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KLKB1_HUMAN - Plasma Kallikrein, Human | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Plasma Kallikrein, Human (98 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 98 7 0 11
Binding ≤ 1μM 71 1 0 7

Reactome Network (2)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
ELNE_HUMAN P08246 CHEMBL248 Leukocyte Elastase, Human 6
PLMN_HUMAN P00747 CHEMBL1801 Plasminogen, Human 24
TRY1_HUMAN P07477 CHEMBL209 Trypsin I, Human 24
TRY2_HUMAN P07478 CHEMBL3159 Trypsin II, Human 1

Intrinsic Pathway

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
FA10_HUMAN P00742 CHEMBL244 Coagulation Factor X, Human 25
FA11_HUMAN P03951 CHEMBL2820 Coagulation Factor XI, Human 1
FA12_HUMAN P00748 CHEMBL2821 Coagulation Factor XII, Human 2
FA9_HUMAN P00740 CHEMBL2016 Coagulation Factor IX, Human 1
THRB_HUMAN P00734 CHEMBL204 Thrombin, Human 27

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (2)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
KLKB1-1-E Plasma Kallikrein (cluster #1 Of 3), Eukaryotic 47 5 0 8
KLKB1-2-E Plasma Kallikrein (cluster #2 Of 3), Eukaryotic 38 1 0 2
KLKB1-3-E Plasma Kallikrein (cluster #3 Of 3), Eukaryotic 13 1 0 1
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
FA7_HUMAN P08709 CHEMBL3991 Coagulation Factor VII, Human 28
THRB_HUMAN P00734 CHEMBL204 Thrombin, Human 27
UROK_HUMAN P00749 CHEMBL3286 Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator, Human 26
FA10_HUMAN P00742 CHEMBL244 Coagulation Factor X, Human 25
PLMN_HUMAN P00747 CHEMBL1801 Plasminogen, Human 24
TRY1_HUMAN P07477 CHEMBL209 Trypsin I, Human 24
TPA_HUMAN P00750 CHEMBL1873 Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator, Human 17
PLMN_RAT Q01177 CHEMBL3204 Plasminogen, Rat 9
ELNE_HUMAN P08246 CHEMBL248 Leukocyte Elastase, Human 6
FA10_BOVIN P00743 CHEMBL3656 Coagulation Factor X, Bovin 5
TRY2_BOVIN Q29463 CHEMBL4472 Trypsin II, Bovin 4
FA10_RAT Q63207 CHEMBL3755 Coagulation Factor X, Rat 3
KLK1_HUMAN P06870 CHEMBL2319 Kallikrein 1, Human 3
THRB_BOVIN P00735 CHEMBL4471 Thrombin, Bovin 3
FA12_HUMAN P00748 CHEMBL2821 Coagulation Factor XII, Human 2
PROC_HUMAN P04070 CHEMBL4444 Vitamin K-dependent Protein C, Human 2
ST14_HUMAN Q9Y5Y6 CHEMBL3018 Matriptase, Human 2
C1R_HUMAN P00736 CHEMBL4611 Complement C1r, Human 1
CTRA_BOVIN P00766 CHEMBL3314 Alpha-chymotrypsin, Bovin 1
FA11_HUMAN P03951 CHEMBL2820 Coagulation Factor XI, Human 1
FA9_HUMAN P00740 CHEMBL2016 Coagulation Factor IX, Human 1
LEF_BACAN P15917 CHEMBL4372 Anthrax Lethal Factor, Bacan 1
TF_HUMAN P13726 CHEMBL4081 Coagulation Factor III, Human 1
THRB_RAT P18292 CHEMBL3078 Thrombin, Rat 1
TM11D_HUMAN O60235 CHEMBL1795138 Transmembrane Protease Serine 11D, Human 1
TMPS2_HUMAN O15393 CHEMBL1795140 Transmembrane Protease Serine 2, Human 1
TMPS6_HUMAN Q8IU80 CHEMBL1795139 Transmembrane Protease Serine 6, Human 1
TRY1_BOVIN P00760 CHEMBL3769 Trypsin I, Bovin 1
TRY2_HUMAN P07478 CHEMBL3159 Trypsin II, Human 1
TRYG1_HUMAN Q9NRR2 CHEMBL4955 Tryptase Gamma, Human 1
TRYP_PIG P00761 CHEMBL2366 Trypsin, Pig 1