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TPA_HUMAN - Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator, Human | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator, Human (234 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 234 0 0 20
Binding ≤ 1μM 96 0 0 11

Reactome Network (2)

Reactome ID Description Species
REACT_641 Dissolution of Fibrin Clot Homo sapiens
REACT_16888 Signaling by PDGF Homo sapiens
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
PLMN_HUMAN P00747 CHEMBL1801 Plasminogen, Human 125
UROK_HUMAN P00749 CHEMBL3286 Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator, Human 130

Signaling by PDGF

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
PLMN_HUMAN P00747 CHEMBL1801 Plasminogen, Human 125

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
THRB_HUMAN P00734 CHEMBL204 Thrombin, Human 154
UROK_HUMAN P00749 CHEMBL3286 Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator, Human 130
PLMN_HUMAN P00747 CHEMBL1801 Plasminogen, Human 125
TRY1_HUMAN P07477 CHEMBL209 Trypsin I, Human 112
FA10_HUMAN P00742 CHEMBL244 Coagulation Factor X, Human 98
TRY1_BOVIN P00760 CHEMBL3769 Trypsin I, Bovin 35
KLK1_HUMAN P06870 CHEMBL2319 Kallikrein 1, Human 33
TRY2_HUMAN P07478 CHEMBL3159 Trypsin II, Human 32
TRY2_BOVIN Q29463 CHEMBL4472 Trypsin II, Bovin 19
KLKB1_HUMAN P03952 CHEMBL2000 Plasma Kallikrein, Human 17
FA10_BOVIN P00743 CHEMBL3656 Coagulation Factor X, Bovin 16
THRB_RAT P18292 CHEMBL3078 Thrombin, Rat 15
TRYP_PIG P00761 CHEMBL2366 Trypsin, Pig 15
THRB_BOVIN P00735 CHEMBL4471 Thrombin, Bovin 14
FA7_HUMAN P08709 CHEMBL3991 Coagulation Factor VII, Human 10
KLK10_HUMAN O43240 CHEMBL4180 Kallikrein 10, Human 8
KLK11_HUMAN Q9UBX7 CHEMBL3031 Kallikrein 11, Human 8
KLK12_HUMAN Q9UKR0 CHEMBL4943 Kallikrein 12, Human 8
KLK13_HUMAN Q9UKR3 CHEMBL4863 Kallikrein 13, Human 8
KLK14_HUMAN Q9P0G3 CHEMBL2641 Kallikrein 14, Human 8
KLK15_HUMAN Q9H2R5 CHEMBL2174 Kallikrein 15, Human 8
KLK2_HUMAN P20151 CHEMBL2442 Kallikrein 2, Human 8
KLK3_HUMAN P07288 CHEMBL2099 Prostate Specific Antigen, Human 8
KLK4_HUMAN Q9Y5K2 CHEMBL4446 Kallikrein 4, Human 8
KLK5_HUMAN Q9Y337 CHEMBL4447 Kallikrein 5, Human 8
KLK6_HUMAN Q92876 CHEMBL4448 Kallikrein 6, Human 8
KLK7_HUMAN P49862 CHEMBL2443 Kallikrein 7, Human 8
KLK8_HUMAN O60259 CHEMBL4812 Kallikrein 8, Human 8
KLK9_HUMAN Q9UKQ9 CHEMBL3029 Kallikrein 9, Human 8
PLMN_RAT Q01177 CHEMBL3204 Plasminogen, Rat 8
TRY3_HUMAN P35030 CHEMBL4551 Trypsin III, Human 6
KPCA_HUMAN P17252 CHEMBL299 Protein Kinase C Alpha, Human 5
KPCB_HUMAN P05771 CHEMBL3045 Protein Kinase C Beta, Human 5
KPCD1_HUMAN Q15139 CHEMBL3863 Protein Kinase C Mu, Human 5
KPCD3_HUMAN O94806 CHEMBL2595 Protein Kinase C Nu, Human 5
KPCD_HUMAN Q05655 CHEMBL2996 Protein Kinase C Delta, Human 5
KPCE_HUMAN Q02156 CHEMBL3582 Protein Kinase C Epsilon, Human 5
KPCG_HUMAN P05129 CHEMBL2938 Protein Kinase C Gamma, Human 5
KPCI_HUMAN P41743 CHEMBL2598 Protein Kinase C Iota, Human 5
KPCL_HUMAN P24723 CHEMBL3616 Protein Kinase C Eta, Human 5
KPCT_HUMAN Q04759 CHEMBL3920 Protein Kinase C Theta, Human 5
KPCZ_HUMAN Q05513 CHEMBL3438 Protein Kinase C Zeta, Human 5
PROC_HUMAN P04070 CHEMBL4444 Vitamin K-dependent Protein C, Human 5
CASP6_HUMAN P55212 CHEMBL3308 Caspase-6, Human 2
CATK_HUMAN P43235 CHEMBL268 Cathepsin K, Human 2
CATL1_HUMAN P07711 CHEMBL3837 Cathepsin L, Human 2
CATL2_HUMAN O60911 CHEMBL3272 Cathepsin L2, Human 2
CATS_HUMAN P25774 CHEMBL2954 Cathepsin S, Human 2
CATZ_HUMAN Q9UBR2 CHEMBL4160 Cathepsin Z, Human 2
CYSP_TRYCR P25779 CHEMBL3563 Cruzipain, Trycr 2
PAPA1_CARPA P00784 CHEMBL4779 Papain, Carpa 2
PLMN_MOUSE P20918 CHEMBL1075299 Plasminogen, Mouse 2
PTN1_RAT P20417 CHEMBL2371 Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase 1B, Rat 2
THRB_MOUSE P19221 CHEMBL1075308 Prothrombin, Mouse 2
UROK_MOUSE P06869 CHEMBL1075311 Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator, Mouse 2
UROK_RAT P29598 CHEMBL1075245 Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator, Rat 2
APOH_HUMAN P02749 CHEMBL2859 Apolipoprotein H, Human 1
C1S_HUMAN P09871 CHEMBL3913 Complement C1s, Human 1
CASP4_HUMAN P49662 CHEMBL2226 Caspase-4, Human 1
CASPE_HUMAN P31944 CHEMBL5991 Caspase-14, Human 1
CATB_HUMAN P07858 CHEMBL4072 Cathepsin B, Human 1
FA9_HUMAN P00740 CHEMBL2016 Coagulation Factor IX, Human 1