSYK_RAT Q64725 CHEMBL4364 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SYK, Rat 1
LCK_HUMAN P06239 CHEMBL258 Tyrosine-protein Kinase LCK, Human 1
LGUL_HUMAN Q04760 CHEMBL2424 Glyoxalase I, Human 1
LX12L_RAT Q02759 CHEMBL2741 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, Rat 1
LX15B_RAT Q8K4F2 CHEMBL3289 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase, Type II, Rat 1
LYN_RAT Q07014 CHEMBL4363 Tyrosine-protein Kinase Lyn, Rat 1
MYLK_HUMAN Q15746 CHEMBL2428 Myosin Light Chain Kinase, Smooth Muscle, Human 1
Q8JXU8_9HEPC Q8JXU8 CHEMBL5375 Hepatitis C Virus NS5B RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, 9hepc 1
Q965D6_PLAFA Q965D6 CHEMBL4513 3-oxoacyl-acyl-carrier Protein Reductase, Plafa 1
SRC_HUMAN P12931 CHEMBL267 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SRC, Human 1
Z100250 Z100250 CHEMBL612514 Calf Thymus DNA 1
Z104294 Z104294 CHEMBL1907600 Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5/CDK5 Activator 1 1
Z50677 Z50677 CHEMBL613758 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1
Z80295 Z80295 CHEMBL388 MT4 (Lymphocytes) 1