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Z100273 - P3 Purinoceptor | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

P3 Purinoceptor (27 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 27 3 0 0
Binding ≤ 1μM 23 3 0 0

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
AA1R_RAT P25099 CHEMBL318 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Rat 8
AA2AR_RAT P30543 CHEMBL302 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Rat 7
OXGR1_RAT Q6Y1R5 CHEMBL2325 G Protein-coupled Receptor 80, Rat 7
SAHH_HUMAN P23526 CHEMBL2664 Adenosylhomocysteinase, Human 6
AA2AR_HUMAN P29274 CHEMBL251 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Human 5
AA2BR_HUMAN P29275 CHEMBL255 Adenosine A2b Receptor, Human 5
AA2BR_RAT P29276 CHEMBL2592 Adenosine A2b Receptor, Rat 5
AA3R_RAT P28647 CHEMBL3360 Adenosine A3 Receptor, Rat 5
AA3R_HUMAN P33765 CHEMBL256 Adenosine A3 Receptor, Human 3
MTAP_MOUSE Q9CQ65 CHEMBL2663 S-methyl-5-thioadenosine Phosphorylase, Mouse 2
AA1R_BOVIN P28190 CHEMBL4975 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Bovin 1
AA1R_CHICK P49892 CHEMBL2114 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Chick 1
AA1R_HUMAN P30542 CHEMBL226 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Human 1