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Z80951 - NIH3T3 (Fibroblasts) | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

NIH3T3 (Fibroblasts) (510 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 0 0 0 0
Binding ≤ 1μM 0 0 0 0
Functional ≤ 10μM 510 40 9 10
ADME/T ≤ 10μM 10 1 1 1

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
FNTA_MOUSE Q61239 CHEMBL2153 Protein Farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase Type I Alpha Subunit, Mouse 76
FNTB_MOUSE Q8K2I1 CHEMBL2631 Protein Farnesyltransferase Beta Subunit, Mouse 76
FNTA_HUMAN P49354 CHEMBL271 Protein Farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase Type I Alpha Subunit, Human 62
FNTB_HUMAN P49356 CHEMBL272 Protein Farnesyltransferase Beta Subunit, Human 62
EGFR_HUMAN P00533 CHEMBL203 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Human 17
Z80166 Z80166 CHEMBL384 HT-29 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 17
Z81057 Z81057 CHEMBL613979 HUVEC (Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) 16
Z80224 Z80224 CHEMBL387 MCF7 (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 14
ERBB2_HUMAN P04626 CHEMBL1824 Receptor Protein-tyrosine Kinase ErbB-2, Human 11
Z81247 Z81247 CHEMBL399 HeLa (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells) 11
PGFRA_RAT P20786 CHEMBL2513 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Rat 7
PGFRB_RAT Q05030 CHEMBL4125 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Rat 7
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 7
Z80390 Z80390 CHEMBL390 PC-3 (Prostate Carcinoma Cells) 7
Z80742 Z80742 CHEMBL614657 C6 (Glioma Cells) 7
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 5
Z80152 Z80152 CHEMBL613510 HCT-8 (Ileocecal Adenocarcinoma) 5
Z81331 Z81331 CHEMBL612262 SW-620 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 5
PGFRA_MOUSE P26618 CHEMBL3466 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha, Mouse 4
PGFRB_MOUSE P05622 CHEMBL2749 Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta, Mouse 4
Z50587 Z50587 CHEMBL372 Homo Sapiens 4
APH1A_MOUSE Q8BVF7 CHEMBL3787 Gamma-secretase Subunit APH-1A, Mouse 3
APH1B_MOUSE Q8C7N7 CHEMBL3786 Gamma-secretase Subunit APH-1B, Mouse 3
NICA_MOUSE P57716 CHEMBL4548 Nicastrin, Mouse 3
PEN2_MOUSE Q9CQR7 CHEMBL4539 Gamma-secretase Subunit PEN-2, Mouse 3
PSN1_MOUSE P49769 CHEMBL5128 Presenilin-1, Mouse 3
PSN2_MOUSE Q61144 CHEMBL3483 Presenilin-2, Mouse 3
Z50466 Z50466 CHEMBL368 Trypanosoma Cruzi 3
Z80120 Z80120 CHEMBL614285 DLD-1 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 3
Z80125 Z80125 CHEMBL613508 DU-145 (Prostate Carcinoma) 3
Z80156 Z80156 CHEMBL383 HL-60 (Promyeloblast Leukemia Cells) 3
Z80193 Z80193 CHEMBL386 L1210 (Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells) 3
Z80682 Z80682 CHEMBL392 A549 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 3
Z80852 Z80852 CHEMBL614069 A-431 (Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells) 3
ANDR_HUMAN P10275 CHEMBL1871 Androgen Receptor, Human 2
GCR_MOUSE P06537 CHEMBL3144 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Mouse 2
NMDE2_RAT Q00960 CHEMBL311 Glutamate [NMDA] Receptor Subunit Epsilon 2, Rat 2
NMDZ1_RAT P35439 CHEMBL330 Glutamate (NMDA) Receptor Subunit Zeta 1, Rat 2
PRGR_HUMAN P06401 CHEMBL208 Progesterone Receptor, Human 2
RASH_HUMAN P01112 CHEMBL2167 Transforming Protein P21/H-Ras-1, Human 2
Z80035 Z80035 CHEMBL381 B16 (Melanoma Cells) 2
Z80110 Z80110 CHEMBL613507 CV-1 (Kidney Cells) 2
Z80491 Z80491 CHEMBL614163 SK-N-MC (Neuroepithelioma Cells) 2
Z80565 Z80565 CHEMBL614247 U-87 MG (Glioblastoma Cells) 2
Z80936 Z80936 CHEMBL614818 HEK293 (Embryonic Kidney Fibroblasts) 2
Z81020 Z81020 CHEMBL395 HepG2 (Hepatoblastoma Cells) 2
Z81115 Z81115 CHEMBL398 KB (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 2
A4_HUMAN P05067 CHEMBL2487 Beta Amyloid A4 Protein, Human 1
ESR1_HUMAN P03372 CHEMBL206 Estrogen Receptor Alpha, Human 1
ESR2_HUMAN Q92731 CHEMBL242 Estrogen Receptor Beta, Human 1
GCR_HUMAN P04150 CHEMBL2034 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Human 1
GCR_RAT P06536 CHEMBL3368 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Rat 1
MCR_HUMAN P08235 CHEMBL1994 Mineralocorticoid Receptor, Human 1
MDR1_HUMAN P08183 CHEMBL4302 P-glycoprotein 1, Human 1
MDR1_MOUSE P06795 CHEMBL3467 P-glycoprotein 1, Mouse 1
MDR3_MOUSE P21447 CHEMBL2573 P-glycoprotein 3, Mouse 1
SRC_HUMAN P12931 CHEMBL267 Tyrosine-protein Kinase SRC, Human 1
TGFR1_HUMAN P36897 CHEMBL4439 TGF-beta Receptor Type I, Human 1
TGFR2_HUMAN P37173 CHEMBL4267 TGF-beta Receptor Type II, Human 1
VP16_HHV11 P06492 CHEMBL4218 Alpha Trans-inducing Protein (VP16), Hhv11 1
Z50380 Z50380 CHEMBL613088 Mycobacterium Smegmatis 1
Z50426 Z50426 CHEMBL612856 Plasmodium Falciparum (isolate K1 / Thailand) 1
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 1
Z80017 Z80017 CHEMBL614023 A2780cisR (Cisplatin-resistant Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80055 Z80055 CHEMBL614067 CAKI-1 (Kidney Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80088 Z80088 CHEMBL613853 CHO (Ovarian Cells) 1
Z80089 Z80089 CHEMBL614555 CHO-AA8 1
Z80106 Z80106 CHEMBL614563 COS-1 (Kidney Cells) 1
Z80114 Z80114 CHEMBL614281 Daudi (Burkitts Lymphoma Cells) 1
Z80115 Z80115 CHEMBL612702 DC3F 1
Z80117 Z80117 CHEMBL614283 DC3F/AD-II 1
Z80164 Z80164 CHEMBL614580 HT-1080 (Fibrosarcoma Cells) 1
Z80186 Z80186 CHEMBL385 K562 (Erythroleukemia Cells) 1
Z80211 Z80211 CHEMBL614721 LoVo (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80244 Z80244 CHEMBL614335 MDA-MB-468 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 1
Z80362 Z80362 CHEMBL389 P388 (Lymphoma Cells) 1
Z80364 Z80364 CHEMBL614218 P388/ADR (Lymphoma Cells) 1
Z80367 Z80367 CHEMBL614220 P388/S 1
Z80416 Z80416 CHEMBL614630 Rat1 (Fibroblast Cells) 1
Z80433 Z80433 CHEMBL614882 RPMI-8226 (Multiple Myeloma Cells) 1
Z80472 Z80472 CHEMBL612542 SiHa (Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 1
Z80475 Z80475 CHEMBL613834 SK-BR-3 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) 1
Z80493 Z80493 CHEMBL614925 SK-OV-3 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80526 Z80526 CHEMBL612544 SW480 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z80583 Z80583 CHEMBL391 Vero (Kidney Cells) 1
Z80647 Z80647 CHEMBL613103 833K Cell Line 1
Z80712 Z80712 CHEMBL614361 T47D (Breast Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80768 Z80768 CHEMBL614455 CH1 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80776 Z80776 CHEMBL612246 Clone 62 Cell Line 1
Z80784 Z80784 CHEMBL614462 Col2 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80888 Z80888 CHEMBL614669 H2987 Cell Line 1
Z80928 Z80928 CHEMBL394 HCT-116 (Colon Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z80954 Z80954 CHEMBL614071 HFF (Foreskin Fibroblasts) 1
Z81017 Z81017 CHEMBL614647 WiDr (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1
Z81034 Z81034 CHEMBL614004 A2780 (Ovarian Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81264 Z81264 CHEMBL614074 V79 (Lung Fibroblasts) 1
Z81285 Z81285 CHEMBL615000 NIH-H Cell Line 1
Z81286 Z81286 CHEMBL615001 NIH-K Cell Line 1
Z81335 Z81335 CHEMBL612263 HCT-15 (Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells) 1