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Z50614 - Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1 | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1 (4 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 4 2 2 2

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z50607 Z50607 CHEMBL378 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 4
Z50038 Z50038 CHEMBL612328 Plasmodium Yoelii Yoelii 2
Z50658 Z50658 CHEMBL380 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 2
Z50677 Z50677 CHEMBL613758 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2
Z80295 Z80295 CHEMBL388 MT4 (Lymphocytes) 2
MDR1_HUMAN P08183 CHEMBL4302 P-glycoprotein 1, Human 1
Z100081 Z100081 CHEMBL613107 PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) 1
Z101839 Z101839 CHEMBL612775 HIV-1 M:B_Lai 1
Z102015 Z102015 CHEMBL613013 Plasmodium Vivax 1
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 1
Z80052 Z80052 CHEMBL614533 C8166 (Leukemic T-cells) 1
Z80076 Z80076 CHEMBL614548 CEM-SS (T-cell Leukemia) 1
Z80294 Z80294 CHEMBL614184 MT2 (Lymphocytes) 1
Z80516 Z80516 CHEMBL614940 SUP-T1 1
Z80874 Z80874 CHEMBL393 CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 1
Z80897 Z80897 CHEMBL614806 H9 (T-lymphoid Cells) 1