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PGH1_RAT - Cyclooxygenase-1, Rat | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Cyclooxygenase-1, Rat (252 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 252 34 20 18
Binding ≤ 1μM 113 21 12 11
Functional ≤ 10μM 77 6 3 4

Reactome Network (0)

UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
PGH1_BOVIN O62664 CHEMBL2860 Cyclooxygenase-1, Bovin 100 16 12 12
PGH1_HUMAN P23219 CHEMBL221 Cyclooxygenase-1, Human 969 95 65 44
PGH1_MOUSE P22437 CHEMBL2649 Cyclooxygenase-1, Mouse 37 7 3 3
PGH1_RABIT O97554 CHEMBL3334 Cyclooxygenase-1, Rabit 9 1 1 1
PGH1_SHEEP P05979 CHEMBL2949 Cyclooxygenase-1, Sheep 198 36 21 23
UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
PGH2_RAT P35355 CHEMBL2977 Cyclooxygenase-2, Rat 279 32 18 16

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (5)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
PGH1-1-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #1 Of 6), Eukaryotic 834 44 17 19
PGH1-2-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #2 Of 6), Eukaryotic 351 70 53 38
PGH1-3-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #3 Of 6), Eukaryotic 70 17 5 3
PGH1-4-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #4 Of 6), Eukaryotic 47 7 6 3
PGH1-5-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #5 Of 6), Eukaryotic 108 5 6 0
PGH1-6-E Cyclooxygenase-1 (cluster #6 Of 6), Eukaryotic 61 7 6 7
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
PGH2_RAT P35355 CHEMBL2977 Cyclooxygenase-2, Rat 298
LOX5_RAT P12527 CHEMBL312 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Rat 183
PGH1_HUMAN P23219 CHEMBL221 Cyclooxygenase-1, Human 59
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 37
PGH2_MOUSE Q05769 CHEMBL4321 Cyclooxygenase-2, Mouse 21
PA24A_HUMAN P47712 CHEMBL3816 Cytosolic Phospholipase A2, Human 20
PGH2_HUMAN P35354 CHEMBL230 Cyclooxygenase-2, Human 20
PGH1_SHEEP P05979 CHEMBL2949 Cyclooxygenase-1, Sheep 12
LOX5_HUMAN P09917 CHEMBL215 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Human 10
PGH1_BOVIN O62664 CHEMBL2860 Cyclooxygenase-1, Bovin 5
PGH2_BOVIN O62698 CHEMBL3331 Cyclooxygenase-2, Bovin 5
PGH2_SHEEP P79208 CHEMBL4102 Cyclooxygenase-2, Sheep 4
Z80548 Z80548 CHEMBL614245 THP-1 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells) 4
FABPL_RAT P02692 CHEMBL5738 Fatty Acid-binding Protein, Liver, Rat 3
ALBU_BOVIN P02769 CHEMBL3728 Serum Albumin, Bovin 2
CLTR1_HUMAN Q9Y271 CHEMBL1798 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 1, Human 2
CLTR2_HUMAN Q9NS75 CHEMBL4330 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2, Human 2
IL8_HUMAN P10145 CHEMBL2157 Interleukin-8, Human 2
LOX5_MOUSE P48999 CHEMBL5211 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Mouse 2
PGH2_RABIT O02768 CHEMBL1293198 Prostaglandin G/H Synthase 2, Rabit 2
S22A6_MOUSE Q8VC69 CHEMBL5653 Solute Carrier Family 22 Member 6, Mouse 2
S22AK_MOUSE Q80UJ1 CHEMBL5269 Solute Carrier Family 22 Member 20, Mouse 2
Z50587 Z50587 CHEMBL372 Homo Sapiens 2
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 2
AK1C3_HUMAN P42330 CHEMBL4681 Aldo-keto-reductase Family 1 Member C3, Human 1
ALDR_HUMAN P15121 CHEMBL1900 Aldose Reductase, Human 1
FABPI_HUMAN P12104 CHEMBL4879 Fatty Acid Binding Protein Intestinal, Human 1
GPR44_HUMAN Q9Y5Y4 CHEMBL5071 G Protein-coupled Receptor 44, Human 1
LIPS_RAT P15304 CHEMBL5582 Hormone-sensitive Lipase, Rat 1
LT4R1_HUMAN Q15722 CHEMBL3911 Leukotriene B4 Receptor 1, Human 1
LX12L_RAT Q02759 CHEMBL2741 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, Rat 1
PGH1_MOUSE P22437 CHEMBL2649 Cyclooxygenase-1, Mouse 1
PGH1_RABIT O97554 CHEMBL3334 Cyclooxygenase-1, Rabit 1
PTGDS_MOUSE O09114 CHEMBL4334 Prostaglandin-H2 D-isomerase, Mouse 1
THAS_HUMAN P24557 CHEMBL1835 Thromboxane-A Synthase, Human 1
Z100741 Z100741 CHEMBL614867 MC9 (Mast Cells) 1
Z102213 Z102213 CHEMBL613416 Blood 1
Z80418 Z80418 CHEMBL612557 RAW264.7 (Monocytic-macrophage Leukemia Cells) 1
Z81267 Z81267 CHEMBL614723 Mononuclear Cell Line 1