Dopamine Transporter, Macfa (25 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 25 0 0 0
Binding ≤ 1μM 25 0 0 0

Reactome Network (0)

UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
SC6A3_BOVIN P27922 CHEMBL2986 Dopamine Transporter, Bovin 51 1 1 1
SC6A3_HUMAN Q01959 CHEMBL238 Dopamine Transporter, Human 2,208 143 41 50
SC6A3_MOUSE Q61327 CHEMBL2799 Dopamine Transporter, Mouse 55 10 6 7
SC6A3_RAT P23977 CHEMBL338 Dopamine Transporter, Rat 2,890 133 48 52

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (2)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
SC6A3-1-E Dopamine Transporter (cluster #1 Of 3), Eukaryotic 4,670 193 44 54
SC6A3-2-E Dopamine Transporter (cluster #2 Of 3), Eukaryotic 280 40 20 13
SC6A3-3-E Dopamine Transporter (cluster #3 Of 3), Eukaryotic 241 38 15 21
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
SC6A4_HUMAN P31645 CHEMBL228 Serotonin Transporter, Human 25
SC6A3_HUMAN Q01959 CHEMBL238 Dopamine Transporter, Human 16
Q7JHP9_MACMU Q7JHP9 CHEMBL6197 Transporter, Macmu 7
SC6A4_MACMU Q9MYX0 CHEMBL5453 Serotonin Transporter, Macmu 7
Q9WTR4_RAT Q9WTR4 CHEMBL304 Norepinephrine Transporter, Rat 2
SC6A2_HUMAN P23975 CHEMBL222 Norepinephrine Transporter, Human 2
SC6A3_BOVIN P27922 CHEMBL2986 Dopamine Transporter, Bovin 2
SC6A3_RAT P23977 CHEMBL338 Dopamine Transporter, Rat 2
SC6A4_MOUSE Q60857 CHEMBL4642 Serotonin Transporter, Mouse 2
SC6A4_RAT P31652 CHEMBL313 Serotonin Transporter, Rat 2
5HT1A_HUMAN P08908 CHEMBL214 Serotonin 1a (5-HT1a) Receptor, Human 1
5HT1B_HUMAN P28222 CHEMBL1898 Serotonin 1b (5-HT1b) Receptor, Human 1
5HT1D_HUMAN P28221 CHEMBL1983 Serotonin 1d (5-HT1d) Receptor, Human 1
5HT1E_HUMAN P28566 CHEMBL2182 Serotonin 1e (5-HT1e) Receptor, Human 1
5HT1F_HUMAN P30939 CHEMBL1805 Serotonin 1f (5-HT1f) Receptor, Human 1
5HT2B_HUMAN P41595 CHEMBL1833 Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) Receptor, Human 1
5HT2C_HUMAN P28335 CHEMBL225 Serotonin 2c (5-HT2c) Receptor, Human 1
DRD1_HUMAN P21728 CHEMBL2056 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Human 1
DRD2_HUMAN P14416 CHEMBL217 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Human 1
DRD3_HUMAN P35462 CHEMBL234 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Human 1
DRD4_HUMAN P21917 CHEMBL219 Dopamine D4 Receptor, Human 1
DRD5_HUMAN P21918 CHEMBL1850 Dopamine D5 Receptor, Human 1
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 1
Q63380_RAT Q63380 CHEMBL6184 Transporter, Rat 1
SGMR1_HUMAN Q99720 CHEMBL287 Sigma Opioid Receptor, Human 1
Z100251 Z100251 CHEMBL612442 Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) 2E2 1
Z50597 Z50597 CHEMBL376 Rattus Norvegicus 1
Z50796 Z50796 CHEMBL614874 Monkey 1