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SCN8A_RAT - Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Rat | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Rat (96 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 96 10 5 6
Binding ≤ 1μM 54 5 2 2
Functional ≤ 10μM 70 7 7 8

Reactome Network (0)

UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
SCN8A_HUMAN Q9UQD0 CHEMBL5202 Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Human 98 73 66 73

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (1)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
SCN8A-1-E Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit (cluster #1 Of 2), Eukaryotic 156 63 52 58
SCN8A-2-E Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit (cluster #2 Of 2), Eukaryotic 37 19 18 20
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
SCN1A_RAT P04774 CHEMBL4906 Sodium Channel Protein Type I Alpha Subunit, Rat 120
SCN2A_RAT P04775 CHEMBL3399 Sodium Channel Protein Type II Alpha Subunit, Rat 120
SCN3A_RAT P08104 CHEMBL4966 Sodium Channel Protein Type III Alpha Subunit, Rat 120
SCN5A_HUMAN Q14524 CHEMBL1980 Sodium Channel Protein Type V Alpha Subunit, Human 41
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 27
P97706_RAT P97706 CHEMBL4957 Sodium Channel Protein Type VI Alpha Subunit, Rat 13
SCN5A_RAT P15389 CHEMBL3866 Sodium Channel Protein Type V Alpha Subunit, Rat 13
CAC1G_RAT O54898 CHEMBL4257 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1G Subunit, Rat 9
CAC1H_RAT Q9EQ60 CHEMBL5134 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1H Subunit, Rat 9
CAC1I_RAT Q9Z0Y8 CHEMBL5459 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1I Subunit, Rat 9
5HT2A_RAT P14842 CHEMBL322 Serotonin 2a (5-HT2a) Receptor, Rat 6
5HT2B_RAT P30994 CHEMBL323 Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) Receptor, Rat 6
5HT2C_RAT P08909 CHEMBL324 Serotonin 2c (5-HT2c) Receptor, Rat 6
ADA2A_RAT P22909 CHEMBL327 Alpha-2a Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 6
ADA2B_RAT P19328 CHEMBL266 Alpha-2b Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 6
ADA2C_RAT P22086 CHEMBL314 Alpha-2c Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 6
SGMR1_HUMAN Q99720 CHEMBL287 Sigma Opioid Receptor, Human 6
Z104304 Z104304 CHEMBL1907610 Adrenergic Receptor Alpha-1 6
SGMR1_RAT Q9R0C9 CHEMBL3602 Sigma Opioid Receptor, Rat 5
5HT1A_RAT P19327 CHEMBL273 Serotonin 1a (5-HT1a) Receptor, Rat 4
5HT1B_RAT P28564 CHEMBL3459 Serotonin 1b (5-HT1b) Receptor, Rat 3
5HT1D_RAT P28565 CHEMBL5450 Serotonin 1d (5-HT1d) Receptor, Rat 3
5HT1F_RAT P30940 CHEMBL4646 Serotonin 1f (5-HT1f) Receptor, Rat 3
ADA1A_RAT P43140 CHEMBL319 Alpha-1a Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 3
ADA1B_RAT P15823 CHEMBL315 Alpha-1b Adrenergic Receptor, Rat 3
CCR5_HUMAN P51681 CHEMBL274 C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 5, Human 3
DRD2_HUMAN P14416 CHEMBL217 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Human 3
DRD3_HUMAN P35462 CHEMBL234 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Human 3
SCN4A_RAT P15390 CHEMBL3509 Sodium Channel Protein Type IV Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
SCN9A_RAT O08562 CHEMBL3312 Sodium Channel Protein Type IX Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
SCNAA_RAT Q62968 CHEMBL4017 Sodium Channel Protein Type X Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
SCNBA_RAT O88457 CHEMBL2629 Sodium Channel Protein Type XI Alpha Subunit, Rat 3
ADA2A_HUMAN P08913 CHEMBL1867 Alpha-2a Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
ADA2B_HUMAN P18089 CHEMBL1942 Alpha-2b Adrenergic Receptor, Human 2
AOFB_RAT P19643 CHEMBL2993 Monoamine Oxidase B, Rat 2
SCN1A_HUMAN P35498 CHEMBL1845 Sodium Channel Protein Type I Alpha Subunit, Human 2
SCN2A_HUMAN Q99250 CHEMBL4187 Sodium Channel Protein Type II Alpha Subunit, Human 2
SCN3A_HUMAN Q9NY46 CHEMBL5163 Sodium Channel Protein Type III Alpha Subunit, Human 2
SCN8A_HUMAN Q9UQD0 CHEMBL5202 Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Human 2
Z100491 Z100491 CHEMBL613288 Sigma 2 Receptor 2
Z50466 Z50466 CHEMBL368 Trypanosoma Cruzi 2
AOFB_HUMAN P27338 CHEMBL2039 Monoamine Oxidase B, Human 1
CA2D1_RAT P54290 CHEMBL3420 Voltage-gated Calcium Channel Alpha2/delta Subunit 1, Rat 1
CAC1B_HUMAN Q00975 CHEMBL4478 Voltage-gated N-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1B Subunit, Human 1
CAC1B_RAT Q02294 CHEMBL5107 Voltage-gated N-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1B Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1C_RAT P22002 CHEMBL3762 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1F_HUMAN O60840 CHEMBL5593 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1F Subunit, Human 1
CAC1G_HUMAN O43497 CHEMBL4641 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1G Subunit, Human 1
CAC1H_HUMAN O95180 CHEMBL1859 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1H Subunit, Human 1
CAC1I_HUMAN Q9P0X4 CHEMBL5558 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1I Subunit, Human 1
CAC1S_HUMAN Q13698 CHEMBL3805 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1S Subunit, Human 1
CACB1_RAT P54283 CHEMBL1075136 Voltage-dependent L-type Calcium Channel Subunit Beta-1, Rat 1
CNGA1_BOVIN Q00194 CHEMBL4907 CGMP-gated Cation Channel Alpha 1, Bovin 1
DRD2_RAT P61169 CHEMBL339 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Rat 1
DRD4_HUMAN P21917 CHEMBL219 Dopamine D4 Receptor, Human 1
HRH1_HUMAN P35367 CHEMBL231 Histamine H1 Receptor, Human 1
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 1
NMD3A_HUMAN Q8TCU5 CHEMBL4787 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit 3A, Human 1
NMD3B_HUMAN O60391 CHEMBL2913 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit 3B, Human 1
NMDE1_HUMAN Q12879 CHEMBL1972 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 1, Human 1
NMDE2_HUMAN Q13224 CHEMBL1904 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 2, Human 1
NMDE3_HUMAN Q14957 CHEMBL4109 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 3, Human 1
NMDE4_HUMAN O15399 CHEMBL2591 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 4, Human 1
NMDZ1_HUMAN Q05586 CHEMBL2015 Glutamate (NMDA) Receptor Subunit Zeta 1, Human 1
OPRD_HUMAN P41143 CHEMBL236 Delta Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRD_MOUSE P32300 CHEMBL3222 Delta Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
OPRK_HUMAN P41145 CHEMBL237 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRK_MOUSE P33534 CHEMBL4329 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
OPRM_HUMAN P35372 CHEMBL233 Mu Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRM_MOUSE P42866 CHEMBL2858 Mu Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
S29A1_HUMAN Q99808 CHEMBL1997 Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1, Human 1
SC6A3_HUMAN Q01959 CHEMBL238 Dopamine Transporter, Human 1
SCN9A_HUMAN Q15858 CHEMBL4296 Sodium Channel Protein Type IX Alpha Subunit, Human 1
SGMR1_CAVPO Q60492 CHEMBL4153 Sigma-1 Receptor, Guinea Pig 1
SGMR1_MOUSE O55242 CHEMBL3465 Sigma Opioid Receptor, Mouse 1
Z104302 Z104302 CHEMBL1907608 Glutamate NMDA Receptor 1
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 1