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CAC1C_RABIT - Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rabit | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rabit (19 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 19 2 2 2
Binding ≤ 1μM 7 2 2 2
Functional ≤ 10μM 172 11 3 3

Reactome Network (0)

UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
CAC1C_HUMAN Q13936 CHEMBL1940 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Human 149 14 7 6
CAC1C_MOUSE Q01815 CHEMBL2529 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Mouse 5 0 0 0
CAC1C_RAT P22002 CHEMBL3762 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rat 331 25 20 22

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
CAC1D_RAT P27732 CHEMBL4132 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1D Subunit, Rat 129
Z50592 Z50592 CHEMBL374 Oryctolagus Cuniculus 5
HRH3_HUMAN Q9Y5N1 CHEMBL264 Histamine H3 Receptor, Human 4
CAC1C_HUMAN Q13936 CHEMBL1940 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Human 2
CAC1C_RAT P22002 CHEMBL3762 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rat 2
CAC1D_HUMAN Q01668 CHEMBL4138 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1D Subunit, Human 2
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 2
AA1R_RAT P25099 CHEMBL318 Adenosine A1 Receptor, Rat 1
AA2AR_RAT P30543 CHEMBL302 Adenosine A2a Receptor, Rat 1
AA3R_HUMAN P33765 CHEMBL256 Adenosine A3 Receptor, Human 1
CAC1A_RAT P54282 CHEMBL4417 Voltage-gated P/Q-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1A Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1B_RAT Q02294 CHEMBL5107 Voltage-gated N-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1B Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1E_RAT Q07652 CHEMBL4115 Voltage-gated R-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1E Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1G_RAT O54898 CHEMBL4257 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1G Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1H_RAT Q9EQ60 CHEMBL5134 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1H Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1I_RAT Q9Z0Y8 CHEMBL5459 Voltage-gated T-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1I Subunit, Rat 1
CAC1S_RAT Q02485 CHEMBL4108 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1S Subunit, Rat 1
KCNA5_HUMAN P22460 CHEMBL4306 Voltage-gated Potassium Channel Subunit Kv1.5, Human 1
MDR1_HUMAN P08183 CHEMBL4302 P-glycoprotein 1, Human 1
MRP1_HUMAN P33527 CHEMBL3004 Multidrug Resistance-associated Protein 1, Human 1
P97706_RAT P97706 CHEMBL4957 Sodium Channel Protein Type VI Alpha Subunit, Rat 1
S22A1_HUMAN O15245 CHEMBL5685 Solute Carrier Family 22 Member 1, Human 1
SCN1A_HUMAN P35498 CHEMBL1845 Sodium Channel Protein Type I Alpha Subunit, Human 1
SCN2A_HUMAN Q99250 CHEMBL4187 Sodium Channel Protein Type II Alpha Subunit, Human 1
SCN3A_HUMAN Q9NY46 CHEMBL5163 Sodium Channel Protein Type III Alpha Subunit, Human 1
SCN5A_RAT P15389 CHEMBL3866 Sodium Channel Protein Type V Alpha Subunit, Rat 1
SCN8A_HUMAN Q9UQD0 CHEMBL5202 Sodium Channel Protein Type VIII Alpha Subunit, Human 1
TRPA1_MOUSE Q8BLA8 CHEMBL1075310 Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily A Member 1, Mouse 1
TSPO_RAT P16257 CHEMBL4552 Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptor, Rat 1
Z102306 Z102306 CHEMBL613606 Aorta 1
Z102372 Z102372 CHEMBL613672 Aorta 1
Z102380 Z102380 CHEMBL613680 Ileum 1
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 1
Z50512 Z50512 CHEMBL369 Cavia Porcellus 1
Z50590 Z50590 CHEMBL613488 Sus Scrofa 1
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 1
Z80051 Z80051 CHEMBL614532 C6-BU-1 1