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Z81011 - Human Cell Lines | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Human Cell Lines (246 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 0 0 0 0
Binding ≤ 1μM 0 0 0 0
Functional ≤ 10μM 246 10 6 5

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
GHSR_HUMAN Q92847 CHEMBL4616 Ghrelin Receptor, Human 102
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 22
MC4R_HUMAN P32245 CHEMBL259 Melanocortin Receptor 4, Human 15
GLR_HUMAN P47871 CHEMBL1985 Glucagon Receptor, Human 13
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 12
Z50587 Z50587 CHEMBL372 Homo Sapiens 10
MC5R_HUMAN P33032 CHEMBL4608 Melanocortin Receptor 5, Human 8
Z80548 Z80548 CHEMBL614245 THP-1 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells) 8
GCR_HUMAN P04150 CHEMBL2034 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Human 5
Z80110 Z80110 CHEMBL613507 CV-1 (Kidney Cells) 5
Z80936 Z80936 CHEMBL614818 HEK293 (Embryonic Kidney Fibroblasts) 5
GPR44_HUMAN Q9Y5Y4 CHEMBL5071 G Protein-coupled Receptor 44, Human 4
SSR5_HUMAN P35346 CHEMBL1792 Somatostatin Receptor 5, Human 4
GCR_RAT P06536 CHEMBL3368 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Rat 3
SSR2_HUMAN P30874 CHEMBL1804 Somatostatin Receptor 2, Human 3
TA2R_HUMAN P21731 CHEMBL2069 Thromboxane A2 Receptor, Human 3
Z100081 Z100081 CHEMBL613107 PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) 3
Z102352 Z102352 CHEMBL613652 Plasma 3
CRFR1_HUMAN P34998 CHEMBL1800 Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 1, Human 2
CRFR2_HUMAN Q13324 CHEMBL4069 Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 2, Human 2
MC3R_HUMAN P41968 CHEMBL4644 Melanocortin Receptor 3, Human 2
P2RX7_HUMAN Q99572 CHEMBL4805 P2X Purinoceptor 7, Human 2
Z102222 Z102222 CHEMBL613424 Plasma 2
Z50512 Z50512 CHEMBL369 Cavia Porcellus 2
Z50588 Z50588 CHEMBL373 Canis Familiaris 2
LOX5_HUMAN P09917 CHEMBL215 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Human 1
MC4R_MOUSE P56450 CHEMBL3719 Melanocortin Receptor 4, Mouse 1
MCR_HUMAN P08235 CHEMBL1994 Mineralocorticoid Receptor, Human 1
MSHR_HUMAN Q01726 CHEMBL3795 Melanocortin Receptor 1, Human 1
PRGR_HUMAN P06401 CHEMBL208 Progesterone Receptor, Human 1
TNFA_HUMAN P01375 CHEMBL1825 TNF-alpha, Human 1
Z50590 Z50590 CHEMBL613488 Sus Scrofa 1
Z50591 Z50591 CHEMBL613489 Bos Taurus 1
Z50592 Z50592 CHEMBL374 Oryctolagus Cuniculus 1
Z50796 Z50796 CHEMBL614874 Monkey 1
Z80156 Z80156 CHEMBL383 HL-60 (Promyeloblast Leukemia Cells) 1
Z80682 Z80682 CHEMBL392 A549 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80954 Z80954 CHEMBL614071 HFF (Foreskin Fibroblasts) 1
Z81247 Z81247 CHEMBL399 HeLa (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1