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Z80548 - THP-1 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells) | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

THP-1 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells) (1,306 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 1,306 41 32 42
ADME/T ≤ 10μM 31 6 3 4

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
MK14_HUMAN Q16539 CHEMBL260 MAP Kinase P38 Alpha, Human 91
MK11_HUMAN Q15759 CHEMBL3961 MAP Kinase P38 Beta, Human 77
MK12_HUMAN P53778 CHEMBL4674 MAP Kinase P38 Gamma, Human 77
MK13_HUMAN O15264 CHEMBL2939 MAP Kinase P38 Delta, Human 77
Z81072 Z81072 CHEMBL397 Jurkat (Acute Leukemic T-cells) 75
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 71
Z81020 Z81020 CHEMBL395 HepG2 (Hepatoblastoma Cells) 58
Z80496 Z80496 CHEMBL614928 SKW 6.4 39
NR1H2_HUMAN P55055 CHEMBL4093 LXR-beta, Human 33
Z50587 Z50587 CHEMBL372 Homo Sapiens 31
NR1H3_HUMAN Q13133 CHEMBL2808 LXR-alpha, Human 29
Z102213 Z102213 CHEMBL613416 Blood 29
Z100081 Z100081 CHEMBL613107 PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) 18
Z80224 Z80224 CHEMBL387 MCF7 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 18
Z81247 Z81247 CHEMBL399 HeLa (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells) 15
Z100405 Z100405 CHEMBL613835 MV4-11 (Myeloid Leukemia Cells) 13
Z80682 Z80682 CHEMBL392 A549 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 13
Z80166 Z80166 CHEMBL384 HT-29 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 12
Z80186 Z80186 CHEMBL385 K562 (Erythroleukemia Cells) 12
Z80390 Z80390 CHEMBL390 PC-3 (Prostate Carcinoma Cells) 11
Z80026 Z80026 CHEMBL613860 AGS (Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells) 10
Z81115 Z81115 CHEMBL398 KB (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 10
CCR2_HUMAN P41597 CHEMBL4015 C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 2, Human 9
Z81034 Z81034 CHEMBL614004 A2780 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 9
Z81011 Z81011 CHEMBL614840 Human Cell Lines 8
CCR1_HUMAN P32246 CHEMBL2413 C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 1, Human 7
PPARG_HUMAN P37231 CHEMBL235 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma, Human 7
Z80156 Z80156 CHEMBL383 HL-60 (Promyeloblast Leukemia Cells) 7
Z81252 Z81252 CHEMBL400 MDA-MB-231 (Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells) 7
Z80178 Z80178 CHEMBL614040 J774.A1 (Macrophage Cells) 6
Z80211 Z80211 CHEMBL614721 LoVo (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 6
Z80418 Z80418 CHEMBL612557 RAW264.7 (Monocytic-macrophage Leukemia Cells) 6
Z81244 Z81244 CHEMBL614123 J774 (Macrophage Cells) 6
Z80193 Z80193 CHEMBL386 L1210 (Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells) 5
Z81024 Z81024 CHEMBL396 NCI-H460 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma) 5
P2RX7_HUMAN Q99572 CHEMBL4805 P2X Purinoceptor 7, Human 4
PGH1_RAT Q63921 CHEMBL4042 Cyclooxygenase-1, Rat 4
PGH2_RAT P35355 CHEMBL2977 Cyclooxygenase-2, Rat 4
PPARA_HUMAN Q07869 CHEMBL239 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Alpha, Human 4
PPARD_HUMAN Q03181 CHEMBL3979 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Delta, Human 4
Z103203 Z103203 CHEMBL1075388 A375 4
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 4
Z80064 Z80064 CHEMBL382 CCRF-CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 4
Z80485 Z80485 CHEMBL614919 SK-MEL-28 (Melanoma Cells) 4
Z80874 Z80874 CHEMBL393 CEM (T-cell Leukemia) 4
Z80928 Z80928 CHEMBL394 HCT-116 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 4
Z81057 Z81057 CHEMBL613979 HUVEC (Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) 4
Z81331 Z81331 CHEMBL612262 SW-620 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 4
ADA17_HUMAN P78536 CHEMBL3706 ADAM17, Human 3
LOX5_HUMAN P09917 CHEMBL215 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Human 3
TNFA_HUMAN P01375 CHEMBL1825 TNF-alpha, Human 3
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 3
Z80035 Z80035 CHEMBL381 B16 (Melanoma Cells) 3
Z80054 Z80054 CHEMBL614058 Caco-2 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 3
Z80125 Z80125 CHEMBL613508 DU-145 (Prostate Carcinoma) 3
Z80188 Z80188 CHEMBL614590 KB 3-1 (Cervical Epithelial Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80362 Z80362 CHEMBL389 P388 (Lymphoma Cells) 3
Z80466 Z80466 CHEMBL614907 SF268 3
Z80475 Z80475 CHEMBL613834 SK-BR-3 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 3
Z80482 Z80482 CHEMBL614917 SK-MEL-2 (Melanoma Cells) 3
Z80493 Z80493 CHEMBL614925 SK-OV-3 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80712 Z80712 CHEMBL614361 T47D (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z81170 Z81170 CHEMBL612518 LNCaP (Prostate Carcinoma) 3
Z81245 Z81245 CHEMBL614697 MDA-MB-435 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 3
PGH1_HUMAN P23219 CHEMBL221 Cyclooxygenase-1, Human 2
PGH2_HUMAN P35354 CHEMBL230 Cyclooxygenase-2, Human 2
TLR2_HUMAN O60603 CHEMBL4163 Toll-like Receptor 2, Human 2
TOP1_HUMAN P11387 CHEMBL1781 DNA Topoisomerase I, Human 2
TOP1_MOUSE Q04750 CHEMBL2814 DNA Topoisomerase I, Mouse 2
TOP2A_HUMAN P11388 CHEMBL1806 DNA Topoisomerase II Alpha, Human 2
TOP2A_MOUSE Q01320 CHEMBL3586 DNA Topoisomerase II Alpha, Mouse 2
TOP2B_HUMAN Q02880 CHEMBL3396 DNA Topoisomerase II Beta, Human 2
TOP2B_MOUSE Q64511 CHEMBL5564 DNA Topoisomerase II Beta, Mouse 2
Z100733 Z100733 CHEMBL613866 CT26 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z100752 Z100752 CHEMBL612568 Renca (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z102116 Z102116 CHEMBL613159 Toxoplasma Gondii RH 2
Z102317 Z102317 CHEMBL613617 Brain 2
Z103413 Z103413 CHEMBL1075598 SW948 2
Z50472 Z50472 CHEMBL612888 Toxoplasma Gondii 2
Z50643 Z50643 CHEMBL379 Hepatitis C Virus 2
Z80002 Z80002 CHEMBL614075 1A9 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z80005 Z80005 CHEMBL614077 3T3 (Fibroblast Cells) 2
Z80019 Z80019 CHEMBL614515 A-427 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80068 Z80068 CHEMBL614542 CCRF-SB (Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 2
Z80145 Z80145 CHEMBL614045 H69 2
Z80152 Z80152 CHEMBL613510 HCT-8 (Ileocecal Adenocarcinoma) 2
Z80164 Z80164 CHEMBL614580 HT-1080 (Fibrosarcoma Cells) 2
Z80169 Z80169 CHEMBL614039 Huh-7 (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) 2
Z80244 Z80244 CHEMBL614335 MDA-MB-468 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 2
Z80253 Z80253 CHEMBL614342 MEF (Embryonic Fibroblast Cells) 2
Z80269 Z80269 CHEMBL614354 MKN-45 (Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z80291 Z80291 CHEMBL614181 MRC5 (Embryonic Lung Fibroblast Cells) 2
Z80295 Z80295 CHEMBL388 MT4 (Lymphocytes) 2
Z80316 Z80316 CHEMBL614771 NCI-H128 2
Z80495 Z80495 CHEMBL614927 SK-VLB 2
Z80523 Z80523 CHEMBL614944 SW1353 2
Z80559 Z80559 CHEMBL615021 U251 2
Z80583 Z80583 CHEMBL391 Vero (Kidney Cells) 2
Z80623 Z80623 CHEMBL612911 Panel (56 Tumour Cell Lines) 2
Z80697 Z80697 CHEMBL614279 Bel-7402 (Hepatoma Cells) 2
Z80704 Z80704 CHEMBL614358 BJ (Foreskin Fibroblast Cells) 2
Z80799 Z80799 CHEMBL612517 RPMI 8402 (Pre-T-lymphoblastoid Cells) 2
Z80889 Z80889 CHEMBL614803 NCI-H322M (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z80936 Z80936 CHEMBL614818 HEK293 (Embryonic Kidney Fibroblasts) 2
Z81017 Z81017 CHEMBL614647 WiDr (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
Z81054 Z81054 CHEMBL613977 SF-268 (Glioblastoma Cells) 2
Z81084 Z81084 CHEMBL613992 KB VCR R 2
Z81160 Z81160 CHEMBL614088 Lewis Lung Carcinoma Cell Line 2
Z81184 Z81184 CHEMBL614096 LOX IMVI (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z81248 Z81248 CHEMBL614021 Malme-3M (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z81280 Z81280 CHEMBL614740 NCI-H226 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 2
Z81335 Z81335 CHEMBL612263 HCT-15 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 2
BRAF_HUMAN P15056 CHEMBL5145 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase B-raf, Human 1
CAH2_HUMAN P00918 CHEMBL205 Carbonic Anhydrase II, Human 1
CAH4_BOVIN Q95323 CHEMBL281 Carbonic Anhydrase IV, Bovin 1
CHK1_HUMAN O14757 CHEMBL4630 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Chk1, Human 1
GCR_HUMAN P04150 CHEMBL2034 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Human 1
MAPK2_HUMAN P49137 CHEMBL2208 MAP Kinase-activated Protein Kinase 2, Human 1
MP2K1_HUMAN Q02750 CHEMBL3587 Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1, Human 1
PGFRA_MOUSE P26618 CHEMBL3466 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Mouse 1
PGFRB_MOUSE P05622 CHEMBL2749 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Mouse 1
PGH1_BOVIN O62664 CHEMBL2860 Cyclooxygenase-1, Bovin 1
PGH1_MOUSE P22437 CHEMBL2649 Cyclooxygenase-1, Mouse 1
PGH2_BOVIN O62698 CHEMBL3331 Cyclooxygenase-2, Bovin 1
PGH2_MOUSE Q05769 CHEMBL4321 Cyclooxygenase-2, Mouse 1
PGH2_SHEEP P79208 CHEMBL4102 Cyclooxygenase-2, Sheep 1
RAF1_HUMAN P04049 CHEMBL1906 Serine/threonine-protein Kinase RAF, Human 1
SSR1_HUMAN P30872 CHEMBL1917 Somatostatin Receptor 1, Human 1
SSR2_HUMAN P30874 CHEMBL1804 Somatostatin Receptor 2, Human 1
SSR3_HUMAN P32745 CHEMBL2028 Somatostatin Receptor 3, Human 1
SSR4_HUMAN P31391 CHEMBL1853 Somatostatin Receptor 4, Human 1
SSR5_HUMAN P35346 CHEMBL1792 Somatostatin Receptor 5, Human 1
THAS_HUMAN P24557 CHEMBL1835 Thromboxane-A Synthase, Human 1
Z100501 Z100501 CHEMBL613290 Lu1 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z100519 Z100519 CHEMBL614637 KETR3 (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z100741 Z100741 CHEMBL614867 MC9 (Mast Cells) 1
Z102256 Z102256 CHEMBL613450 Plasma 1
Z103192 Z103192 CHEMBL1075362 Trypanosoma Evansi 1
Z103204 Z103204 CHEMBL1075389 A427 1
Z103205 Z103205 CHEMBL1075390 A431 1
Z103408 Z103408 CHEMBL1075593 SW626 1
Z50420 Z50420 CHEMBL612851 Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei 1
Z50515 Z50515 CHEMBL370 Human Herpesvirus 2 1
Z50518 Z50518 CHEMBL613124 Human Herpesvirus 4 1
Z50600 Z50600 CHEMBL613493 Vaccinia Virus 1
Z50602 Z50602 CHEMBL377 Human Herpesvirus 1 1
Z50607 Z50607 CHEMBL378 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 1
Z50651 Z50651 CHEMBL613739 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus 1
Z50658 Z50658 CHEMBL380 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 1
Z80008 Z80008 CHEMBL612565 5637 (Epithelial Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80012 Z80012 CHEMBL614512 A 172 (Glioblastoma Cells) 1
Z80025 Z80025 CHEMBL614519 ACHN (Renal Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80039 Z80039 CHEMBL614526 BGC-823 (Stomach Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80056 Z80056 CHEMBL613852 CAKI-2 (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80088 Z80088 CHEMBL613853 CHO (Ovarian Cells) 1
Z80099 Z80099 CHEMBL614561 COLO 205 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80101 Z80101 CHEMBL614562 COLO 320DM (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80105 Z80105 CHEMBL613854 COR-L23 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80112 Z80112 CHEMBL614033 DAN-G 1
Z80115 Z80115 CHEMBL612702 DC3F 1
Z80120 Z80120 CHEMBL614285 DLD-1 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80179 Z80179 CHEMBL614586 J82 (Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80192 Z80192 CHEMBL614709 KM12 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80214 Z80214 CHEMBL614317 M14 (Melanoma Cells) 1
Z80284 Z80284 CHEMBL614176 MOLT-3 (T-lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80285 Z80285 CHEMBL614177 MOLT-4 (Acute T-lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80288 Z80288 CHEMBL614133 MOVP-3 1
Z80301 Z80301 CHEMBL613516 N9 1
Z80322 Z80322 CHEMBL614135 NCI-H358 (Lung Carcinama Cells) 1
Z80354 Z80354 CHEMBL614213 OVCAR-3 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80372 Z80372 CHEMBL614224 P388CPT5 1
Z80414 Z80414 CHEMBL614628 Raji (B-lymphoblastic Cells) 1
Z80435 Z80435 CHEMBL614145 RT-112 1
Z80436 Z80436 CHEMBL614884 RT-4 1
Z80473 Z80473 CHEMBL613527 SISO 1
Z80490 Z80490 CHEMBL614923 SK-MES-1 1
Z80491 Z80491 CHEMBL614163 SK-N-MC (Neuroepithelioma Cells) 1
Z80498 Z80498 CHEMBL614054 SN12C (Renal Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80532 Z80532 CHEMBL614774 T-24 (Bladder Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80546 Z80546 CHEMBL615013 TERT-RPE1 (Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Cells) 1
Z80596 Z80596 CHEMBL612811 WISH (Amniotic Epithelial Cells) 1
Z80600 Z80600 CHEMBL613533 XF498 (Glioma Cells) 1
Z80601 Z80601 CHEMBL614060 XRS6 1
Z80604 Z80604 CHEMBL612815 YAPC 1
Z80608 Z80608 CHEMBL614393 ZR-75-1 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80612 Z80612 CHEMBL612818 2008 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80647 Z80647 CHEMBL613103 833K Cell Line 1
Z80751 Z80751 CHEMBL614379 Caov-3 Cell Line 1
Z80784 Z80784 CHEMBL614462 Col2 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80819 Z80819 CHEMBL614484 J774.2 1
Z80846 Z80846 CHEMBL614493 F460pv8/eto Cell Line 1
Z80852 Z80852 CHEMBL614069 A-431 (Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80866 Z80866 CHEMBL612707 GLC4 Cell Line 1
Z80896 Z80896 CHEMBL614805 NCI-H69 (Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80898 Z80898 CHEMBL614785 NCI-H928 1
Z80901 Z80901 CHEMBL614392 HaCaT (Keratinocytes) 1
Z80930 Z80930 CHEMBL614817 HEC-1B Cell Line 1
Z80954 Z80954 CHEMBL614071 HFF (Foreskin Fibroblasts) 1
Z81043 Z81043 CHEMBL613969 N592 1
Z81065 Z81065 CHEMBL613984 IGROV-1 (Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81080 Z81080 CHEMBL613991 KATO-III Cell Line 1
Z81126 Z81126 CHEMBL613998 KYSE-150 Cell Line 1
Z81128 Z81128 CHEMBL612701 KYSE-520 Cell Line 1
Z81130 Z81130 CHEMBL614012 KYSE-70 Cell Line 1
Z81134 Z81134 CHEMBL614650 L2987 (Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81164 Z81164 CHEMBL614091 LL Cell Line 1
Z81186 Z81186 CHEMBL614097 LS174T (Colon Adencocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81267 Z81267 CHEMBL614723 Mononuclear Cell Line 1
Z81281 Z81281 CHEMBL614997 NCI-H23 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81283 Z81283 CHEMBL614387 NCI-H522 (Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81284 Z81284 CHEMBL614999 NCI-H647 1
Z81338 Z81338 CHEMBL614309 T-cells 1
Z81342 Z81342 CHEMBL614703 Tumour Cell Lines 1