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PF2R_HUMAN - Prostanoid FP Receptor, Human | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Prostanoid FP Receptor, Human (90 Compounds)


Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 90 8 3 3
Binding ≤ 1μM 42 7 2 2
Functional ≤ 10μM 23 9 3 3

Reactome Network (2)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
5HT2B_HUMAN P41595 CHEMBL1833 Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) Receptor, Human 1
ACM3_HUMAN P20309 CHEMBL245 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M3, Human 1
NK2R_HUMAN P21452 CHEMBL2327 Neurokinin 2 Receptor, Human 1
PE2R1_HUMAN P34995 CHEMBL1811 Prostanoid EP1 Receptor, Human 40
TA2R_HUMAN P21731 CHEMBL2069 Thromboxane A2 Receptor, Human 21

Prostanoid ligand receptors

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
GPR44_HUMAN Q9Y5Y4 CHEMBL5071 G Protein-coupled Receptor 44, Human 1
PD2R_HUMAN Q13258 CHEMBL4427 Prostanoid DP Receptor, Human 13
PE2R1_HUMAN P34995 CHEMBL1811 Prostanoid EP1 Receptor, Human 40
PE2R2_HUMAN P43116 CHEMBL1881 Prostanoid EP2 Receptor, Human 19
PE2R3_HUMAN P43115 CHEMBL3710 Prostanoid EP3 Receptor, Human 44
PE2R4_HUMAN P35408 CHEMBL1836 Prostanoid EP4 Receptor, Human 15
PI2R_HUMAN P43119 CHEMBL1995 Prostanoid IP Receptor, Human 5
TA2R_HUMAN P21731 CHEMBL2069 Thromboxane A2 Receptor, Human 21
UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
PF2R_BOVIN P37289 CHEMBL4820 Prostanoid FP Receptor, Bovin 29 5 3 3
PF2R_MOUSE P43117 CHEMBL5000 Prostaglandin F2-alpha Receptor, Mouse 8 0 0 0

Clustered By Gene (0)

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
PE2R3_HUMAN P43115 CHEMBL3710 Prostanoid EP3 Receptor, Human 42
PE2R1_HUMAN P34995 CHEMBL1811 Prostanoid EP1 Receptor, Human 39
PE2R2_HUMAN P43116 CHEMBL1881 Prostanoid EP2 Receptor, Human 19
TA2R_HUMAN P21731 CHEMBL2069 Thromboxane A2 Receptor, Human 19
Z80530 Z80530 CHEMBL614946 Swiss-3T3 (Fibroblast Cells) 17
PE2R4_HUMAN P35408 CHEMBL1836 Prostanoid EP4 Receptor, Human 15
PD2R_HUMAN Q13258 CHEMBL4427 Prostanoid DP Receptor, Human 12
PF2R_BOVIN P37289 CHEMBL4820 Prostanoid FP Receptor, Bovin 5
PI2R_HUMAN P43119 CHEMBL1995 Prostanoid IP Receptor, Human 5
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 2
5HT2B_HUMAN P41595 CHEMBL1833 Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) Receptor, Human 1
ACM3_HUMAN P20309 CHEMBL245 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M3, Human 1
ACM4_HUMAN P08173 CHEMBL1821 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M4, Human 1
ADA2A_HUMAN P08913 CHEMBL1867 Alpha-2a Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
ADA2B_HUMAN P18089 CHEMBL1942 Alpha-2b Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
ADRB1_HUMAN P08588 CHEMBL213 Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
ADRB3_HUMAN P13945 CHEMBL246 Beta-3 Adrenergic Receptor, Human 1
DRD1_HUMAN P21728 CHEMBL2056 Dopamine D1 Receptor, Human 1
DRD2_HUMAN P14416 CHEMBL217 Dopamine D2 Receptor, Human 1
DRD3_HUMAN P35462 CHEMBL234 Dopamine D3 Receptor, Human 1
EGFR_HUMAN P00533 CHEMBL203 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ErbB1, Human 1
GPR44_HUMAN Q9Y5Y4 CHEMBL5071 G Protein-coupled Receptor 44, Human 1
LOX5_HUMAN P09917 CHEMBL215 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, Human 1
NK2R_HUMAN P21452 CHEMBL2327 Neurokinin 2 Receptor, Human 1
OPRD_HUMAN P41143 CHEMBL236 Delta Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRK_HUMAN P41145 CHEMBL237 Kappa Opioid Receptor, Human 1
OPRM_HUMAN P35372 CHEMBL233 Mu Opioid Receptor, Human 1
PE2R1_RAT P70597 CHEMBL5068 Prostanoid EP1 Receptor, Rat 1
PE2R3_RAT P34980 CHEMBL5674 Prostaglandin E2 Receptor EP3 Subtype, Rat 1
PF2R_MOUSE P43117 CHEMBL5000 Prostaglandin F2-alpha Receptor, Mouse 1
PGH1_HUMAN P23219 CHEMBL221 Cyclooxygenase-1, Human 1
PPARG_HUMAN P37231 CHEMBL235 Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma, Human 1
SC6A2_HUMAN P23975 CHEMBL222 Norepinephrine Transporter, Human 1
SC6A3_HUMAN Q01959 CHEMBL238 Dopamine Transporter, Human 1
SC6A4_HUMAN P31645 CHEMBL228 Serotonin Transporter, Human 1
Z50589 Z50589 CHEMBL612670 Felis Catus 1