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Z50425 - Plasmodium Falciparum | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Plasmodium Falciparum (6,433 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 0 0 0 0
Binding ≤ 1μM 0 0 0 0
Functional ≤ 10μM 6,433 1,022 537 434
ADME/T ≤ 10μM 0 0 0 0

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z50725 Z50725 CHEMBL612348 Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense 436
Z50426 Z50426 CHEMBL612856 Plasmodium Falciparum (isolate K1 / Thailand) 327
Z50459 Z50459 CHEMBL367 Leishmania Donovani 119
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 111
Z50466 Z50466 CHEMBL368 Trypanosoma Cruzi 86
Z80136 Z80136 CHEMBL614297 FM3A (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 74
Z81115 Z81115 CHEMBL398 KB (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 65
DRTS_PLAFK P13922 CHEMBL1939 Dihydrofolate Reductase, Plafk 62
Z80224 Z80224 CHEMBL387 MCF7 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 49
Z50418 Z50418 CHEMBL612849 Trypanosoma Brucei 48
Z81072 Z81072 CHEMBL397 Jurkat (Acute Leukemic T-cells) 44
Z81138 Z81138 CHEMBL613872 ScN2a (Scrapie-infected Neuroblastoma Cells) 43
Z50136 Z50136 CHEMBL612608 Plasmodium Falciparum (isolate FcB1 / Columbia) 42
Z50420 Z50420 CHEMBL612851 Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei 41
Z80682 Z80682 CHEMBL392 A549 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 40
Z81247 Z81247 CHEMBL399 HeLa (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells) 38
Z80691 Z80691 CHEMBL613535 BC Cell Line 35
Z80156 Z80156 CHEMBL383 HL-60 (Promyeloblast Leukemia Cells) 33
Z80291 Z80291 CHEMBL614181 MRC5 (Embryonic Lung Fibroblast Cells) 30
Z50472 Z50472 CHEMBL612888 Toxoplasma Gondii 28
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 28
Z50512 Z50512 CHEMBL369 Cavia Porcellus 27
Z81252 Z81252 CHEMBL400 MDA-MB-231 (Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells) 26
Z80088 Z80088 CHEMBL613853 CHO (Ovarian Cells) 25
Z80390 Z80390 CHEMBL390 PC-3 (Prostate Carcinoma Cells) 25
Z80583 Z80583 CHEMBL391 Vero (Kidney Cells) 25
HRP1_PLAFA P05227 CHEMBL1923 Histidine-rich Protein, Plafa 24
Z100275 Z100275 CHEMBL613898 Hemozoin 24
Z80186 Z80186 CHEMBL385 K562 (Erythroleukemia Cells) 23
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 21
Z50339 Z50339 CHEMBL613064 Pneumocystis Carinii 21
Z50378 Z50378 CHEMBL612640 Mycobacterium Intracellulare 21
Z50587 Z50587 CHEMBL372 Homo Sapiens 21
Z80193 Z80193 CHEMBL386 L1210 (Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells) 21
Z81135 Z81135 CHEMBL614793 L6 (Skeletal Muscle Myoblast Cells) 21
SC6A4_RAT P31652 CHEMBL313 Serotonin Transporter, Rat 20
Z50380 Z50380 CHEMBL613088 Mycobacterium Smegmatis 20
Z80928 Z80928 CHEMBL394 HCT-116 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 20
MDR1_HUMAN P08183 CHEMBL4302 P-glycoprotein 1, Human 18
Z102015 Z102015 CHEMBL613013 Plasmodium Vivax 18
Z50607 Z50607 CHEMBL378 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 18
Z80125 Z80125 CHEMBL613508 DU-145 (Prostate Carcinoma) 18
Z50592 Z50592 CHEMBL374 Oryctolagus Cuniculus 17
Z80064 Z80064 CHEMBL382 CCRF-CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 17
Z80166 Z80166 CHEMBL384 HT-29 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 17
Z80362 Z80362 CHEMBL389 P388 (Lymphoma Cells) 17
DRD1_RAT P18901 CHEMBL265 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Rat 16
Q9N6S8_PLAFA Q9N6S8 CHEMBL5800 Falcipain 2, Plafa 16
Z50422 Z50422 CHEMBL612853 Entamoeba Histolytica 16
Z50436 Z50436 CHEMBL365 Filobasidiella Neoformans 16
Z50460 Z50460 CHEMBL612879 Leishmania Major 15
Z50473 Z50473 CHEMBL612653 Plasmodium Berghei 15
Z80211 Z80211 CHEMBL614721 LoVo (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 15
Q9WTR4_RAT Q9WTR4 CHEMBL304 Norepinephrine Transporter, Rat 14
Z80188 Z80188 CHEMBL614590 KB 3-1 (Cervical Epithelial Carcinoma Cells) 14
MDR1_MOUSE P06795 CHEMBL3467 P-glycoprotein 1, Mouse 13
SC6A3_RAT P23977 CHEMBL338 Dopamine Transporter, Rat 12
Z50212 Z50212 CHEMBL354 Escherichia Coli 12
Z80874 Z80874 CHEMBL393 CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 12
Z81170 Z81170 CHEMBL612518 LNCaP (Prostate Carcinoma) 12
Z81335 Z81335 CHEMBL612263 HCT-15 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 12
Z102013 Z102013 CHEMBL613257 Plasmodium Malariae 11
Z81024 Z81024 CHEMBL396 NCI-H460 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma) 11
Z103205 Z103205 CHEMBL1075390 A431 10
Z50474 Z50474 CHEMBL612889 Plasmodium Yoelii 10
Z80164 Z80164 CHEMBL614580 HT-1080 (Fibrosarcoma Cells) 10
Z80485 Z80485 CHEMBL614919 SK-MEL-28 (Melanoma Cells) 10
Z81020 Z81020 CHEMBL395 HepG2 (Hepatoblastoma Cells) 10
Z100498 Z100498 CHEMBL613289 Hepatocytes 9
Z80418 Z80418 CHEMBL612557 RAW264.7 (Monocytic-macrophage Leukemia Cells) 9
Z80475 Z80475 CHEMBL613834 SK-BR-3 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 9
Z80493 Z80493 CHEMBL614925 SK-OV-3 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 9
Z81034 Z81034 CHEMBL614004 A2780 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 9
DRD1_HUMAN P21728 CHEMBL2056 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Human 8
DRD2_RAT P61169 CHEMBL339 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Rat 8
LOX5_RAT P12527 CHEMBL312 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Rat 8
MDR3_MOUSE P21447 CHEMBL2573 P-glycoprotein 3, Mouse 8
Z100081 Z100081 CHEMBL613107 PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) 8
Z50038 Z50038 CHEMBL612328 Plasmodium Yoelii Yoelii 8
Z50442 Z50442 CHEMBL366 Candida Albicans 8
Z80295 Z80295 CHEMBL388 MT4 (Lymphocytes) 8
Z80482 Z80482 CHEMBL614917 SK-MEL-2 (Melanoma Cells) 8
Z80712 Z80712 CHEMBL614361 T47D (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 8
Z81057 Z81057 CHEMBL613979 HUVEC (Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) 8
DRD4_RAT P30729 CHEMBL3361 Dopamine D4 Receptor, Rat 7
LOX5_HUMAN P09917 CHEMBL215 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Human 7
TRPA1_MOUSE Q8BLA8 CHEMBL1075310 Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily A Member 1, Mouse 7
Z103204 Z103204 CHEMBL1075389 A427 7
Z80035 Z80035 CHEMBL381 B16 (Melanoma Cells) 7
Z80054 Z80054 CHEMBL614058 Caco-2 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 7
Z80120 Z80120 CHEMBL614285 DLD-1 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 7
Z80354 Z80354 CHEMBL614213 OVCAR-3 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 7
Z81245 Z81245 CHEMBL614697 MDA-MB-435 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 7
ADA1A_HUMAN P35348 CHEMBL229 Alpha-1a Adrenergic Receptor, Human 6
DRD2_HUMAN P14416 CHEMBL217 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Human 6
DRD3_RAT P19020 CHEMBL3138 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Rat 6
DRD4_HUMAN P21917 CHEMBL219 Dopamine D4 Receptor, Human 6
DRD5_RAT P25115 CHEMBL2281 Dopamine D5 Receptor, Rat 6
NMDE2_RAT Q00960 CHEMBL311 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 2, Rat 6
NMDZ1_RAT P35439 CHEMBL330 Glutamate (NMDA) Receptor Subunit Zeta 1, Rat 6
Z50185 Z50185 CHEMBL352 Staphylococcus Aureus 6
Z80244 Z80244 CHEMBL614335 MDA-MB-468 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 6
Z80526 Z80526 CHEMBL612544 SW480 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 6
Z80936 Z80936 CHEMBL614818 HEK293 (Embryonic Kidney Fibroblasts) 6
Z81054 Z81054 CHEMBL613977 SF-268 (Glioblastoma Cells) 6
Z81331 Z81331 CHEMBL612262 SW-620 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 6
ANDR_HUMAN P10275 CHEMBL1871 Androgen Receptor, Human 5
EGFR_HUMAN P00533 CHEMBL203 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Human 5
ESR1_HUMAN P03372 CHEMBL206 Estrogen Receptor Alpha, Human 5
HRH2_HUMAN P25021 CHEMBL1941 Histamine H2 Receptor, Human 5
Z102116 Z102116 CHEMBL613159 Toxoplasma Gondii RH 5
Z104302 Z104302 CHEMBL1907608 Glutamate NMDA Receptor 5
Z50417 Z50417 CHEMBL612848 Leishmania Infantum 5
Z50424 Z50424 CHEMBL612855 Cryptosporidium Parvum 5
Z50468 Z50468 CHEMBL612652 Giardia Intestinalis 5
Z50590 Z50590 CHEMBL613488 Sus Scrofa 5
Z80008 Z80008 CHEMBL612565 5637 (Epithelial Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 5
Z80099 Z80099 CHEMBL614561 COLO 205 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 5
Z80269 Z80269 CHEMBL614354 MKN-45 (Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells) 5
Z80285 Z80285 CHEMBL614177 MOLT-4 (Acute T-lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 5
Z80479 Z80479 CHEMBL614914 SK-MEL (Melanoma Cells) 5
Z80608 Z80608 CHEMBL614393 ZR-75-1 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 5
Z80951 Z80951 CHEMBL614822 NIH3T3 (Fibroblasts) 5
Z80954 Z80954 CHEMBL614071 HFF (Foreskin Fibroblasts) 5
Z81017 Z81017 CHEMBL614647 WiDr (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 5
Z81338 Z81338 CHEMBL614309 T-cells 5
ADA1A_RABIT O02824 CHEMBL3637 Alpha-1a Adrenergic Receptor, Rabit 4
ADA1D_RABIT O02666 CHEMBL4407 Alpha-1d Adrenergic Receptor, Rabit 4
ADRB2_HUMAN P07550 CHEMBL210 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Human 4
CAC1C_HUMAN Q13936 CHEMBL1940 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Human 4
CAC1C_RAT P22002 CHEMBL3762 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rat 4
CAC1D_HUMAN Q01668 CHEMBL4138 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1D Subunit, Human 4
CAC1D_RAT P27732 CHEMBL4132 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1D Subunit, Rat 4
DRD3_HUMAN P35462 CHEMBL234 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Human 4
ESR2_HUMAN Q92731 CHEMBL242 Estrogen Receptor Beta, Human 4
FNTA_RAT Q04631 CHEMBL4432 Protein Farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase Type I Alpha Subunit, Rat 4
FNTB_RAT Q02293 CHEMBL4890 Protein Farnesyltransferase Beta Subunit, Rat 4
GCR_HUMAN P04150 CHEMBL2034 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Human 4
HRH1_HUMAN P35367 CHEMBL231 Histamine H1 Receptor, Human 4
NMDE3_RAT Q00961 CHEMBL401 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 3, Rat 4
Q9BEG3_BOVIN Q9BEG3 CHEMBL2980 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Bovin 4
Z100501 Z100501 CHEMBL613290 Lu1 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z101682 Z101682 CHEMBL613915 BK Polyomavirus 4
Z103203 Z103203 CHEMBL1075388 A375 4
Z104297 Z104297 CHEMBL1907603 Glutamate NMDA Receptor; GRIN1/GRIN2B 4
Z50266 Z50266 CHEMBL357 Enterococcus Faecium 4
Z50362 Z50362 CHEMBL613075 Lactobacillus Casei 4
Z50457 Z50457 CHEMBL612877 Leishmania Amazonensis 4
Z50461 Z50461 CHEMBL612880 Leishmania Mexicana 4
Z50602 Z50602 CHEMBL377 Human Herpesvirus 1 4
Z50658 Z50658 CHEMBL380 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 4
Z50677 Z50677 CHEMBL613758 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 4
Z80025 Z80025 CHEMBL614519 ACHN (Renal Adenocarcinoma Cells) 4
Z80026 Z80026 CHEMBL613860 AGS (Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells) 4
Z80027 Z80027 CHEMBL614024 AIK-T4 4
Z80112 Z80112 CHEMBL614033 DAN-G 4
Z80227 Z80227 CHEMBL614324 MCF7-ADR (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z80322 Z80322 CHEMBL614135 NCI-H358 (Lung Carcinama Cells) 4
Z80414 Z80414 CHEMBL614628 Raji (B-lymphoblastic Cells) 4
Z80488 Z80488 CHEMBL614922 SK-MEL-5 (Melanoma Cells) 4
Z80532 Z80532 CHEMBL614774 T-24 (Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z80548 Z80548 CHEMBL614245 THP-1 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells) 4
Z80600 Z80600 CHEMBL613533 XF498 (Glioma Cells) 4
Z80711 Z80711 CHEMBL613829 NCI/ADR-RES (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z80784 Z80784 CHEMBL614462 Col2 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z80819 Z80819 CHEMBL614484 J774.2 4
Z81184 Z81184 CHEMBL614096 LOX IMVI (Melanoma Cells) 4
Z81240 Z81240 CHEMBL614121 MAC15A (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 4
Z81244 Z81244 CHEMBL614123 J774 (Macrophage Cells) 4
Z81281 Z81281 CHEMBL614997 NCI-H23 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z81283 Z81283 CHEMBL614387 NCI-H522 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 4
AA2AR_HUMAN P29274 CHEMBL251 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Human 3
AA3R_HUMAN P33765 CHEMBL256 Adenosine A3 Receptor, Human 3
ADCY2_RAT P26769 CHEMBL2958 Adenylate Cyclase Type II, Rat 3
ADCY5_RAT Q04400 CHEMBL2880 Adenylate Cyclase Type V, Rat 3
CAC1F_HUMAN O60840 CHEMBL5593 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1F Subunit, Human 3
CAC1S_HUMAN Q13698 CHEMBL3805 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1S Subunit, Human 3
CLTR1_HUMAN Q9Y271 CHEMBL1798 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 1, Human 3
CNR2_HUMAN P34972 CHEMBL253 Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor, Human 3
DRD1_BOVIN Q95136 CHEMBL2967 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Bovin 3
DRD2_BOVIN P20288 CHEMBL3998 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Bovin 3
GPBAR_HUMAN Q8TDU6 CHEMBL5409 G-protein Coupled Bile Acid Receptor 1, Human 3
HRH1_CAVPO P31389 CHEMBL3943 Histamine H1 Receptor, Guinea Pig 3
MCR_HUMAN P08235 CHEMBL1994 Mineralocorticoid Receptor, Human 3
OPRK_HUMAN P41145 CHEMBL237 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Human 3
P97706_RAT P97706 CHEMBL4957 Sodium Channel Protein Type VI Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
SC6A4_HUMAN P31645 CHEMBL228 Serotonin Transporter, Human 3
SCN5A_RAT P15389 CHEMBL3866 Sodium Channel Protein Type V Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
TBA1A_RAT P68370 CHEMBL4139 Tubulin Alpha-1 Chain, Rat 3
TBB1_HUMAN Q9H4B7 CHEMBL1915 Tubulin Beta-1 Chain, Human 3
TOP1_HUMAN P11387 CHEMBL1781 DNA Topoisomerase I, Human 3
TOP1_MOUSE Q04750 CHEMBL2814 DNA Topoisomerase I, Mouse 3
TOP2A_HUMAN P11388 CHEMBL1806 DNA Topoisomerase II Alpha, Human 3
TOP2A_MOUSE Q01320 CHEMBL3586 DNA Topoisomerase II Alpha, Mouse 3
TOP2B_HUMAN Q02880 CHEMBL3396 DNA Topoisomerase II Beta, Human 3
TOP2B_MOUSE Q64511 CHEMBL5564 DNA Topoisomerase II Beta, Mouse 3
TRPV1_HUMAN Q8NER1 CHEMBL4794 Vanilloid Receptor, Human 3
Z100274 Z100274 CHEMBL614676 Liposome 3
Z100733 Z100733 CHEMBL613866 CT26 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z100751 Z100751 CHEMBL613706 PMNL (Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes) 3
Z102306 Z102306 CHEMBL613606 Aorta 3
Z102380 Z102380 CHEMBL613680 Ileum 3
Z103408 Z103408 CHEMBL1075593 SW626 3
Z50408 Z50408 CHEMBL612841 Issatchenkia Orientalis 3
Z50416 Z50416 CHEMBL363 Aspergillus Fumigatus 3
Z80001 Z80001 CHEMBL614508 143B 3
Z80002 Z80002 CHEMBL614075 1A9 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 3
Z80068 Z80068 CHEMBL614542 CCRF-SB (Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 3
Z80152 Z80152 CHEMBL613510 HCT-8 (Ileocecal Adenocarcinoma) 3
Z80192 Z80192 CHEMBL614709 KM12 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 3
Z80231 Z80231 CHEMBL614328 MCF7S (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80277 Z80277 CHEMBL614170 MM96L (Melanoma Cells) 3
Z80364 Z80364 CHEMBL614218 P388/ADR (Lymphoma Cells) 3
Z80409 Z80409 CHEMBL614385 R2 3
Z80427 Z80427 CHEMBL614879 RKO (Colon Carcinoma) 3
Z80433 Z80433 CHEMBL614882 RPMI-8226 (Multiple Myeloma Cells) 3
Z80457 Z80457 CHEMBL614901 SCC-25 3
Z80459 Z80459 CHEMBL614147 SCC-7 3
Z80466 Z80466 CHEMBL614907 SF268 3
Z80490 Z80490 CHEMBL614923 SK-MES-1 3
Z80563 Z80563 CHEMBL615025 U-373 MG ( Glioblastoma Cells) 3
Z80565 Z80565 CHEMBL614247 U-87 MG (Glioblastoma Cells) 3
Z80578 Z80578 CHEMBL612800 UV4 3
Z80601 Z80601 CHEMBL614060 XRS6 3
Z80725 Z80725 CHEMBL613540 C180-13S (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80815 Z80815 CHEMBL612247 D54 Cell Line 3
Z80847 Z80847 CHEMBL612250 FaDu (Pharyngeal Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80945 Z80945 CHEMBL614735 HEp-2 (Laryngeal Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z81043 Z81043 CHEMBL613969 N592 3
Z81065 Z81065 CHEMBL613984 IGROV-1 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 3
Z81160 Z81160 CHEMBL614088 Lewis Lung Carcinoma Cell Line 3
Z81280 Z81280 CHEMBL614740 NCI-H226 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 3
5HT1B_HUMAN P28222 CHEMBL1898 Serotonin 1b (5-HT1b) Receptor, Human 2
5HT1D_HUMAN P28221 CHEMBL1983 Serotonin 1d (5-HT1d) Receptor, Human 2
5HT2A_HUMAN P28223 CHEMBL224 Serotonin 2a (5-HT2a) Receptor, Human 2
5HT2C_HUMAN P28335 CHEMBL225 Serotonin 2c (5-HT2c) Receptor, Human 2
5HT6R_HUMAN P50406 CHEMBL3371 Serotonin 6 (5-HT6) Receptor, Human 2
AA2AR_RAT P30543 CHEMBL302 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Rat 2
AA2BR_HUMAN P29275 CHEMBL255 Adenosine A2b Receptor, Human 2
ADA1B_HUMAN P35368 CHEMBL232 Alpha-1b Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
ADA1D_HUMAN P25100 CHEMBL223 Alpha-1d Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
ADA2B_RAT P19328 CHEMBL266 Alpha-2b Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 2
ADCY1_HUMAN Q08828 CHEMBL2899 Brain Adenylate Cyclase 1, Human 2
ADCY2_HUMAN Q08462 CHEMBL3760 Adenylate Cyclase Type II, Human 2
ADCY3_RAT P21932 CHEMBL4864 Adenylate Cyclase Type III, Rat 2
ADCY8_HUMAN P40145 CHEMBL2960 Adenylate Cyclase Type VIII, Human 2
ADRB1_HUMAN P08588 CHEMBL213 Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
ADRB1_MOUSE P34971 CHEMBL3440 Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor, Mouse 2
ADRB1_RAT P18090 CHEMBL3252 Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 2
ADRB2_CANFA P54833 CHEMBL2289 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Canine 2
ADRB2_CAVPO Q8K4Z4 CHEMBL5414 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Guinea Pig 2
ADRB2_MESAU P04274 CHEMBL5943 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Mesau 2
ADRB2_MOUSE P18762 CHEMBL3707 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Mouse 2
ADRB2_RAT P10608 CHEMBL3754 Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 2
ADRB3_HUMAN P13945 CHEMBL246 Beta-3 Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
ADRB3_MOUSE P25962 CHEMBL4030 Beta-3 Adrenergic Receptor, Mouse 2
ADRB3_RAT P26255 CHEMBL4031 Beta-3 Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 2
CAN1_HUMAN P07384 CHEMBL3891 Calpain 1, Human 2
CAN2_HUMAN P17655 CHEMBL2382 Calpain 2, Human 2
CLTR2_HUMAN Q9NS75 CHEMBL4330 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2, Human 2
CNR1_HUMAN P21554 CHEMBL218 Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor, Human 2
CNR1_RAT P20272 CHEMBL3571 Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor, Rat 2
CNR2_RAT Q9QZN9 CHEMBL2470 Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor, Rat 2
CPNS1_HUMAN P04632 CHEMBL4962 Calpain Small Subunit 1, Human 2
DRD1_CARAU P35406 CHEMBL2368 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Carau 2
DRD5_HUMAN P21918 CHEMBL1850 Dopamine D5 Receptor, Human 2
DYR_LACCA P00381 CHEMBL2902 Dihydrofolate Reductase, Lacca 2
GABR1_HUMAN Q9UBS5 CHEMBL2064 GABA-B Receptor 1, Human 2
GABR2_HUMAN O75899 CHEMBL5034 GABA-B Receptor 2, Human 2
GRIA1_RAT P19490 CHEMBL3753 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic, AMPA 1, Rat 2
GRIA2_RAT P19491 CHEMBL3503 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic, AMPA 2, Rat 2
GRIA3_RAT P19492 CHEMBL3504 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic, AMPA 3, Rat 2
GRIA4_RAT P19493 CHEMBL3505 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic, AMPA 4, Rat 2
HDA10_HUMAN Q969S8 CHEMBL5103 Histone Deacetylase 10, Human 2
HDA11_HUMAN Q96DB2 CHEMBL3310 Histone Deacetylase 11, Human 2
HDAC1_HUMAN Q13547 CHEMBL325 Histone Deacetylase 1, Human 2
HDAC2_HUMAN Q92769 CHEMBL1937 Histone Deacetylase 2, Human 2
HDAC3_HUMAN O15379 CHEMBL1829 Histone Deacetylase 3, Human 2
HDAC4_HUMAN P56524 CHEMBL3524 Histone Deacetylase 4, Human 2
HDAC5_HUMAN Q9UQL6 CHEMBL2563 Histone Deacetylase 5, Human 2
HDAC6_HUMAN Q9UBN7 CHEMBL1865 Histone Deacetylase 6, Human 2
HDAC7_HUMAN Q8WUI4 CHEMBL2716 Histone Deacetylase 7, Human 2
HDAC8_HUMAN Q9BY41 CHEMBL3192 Histone Deacetylase 8, Human 2
HDAC9_HUMAN Q9UKV0 CHEMBL4145 Histone Deacetylase 9, Human 2
HRH3_HUMAN Q9Y5N1 CHEMBL264 Histamine H3 Receptor, Human 2
HRH3_RAT Q9QYN8 CHEMBL4124 Histamine H3 Receptor, Rat 2
LUXP_VIBHA P54300 CHEMBL6100 Autoinducer 2-binding Periplasmic Protein LuxP, Vibha 2
MDFA_ECOLI P0AEY8 CHEMBL4785 Multidrug Translocase MdfA, Ecoli 2
MP2K1_HUMAN Q02750 CHEMBL3587 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1, Human 2
NR1H4_HUMAN Q96RI1 CHEMBL2047 Bile Acid Receptor FXR, Human 2
OPRM_HUMAN P35372 CHEMBL233 Mu Opioid Receptor, Human 2
PPARG_HUMAN P37231 CHEMBL235 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma, Human 2
PRGR_HUMAN P06401 CHEMBL208 Progesterone Receptor, Human 2
Q862F3_BOVIN Q862F3 CHEMBL4262 Tubulin Alpha Chain, Bovin 2
Q862L2_BOVIN Q862L2 CHEMBL3752 Tubulin Alpha-1 Chain, Bovin 2
RAF1_HUMAN P04049 CHEMBL1906 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RAF, Human 2
SC6A2_HUMAN P23975 CHEMBL222 Norepinephrine Transporter, Human 2
SCN2A_RAT P04775 CHEMBL3399 Sodium Channel Protein Type II Alpha Subunit, Rat 2
SGMR1_RAT Q9R0C9 CHEMBL3602 Sigma Opioid Receptor, Rat 2
TBB2B_BOVIN Q6B856 CHEMBL3394 Tubulin Beta Chain, Bovin 2
TRPV1_RAT O35433 CHEMBL5102 Vanilloid Receptor, Rat 2
Z100752 Z100752 CHEMBL612568 Renca (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z101973 Z101973 CHEMBL613240 Paracentrotus Lividus 2
Z103413 Z103413 CHEMBL1075598 SW948 2
Z50501 Z50501 CHEMBL613109 Gallus Gallus 2
Z50531 Z50531 CHEMBL613135 Caenorhabditis Elegans 2
Z50600 Z50600 CHEMBL613493 Vaccinia Virus 2
Z50636 Z50636 CHEMBL613725 Sindbis Virus 2
Z50651 Z50651 CHEMBL613739 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus 2
Z50759 Z50759 CHEMBL612373 Dictyostelium Discoideum 2
Z80036 Z80036 CHEMBL614524 BaF3 (IL-3-dependent Pro-B-cells) 2
Z80063 Z80063 CHEMBL614027 CCRF S-180 2
Z80066 Z80066 CHEMBL614540 CCRF-CEM/VCR-1000 2
Z80076 Z80076 CHEMBL614548 CEM-SS (T-cell Leukemia) 2
Z80089 Z80089 CHEMBL614555 CHO-AA8 2
Z80107 Z80107 CHEMBL614564 COS-7 (Kidney Cells) 2
Z80110 Z80110 CHEMBL613507 CV-1 (Kidney Cells) 2
Z80111 Z80111 CHEMBL614566 CX-1 2
Z80115 Z80115 CHEMBL612702 DC3F 2
Z80132 Z80132 CHEMBL614293 EL4 (Thymoma Cells) 2
Z80145 Z80145 CHEMBL614045 H69 2
Z80171 Z80171 CHEMBL614582 HuTu80 2
Z80214 Z80214 CHEMBL614317 M14 (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z80249 Z80249 CHEMBL614068 MDCK (Kidney Cells) 2
Z80284 Z80284 CHEMBL614176 MOLT-3 (T-lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 2
Z80294 Z80294 CHEMBL614184 MT2 (Lymphocytes) 2
Z80332 Z80332 CHEMBL614198 NFF (Fibroblast Cells) 2
Z80356 Z80356 CHEMBL614214 OVCAR-5 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z80357 Z80357 CHEMBL612555 OVCAR-8 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z80387 Z80387 CHEMBL612556 PC-12 (Adrenal Phaeochromacytoma Cells) 2
Z80407 Z80407 CHEMBL614383 R1 2
Z80408 Z80408 CHEMBL614384 R1-CCRF-CEM (Lymphoblastic Leukemia) 2
Z80410 Z80410 CHEMBL613523 R2-CCRF-CEM (Lymphoblastic Leukemia) 2
Z80411 Z80411 CHEMBL614143 R30dm-CCRF-CEM (Lymphoblastic Leukemia) 2
Z80443 Z80443 CHEMBL612567 S180 (Sarcoma Cells) 2
Z80455 Z80455 CHEMBL614899 SCC-15 2
Z80468 Z80468 CHEMBL614908 SF-295 (Glioblastoma Cells) 2
Z80473 Z80473 CHEMBL613527 SISO 2
Z80491 Z80491 CHEMBL614163 SK-N-MC (Neuroepithelioma Cells) 2
Z80513 Z80513 CHEMBL614939 SQ20B 2
Z80525 Z80525 CHEMBL614055 SW48 2
Z80559 Z80559 CHEMBL615021 U251 2
Z80560 Z80560 CHEMBL615022 U-251 (Glioma Cells) 2
Z80568 Z80568 CHEMBL612796 UACC-257 (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z80570 Z80570 CHEMBL614610 UACC-62 (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z80575 Z80575 CHEMBL614388 UO-31 (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80604 Z80604 CHEMBL612815 YAPC 2
Z80612 Z80612 CHEMBL612818 2008 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80640 Z80640 CHEMBL613102 786-0 (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80653 Z80653 CHEMBL613105 9L (Glioma Cells) 2
Z80657 Z80657 CHEMBL614255 A253 Cell Line 2
Z80667 Z80667 CHEMBL614262 AA8 2
Z80672 Z80672 CHEMBL614266 ADR5000 Cell Line 2
Z80697 Z80697 CHEMBL614279 Bel-7402 (Hepatoma Cells) 2
Z80752 Z80752 CHEMBL614380 Carcinoma Cell Line 2
Z80768 Z80768 CHEMBL614455 CH1 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80773 Z80773 CHEMBL614456 CHRC/5 Cell Line 2
Z80789 Z80789 CHEMBL614463 Colon 38 2
Z80830 Z80830 CHEMBL614641 Ehrlich (Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80846 Z80846 CHEMBL614493 F460pv8/eto Cell Line 2
Z80852 Z80852 CHEMBL614069 A-431 (Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80857 Z80857 CHEMBL614499 Friend Leukemia Cell Line 2
Z80866 Z80866 CHEMBL612707 GLC4 Cell Line 2
Z80877 Z80877 CHEMBL612255 NCI-H1299 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma) 2
Z80889 Z80889 CHEMBL614803 NCI-H322M (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80890 Z80890 CHEMBL614160 H350.3 (MTX-resistant Reuber Hepatoma Cells) 2
Z80893 Z80893 CHEMBL614784 H35 (Reuber Hepatoma Cells) 2
Z80896 Z80896 CHEMBL614805 NCI-H69 (Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80897 Z80897 CHEMBL614806 H9 (T-lymphoid Cells) 2
Z80920 Z80920 CHEMBL613855 HCC 2998 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z81068 Z81068 CHEMBL614649 Ishikawa (Uterine Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z81077 Z81077 CHEMBL613989 KATO III Cell Line 2
Z81164 Z81164 CHEMBL614091 LL Cell Line 2
Z81235 Z81235 CHEMBL612270 M4Beu Cell Line 2
Z81284 Z81284 CHEMBL614999 NCI-H647 2
Z81322 Z81322 CHEMBL614860 SF-539 (Glioblastoma Cells) 2
Z81325 Z81325 CHEMBL614300 SR (Leukemia Cells) 2
5HT1A_HUMAN P08908 CHEMBL214 Serotonin 1a (5-HT1a) Receptor, Human 1
5HT2B_HUMAN P41595 CHEMBL1833 Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) Receptor, Human 1
5HT3A_HUMAN P46098 CHEMBL1899 Serotonin 3a (5-HT3a) Receptor, Human 1
5HT3A_MOUSE P23979 CHEMBL4972 Serotonin 3a (5-HT3a) Receptor, Mouse 1
5HT3B_HUMAN O95264 CHEMBL3895 Serotonin 3b (5-HT3b) Receptor, Human 1
5HT4R_HUMAN Q13639 CHEMBL1875 Serotonin 4 (5-HT4) Receptor, Human 1
5HT7R_HUMAN P34969 CHEMBL3155 Serotonin 7 (5-HT7) Receptor, Human 1
AA1R_HUMAN P30542 CHEMBL226 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Human 1
AA1R_RABIT P34970 CHEMBL3947 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Rabit 1
AA1R_RAT P25099 CHEMBL318 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Rat 1
AA2AR_CAVPO P46616 CHEMBL2605 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Guinea Pig 1
AA3R_RABIT O02667 CHEMBL2603 Adenosine A3 Receptor, Rabit 1
ACES_HUMAN P22303 CHEMBL220 Acetylcholinesterase, Human 1
ACHA7_HUMAN P36544 CHEMBL2492 Neuronal Acetylcholine Receptor Protein Alpha-7 Subunit, Human 1
ACM2_HUMAN P08172 CHEMBL211 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M2, Human 1
ADA2A_HUMAN P08913 CHEMBL1867 Alpha-2a Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
ADA2A_RAT P22909 CHEMBL327 Alpha-2a Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 1
ADA2C_HUMAN P18825 CHEMBL1916 Alpha-2c Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
ADA2C_RAT P22086 CHEMBL314 Alpha-2c Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 1
ADCY4_RAT P26770 CHEMBL2879 Adenylate Cyclase Type IV, Rat 1
ADCY6_RAT Q03343 CHEMBL2975 Adenylate Cyclase Type VI, Rat 1
ADCY8_RAT P40146 CHEMBL3082 Adenylate Cyclase Type VIII, Rat 1
AKT1_HUMAN P31749 CHEMBL4282 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase AKT, Human 1
AL5AP_HUMAN P20292 CHEMBL4550 5-lipoxygenase Activating Protein, Human 1
ANDR_RAT P15207 CHEMBL3072 Androgen Receptor, Rat 1
ARP19_RAT Q712U5 CHEMBL2170 Cyclic AMP Phosphoprotein, Rat 1
BRAF_HUMAN P15056 CHEMBL5145 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase B-raf, Human 1
CAC1B_HUMAN Q00975 CHEMBL4478 Voltage-gated N-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1B Subunit, Human 1
CAC1C_RABIT P15381 CHEMBL2830 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rabit 1
CAC1G_HUMAN O43497 CHEMBL4641 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1G Subunit, Human 1
CAC1G_RAT O54898 CHEMBL4257 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1G Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1H_HUMAN O95180 CHEMBL1859 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1H Subunit, Human 1
CAC1H_RAT Q9EQ60 CHEMBL5134 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1H Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1I_RAT Q9Z0Y8 CHEMBL5459 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1I Subunit, Rat 1
CHK1_HUMAN O14757 CHEMBL4630 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Chk1, Human 1
CNR1_MOUSE P47746 CHEMBL3037 Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor, Mouse 1
CP17A_HUMAN P05093 CHEMBL3522 Cytochrome P450 17A1, Human 1
CRFR1_HUMAN P34998 CHEMBL1800 Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 1, Human 1
D4A3N4_RAT D4A3N4 CHEMBL2679 Brain Adenylate Cyclase 1, Rat 1
EGFR_MOUSE Q01279 CHEMBL3608 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Mouse 1
GBRA1_HUMAN P14867 CHEMBL1962 GABA Receptor Alpha-1 Subunit, Human 1
GBRB2_HUMAN P47870 CHEMBL1920 GABA Receptor Beta-2 Subunit, Human 1
GBRG2_HUMAN P18507 CHEMBL1788 GABA Receptor Gamma-2 Subunit, Human 1
GCR_MOUSE P06537 CHEMBL3144 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Mouse 1
GCR_RAT P06536 CHEMBL3368 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Rat 1
GRIA1_MOUSE P23818 CHEMBL3502 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic, AMPA 1, Mouse 1
GRIK1_RAT P22756 CHEMBL2919 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic Kainate 1, Rat 1
GRIK5_RAT Q63273 CHEMBL4041 Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic Kainate 5, Rat 1
GRM5_HUMAN P41594 CHEMBL3227 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5, Human 1
GYRA_ECOLI P0AES4 CHEMBL1858 DNA Gyrase Subunit A, Ecoli 1
GYRB_ECOLI P0AES6 CHEMBL1826 DNA Gyrase Subunit B, Ecoli 1
HRH4_HUMAN Q9H3N8 CHEMBL3759 Histamine H4 Receptor, Human 1
KCNN1_RAT P70606 CHEMBL3743 Small Conductance Calcium-activated Potassium Channel Protein 1, Rat 1
KCNN2_RAT P70604 CHEMBL2547 Small Conductance Calcium-activated Potassium Channel Protein 2, Rat 1
KCNN3_RAT P70605 CHEMBL3780 Small Conductance Calcium-activated Potassium Channel Protein 3, Rat 1
KIT_HUMAN P10721 CHEMBL1936 Stem Cell Growth Factor Receptor, Human 1
KPCB_HUMAN P05771 CHEMBL3045 Protein Kinase C Beta, Human 1
MP2K2_HUMAN P36507 CHEMBL2964 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2, Human 1
NK1R_RAT P14600 CHEMBL4027 Neurokinin 1 Receptor, Rat 1
NMDE1_HUMAN Q12879 CHEMBL1972 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 1, Human 1
NMDZ1_HUMAN Q05586 CHEMBL2015 Glutamate (NMDA) Receptor Subunit Zeta 1, Human 1
NTCP_RAT P26435 CHEMBL4847 Bile Acid Transporter, Rat 1
OPRD_HUMAN P41143 CHEMBL236 Delta Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRD_MOUSE P32300 CHEMBL3222 Delta Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
OPRD_RAT P33533 CHEMBL269 Delta Opioid Receptor, Rat 1
OPRK_CAVPO P41144 CHEMBL3952 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Guinea Pig 1
OPRK_MOUSE P33534 CHEMBL4329 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
OPRM_CAVPO P97266 CHEMBL4354 Mu Opioid Receptor, Guinea Pig 1
PARC_ECOLI P0AFI2 CHEMBL1895 Topoisomerase IV Subunit A, Ecoli 1
PARC_STAAU P0C1U9 CHEMBL4088 Topoisomerase IV Subunit A, Staau 1
PDE1B_RAT Q01066 CHEMBL3665 Phosphodiesterase 1B, Rat 1
PDE3A_HUMAN Q14432 CHEMBL241 Phosphodiesterase 3A, Human 1
PDE3B_HUMAN Q13370 CHEMBL290 Phosphodiesterase 3B, Human 1
PDE5A_HUMAN O76074 CHEMBL1827 Phosphodiesterase 5A, Human 1
PGFRA_MOUSE P26618 CHEMBL3466 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Mouse 1
PGFRB_HUMAN P09619 CHEMBL1913 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Human 1
PGFRB_MOUSE P05622 CHEMBL2749 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Mouse 1
PGH2_HUMAN P35354 CHEMBL230 Cyclooxygenase-2, Human 1
PPARA_HUMAN Q07869 CHEMBL239 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Alpha, Human 1
PPARG_MOUSE P37238 CHEMBL2459 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma, Mouse 1
Q8CFM9_RAT Q8CFM9 CHEMBL3940 Adenylate Cyclase Type VII, Rat 1
Q94F81_MAIZE Q94F81 CHEMBL4919 Histone Deacetylase HD2, Maize 1
RET4_HUMAN P02753 CHEMBL3100 Plasma Retinol-binding Protein, Human 1
S5A1_HUMAN P18405 CHEMBL1787 Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 1, Human 1
S5A2_HUMAN P31213 CHEMBL1856 Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 2, Human 1
S5A2_RAT P31214 CHEMBL5099 Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 2, Rat 1
SC6A3_HUMAN Q01959 CHEMBL238 Dopamine Transporter, Human 1
SCN1A_RAT P04774 CHEMBL4906 Sodium Channel Protein Type I Alpha Subunit, Rat 1
SCN2A_HUMAN Q99250 CHEMBL4187 Sodium Channel Protein Type II Alpha Subunit, Human 1
SCN3A_RAT P08104 CHEMBL4966 Sodium Channel Protein Type III Alpha Subunit, Rat 1
SCN8A_RAT O88420 CHEMBL2752 Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Rat 1
SSR1_HUMAN P30872 CHEMBL1917 Somatostatin Receptor 1, Human 1
SSR2_HUMAN P30874 CHEMBL1804 Somatostatin Receptor 2, Human 1
SSR3_HUMAN P32745 CHEMBL2028 Somatostatin Receptor 3, Human 1
SSR4_HUMAN P31391 CHEMBL1853 Somatostatin Receptor 4, Human 1
SSR5_HUMAN P35346 CHEMBL1792 Somatostatin Receptor 5, Human 1
TBA1A_PIG P02550 CHEMBL3658 Tubulin Alpha Chain, Pig 1
TBA4A_HUMAN P68366 CHEMBL2070 Tubulin Alpha-1 Chain, Human 1
TBB3_HUMAN Q13509 CHEMBL2597 Tubulin Beta-3 Chain, Human 1
TBB4A_HUMAN P04350 CHEMBL3838 Tubulin Beta-4 Chain, Human 1
TBB4B_HUMAN P68371 CHEMBL1848 Tubulin Beta-2 Chain, Human 1
TBB5_HUMAN P07437 CHEMBL5444 Tubulin Beta-5 Chain, Human 1
TBB8_HUMAN Q3ZCM7 CHEMBL4024 Tubulin Beta-8 Chain, Human 1
THAS_HUMAN P24557 CHEMBL1835 Thromboxane-A Synthase, Human 1
TRPA1_HUMAN O75762 CHEMBL6007 Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily A Member 1, Human 1
TRPV2_RAT Q9WUD2 CHEMBL2863 Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V Member 2, Rat 1
TRPV4_RAT Q9ERZ8 CHEMBL2775 Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V Member 4, Rat 1
VGFR2_HUMAN P35968 CHEMBL279 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2, Human 1
VP16_HHV11 P06492 CHEMBL4218 Alpha Trans-inducing Protein (VP16), Hhv11 1
Z100201 Z100201 CHEMBL612422 Splenocytes (Spleen Cells) 1
Z100405 Z100405 CHEMBL613835 MV4-11 (Myeloid Leukemia Cells) 1
Z100492 Z100492 CHEMBL613878 MCF10 (Normal Breast Epithelial Cells) 1
Z100499 Z100499 CHEMBL612575 SARS Coronavirus 1
Z100516 Z100516 CHEMBL612596 Hs 683 (Glioma Cells) 1
Z100695 Z100695 CHEMBL612587 WRL68 (Embryonic Hepatoma Cells) 1
Z100741 Z100741 CHEMBL614867 MC9 (Mast Cells) 1
Z100748 Z100748 CHEMBL613710 Neutrophils 1
Z101775 Z101775 CHEMBL612724 Drosophila 1
Z101865 Z101865 CHEMBL612790 Leishmania Chagasi 1
Z101870 Z101870 CHEMBL612793 Leishmania Guyanensis 1
Z101879 Z101879 CHEMBL612917 Leptomonas Seymouri 1
Z102121 Z102121 CHEMBL613162 Trichophyton Mentagrophytes 1
Z102178 Z102178 CHEMBL613694 Liver Microsomes 1
Z102275 Z102275 CHEMBL613575 Hypothalamus 1
Z102333 Z102333 CHEMBL613633 Ileum 1
Z102342 Z102342 CHEMBL613642 Liver 1
Z102372 Z102372 CHEMBL613672 Aorta 1
Z103192 Z103192 CHEMBL1075362 Trypanosoma Evansi 1
Z103202 Z103202 CHEMBL1075387 8505C 1
Z103267 Z103267 CHEMBL1075452 H4 1
Z103342 Z103342 CHEMBL1075527 NCI-H1993 1
Z103348 Z103348 CHEMBL1075533 NCI-H2122 1
Z103359 Z103359 CHEMBL1075544 NCI-H661 1
Z103419 Z103419 CHEMBL1075604 UACC-812 1
Z103461 Z103461 CHEMBL1169592 Dermabacter Hominis 1
Z104298 Z104298 CHEMBL1907604 Glutamate NMDA Receptor; GRIN1/GRIN2A 1
Z50117 Z50117 CHEMBL348 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 1
Z50142 Z50142 CHEMBL612610 Influenza A Virus (A/PR/8/34(H1N1)) 1
Z50186 Z50186 CHEMBL353 Staphylococcus Epidermidis 1
Z50274 Z50274 CHEMBL614955 Aspergillus Flavus 1
Z50275 Z50275 CHEMBL358 Aspergillus Niger 1
Z50309 Z50309 CHEMBL360 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 1
Z50347 Z50347 CHEMBL361 Saccharomyces Cerevisiae 1
Z50443 Z50443 CHEMBL612647 Candida Glabrata 1
Z50444 Z50444 CHEMBL612868 Candida Parapsilosis 1
Z50446 Z50446 CHEMBL612870 Candida Tropicalis 1
Z50452 Z50452 CHEMBL612649 Trichophyton Rubrum 1
Z50458 Z50458 CHEMBL612878 Leishmania Braziliensis 1
Z50467 Z50467 CHEMBL612884 Trichomonas Vaginalis 1
Z50515 Z50515 CHEMBL370 Human Herpesvirus 2 1
Z50518 Z50518 CHEMBL613124 Human Herpesvirus 4 1
Z50530 Z50530 CHEMBL371 Human Herpesvirus 5 1
Z50573 Z50573 CHEMBL613478 Xenopus Laevis 1
Z50591 Z50591 CHEMBL613489 Bos Taurus 1
Z50599 Z50599 CHEMBL612672 Cowpox Virus 1
Z50614 Z50614 CHEMBL613551 Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1 1
Z50652 Z50652 CHEMBL613740 Influenza A Virus 1
Z80012 Z80012 CHEMBL614512 A 172 (Glioblastoma Cells) 1
Z80018 Z80018 CHEMBL613859 A-375 (Malignant Melanoma Cells) 1
Z80019 Z80019 CHEMBL614515 A-427 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80024 Z80024 CHEMBL614518 A9 (Fibroblast Cells) 1
Z80037 Z80037 CHEMBL614065 Balb/MK 1
Z80051 Z80051 CHEMBL614532 C6-BU-1 1
Z80052 Z80052 CHEMBL614533 C8166 (Leukemic T-cells) 1
Z80056 Z80056 CHEMBL613852 CAKI-2 (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80083 Z80083 CHEMBL614553 CEM-VCR 1000 1
Z80084 Z80084 CHEMBL614554 CEM-VLB (Vinblastine-resistant T-cell Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80085 Z80085 CHEMBL614030 CEM-VM1 (Etoposide-resistant T-cell Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80091 Z80091 CHEMBL614557 CHO-hD3 1
Z80094 Z80094 CHEMBL614558 CHO-MG (Ovarian Cells) 1
Z80096 Z80096 CHEMBL614559 CHO-TAX 5-6 1
Z80097 Z80097 CHEMBL614560 CHO-VV 3-2 1
Z80101 Z80101 CHEMBL614562 COLO 320DM (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80113 Z80113 CHEMBL612519 Daoy (Medulloblastoma Cells) 1
Z80117 Z80117 CHEMBL614283 DC3F/AD-II 1
Z80121 Z80121 CHEMBL614286 DMS-79 (Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80123 Z80123 CHEMBL614287 DO4 (Melanoma Cells) 1
Z80133 Z80133 CHEMBL614294 EMT6 (Mammary Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80138 Z80138 CHEMBL614036 G-361 (Melanoma Cells) 1
Z80141 Z80141 CHEMBL614571 GH3 (Pituitary Adenoma Cells) 1
Z80150 Z80150 CHEMBL614576 H9c2 (Cardiomyoblast Cells) 1
Z80178 Z80178 CHEMBL614040 J774.A1 (Macrophage Cells) 1
Z80179 Z80179 CHEMBL614586 J82 (Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80232 Z80232 CHEMBL614128 MCF7-VP 1
Z80254 Z80254 CHEMBL614343 MES-SA (Uterine Sarcoma Cells) 1
Z80255 Z80255 CHEMBL613827 MES-SA/DxS (Uterine Sarcoma Cells) 1
Z80268 Z80268 CHEMBL614353 MKN-28 (Gastric Epithelial Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80288 Z80288 CHEMBL614133 MOVP-3 1
Z80296 Z80296 CHEMBL614185 MVLN 1
Z80310 Z80310 CHEMBL614191 NCH82 1
Z80316 Z80316 CHEMBL614771 NCI-H128 1
Z80334 Z80334 CHEMBL613828 NG108-15 (Neuroblastoma-glioma Hybrid Cells) 1
Z80339 Z80339 CHEMBL613518 NRK 1
Z80347 Z80347 CHEMBL614208 NUGC-3 (Gastric Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80372 Z80372 CHEMBL614224 P388CPT5 1
Z80375 Z80375 CHEMBL614226 P815 (Mastocytoma Cells) 1
Z80420 Z80420 CHEMBL614632 RBL-2H3 (Basophilic Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80435 Z80435 CHEMBL614145 RT-112 1
Z80436 Z80436 CHEMBL614884 RT-4 1
Z80463 Z80463 CHEMBL614904 SCOV-3 1
Z80471 Z80471 CHEMBL614910 SH-SY5 (Bone Marrow Neuroblastoma Cells) 1
Z80495 Z80495 CHEMBL614927 SK-VLB 1
Z80503 Z80503 CHEMBL614931 SNU1 1
Z80509 Z80509 CHEMBL614935 SNU-638 (Gastric Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80514 Z80514 CHEMBL614166 St-4 (Stomach Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80516 Z80516 CHEMBL614940 SUP-T1 1
Z80546 Z80546 CHEMBL615013 TERT-RPE1 (Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Cells) 1
Z80561 Z80561 CHEMBL615023 U2OS (Osteosarcoma Cells) 1
Z80566 Z80566 CHEMBL612794 U-937 (Histiocytic Lymphoma Cells) 1
Z80622 Z80622 CHEMBL614741 3Y1 Cell Line 1
Z80623 Z80623 CHEMBL612911 Panel (56 Tumour Cell Lines) 1
Z80641 Z80641 CHEMBL614254 791T Cell Line 1
Z80647 Z80647 CHEMBL613103 833K Cell Line 1
Z80686 Z80686 CHEMBL614274 AZ-521 Cell Line 1
Z80695 Z80695 CHEMBL614798 BE (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80720 Z80720 CHEMBL614365 Burkitts Lymphoma Cells 1
Z80724 Z80724 CHEMBL614705 C170 Cell Line 1
Z80742 Z80742 CHEMBL614657 C6 (Glioma Cells) 1
Z80751 Z80751 CHEMBL614379 Caov-3 Cell Line 1
Z80774 Z80774 CHEMBL614457 CHRC5 Cell Line 1
Z80783 Z80783 CHEMBL614461 COLO1 1
Z80799 Z80799 CHEMBL612517 RPMI 8402 (Pre-T-lymphoblastoid Cells) 1
Z80800 Z80800 CHEMBL614725 MIA PaCa-2 (Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80807 Z80807 CHEMBL614475 D283 Cell Line 1
Z80838 Z80838 CHEMBL614489 EOL1 (Eosinophilic Cells) 1
Z80878 Z80878 CHEMBL614783 NCI-H157 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80887 Z80887 CHEMBL614802 H2981 Cell Line 1
Z80898 Z80898 CHEMBL614785 NCI-H928 1
Z80901 Z80901 CHEMBL614392 HaCaT (Keratinocytes) 1
Z80930 Z80930 CHEMBL614817 HEC-1B Cell Line 1
Z80957 Z80957 CHEMBL614734 HMEC (Microvascular Endothelial Cells) 1
Z80980 Z80980 CHEMBL614736 HOS (Osteosarcoma Cells) 1
Z81000 Z81000 CHEMBL614316 HT-22 (Hippocampal Cells) 1
Z81008 Z81008 CHEMBL614788 Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines 1
Z81041 Z81041 CHEMBL612424 Prostatic Carcinoma Cells 1
Z81048 Z81048 CHEMBL613973 TSU (Prostatic Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81070 Z81070 CHEMBL613987 JAM Cell Line 1
Z81080 Z81080 CHEMBL613991 KATO-III Cell Line 1
Z81084 Z81084 CHEMBL613992 KB VCR R 1
Z81121 Z81121 CHEMBL613996 KKLS Cell Line 1
Z81126 Z81126 CHEMBL613998 KYSE-150 Cell Line 1
Z81128 Z81128 CHEMBL612701 KYSE-520 Cell Line 1
Z81130 Z81130 CHEMBL614012 KYSE-70 Cell Line 1
Z81134 Z81134 CHEMBL614650 L2987 (Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81137 Z81137 CHEMBL612267 L929 (Fibroblast Cells) 1
Z81167 Z81167 CHEMBL614093 LLTC Cell Line 1
Z81186 Z81186 CHEMBL614097 LS174T (Colon Adencocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81187 Z81187 CHEMBL614098 LT12 Tumor Cell Line 1
Z81199 Z81199 CHEMBL612440 NCI-H446 (Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81225 Z81225 CHEMBL614073 M109 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81248 Z81248 CHEMBL614021 Malme-3M (Melanoma Cells) 1
Z81261 Z81261 CHEMBL614127 UACC-375 1
Z81277 Z81277 CHEMBL613287 NCI-N417 1
Z81330 Z81330 CHEMBL614304 SNU- 1
Z81341 Z81341 CHEMBL614310 Tumor Cell Lines 1