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Z101865 - Leishmania Chagasi | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Leishmania Chagasi (11 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Functional ≤ 10μM 11 5 3 3

Reactome Network (0)

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
Z50457 Z50457 CHEMBL612877 Leishmania Amazonensis 9
Z50466 Z50466 CHEMBL368 Trypanosoma Cruzi 4
Z50458 Z50458 CHEMBL612878 Leishmania Braziliensis 3
Z50460 Z50460 CHEMBL612879 Leishmania Major 3
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 3
CAC1C_RAT P22002 CHEMBL3762 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1C Subunit, Rat 2
CAC1D_RAT P27732 CHEMBL4132 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1D Subunit, Rat 2
CAC1E_RAT Q07652 CHEMBL4115 Voltage-gated R-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1E Subunit, Rat 2
CAC1S_RAT Q02485 CHEMBL4108 Voltage-gated L-type Calcium Channel Alpha-1S Subunit, Rat 2
Z50592 Z50592 CHEMBL374 Oryctolagus Cuniculus 2
Z101870 Z101870 CHEMBL612793 Leishmania Guyanensis 1
Z50339 Z50339 CHEMBL613064 Pneumocystis Carinii 1
Z50380 Z50380 CHEMBL613088 Mycobacterium Smegmatis 1
Z50418 Z50418 CHEMBL612849 Trypanosoma Brucei 1
Z50420 Z50420 CHEMBL612851 Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei 1
Z50425 Z50425 CHEMBL364 Plasmodium Falciparum 1
Z50426 Z50426 CHEMBL612856 Plasmodium Falciparum (isolate K1 / Thailand) 1
Z50459 Z50459 CHEMBL367 Leishmania Donovani 1
Z50461 Z50461 CHEMBL612880 Leishmania Mexicana 1
Z50467 Z50467 CHEMBL612884 Trichomonas Vaginalis 1
Z50468 Z50468 CHEMBL612652 Giardia Intestinalis 1
Z50473 Z50473 CHEMBL612653 Plasmodium Berghei 1
Z50594 Z50594 CHEMBL375 Mus Musculus 1
Z50725 Z50725 CHEMBL612348 Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense 1
Z80682 Z80682 CHEMBL392 A549 (Lung Carcinoma Cells) 1
Z81135 Z81135 CHEMBL614793 L6 (Skeletal Muscle Myoblast Cells) 1