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MMP1_HUMAN - Matrix Metalloproteinase-1, Human | ZINC Is Not Commercial - A database of commercially-available compounds

Matrix Metalloproteinase-1, Human (2,665 Compounds)

966C (DOCK)

Compound Summary

Annotation Type Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
Binding ≤ 10μM 2,665 22 9 44
Binding ≤ 1μM 1,855 13 8 35
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
MMP10_HUMAN P09238 CHEMBL4270 Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Human 5
MMP11_HUMAN P24347 CHEMBL2867 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Human 4
MMP13_HUMAN P45452 CHEMBL280 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Human 1373
MMP14_HUMAN P50281 CHEMBL3869 Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Human 193
MMP15_HUMAN P51511 CHEMBL2963 Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Human 19
MMP16_HUMAN P51512 CHEMBL2200 Matrix Metalloproteinase 16, Human 33
MMP17_HUMAN Q9ULZ9 CHEMBL2937 Matrix Metalloproteinase 17, Human 1
MMP25_HUMAN Q9NPA2 CHEMBL1795103 Matrix Metalloproteinase-25, Human 4
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 999
MMP3_HUMAN P08254 CHEMBL283 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Human 1103
MMP7_HUMAN P09237 CHEMBL4073 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Human 373
MMP8_HUMAN P22894 CHEMBL4588 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Human 402
MMP9_HUMAN P14780 CHEMBL321 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Human 1232

Collagen degradation

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
ADA10_HUMAN O14672 CHEMBL5028 ADAM10, Human 21
ADA17_HUMAN P78536 CHEMBL3706 ADAM17, Human 583
ADAM9_HUMAN Q13443 CHEMBL5982 ADAM9, Human 64
CATL1_HUMAN P07711 CHEMBL3837 Cathepsin L, Human 4
MMP10_HUMAN P09238 CHEMBL4270 Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Human 5
MMP11_HUMAN P24347 CHEMBL2867 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Human 4
MMP12_HUMAN P39900 CHEMBL4393 Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Human 73
MMP13_HUMAN P45452 CHEMBL280 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Human 1373
MMP14_HUMAN P50281 CHEMBL3869 Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Human 193
MMP15_HUMAN P51511 CHEMBL2963 Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Human 19
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 999
MMP3_HUMAN P08254 CHEMBL283 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Human 1103
MMP7_HUMAN P09237 CHEMBL4073 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Human 373
MMP8_HUMAN P22894 CHEMBL4588 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Human 402
MMP9_HUMAN P14780 CHEMBL321 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Human 1232

Degradation of the extracellular matrix

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
ADA10_HUMAN O14672 CHEMBL5028 ADAM10, Human 21
ATS4_HUMAN O75173 CHEMBL2318 ADAMTS4, Human 45
BMP1_HUMAN P13497 CHEMBL3898 Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1, Human 4
CATL1_HUMAN P07711 CHEMBL3837 Cathepsin L, Human 4
MMP10_HUMAN P09238 CHEMBL4270 Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Human 5
MMP11_HUMAN P24347 CHEMBL2867 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Human 4
MMP12_HUMAN P39900 CHEMBL4393 Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Human 73
MMP13_HUMAN P45452 CHEMBL280 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Human 1373
MMP14_HUMAN P50281 CHEMBL3869 Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Human 193
MMP15_HUMAN P51511 CHEMBL2963 Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Human 19
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 999
MMP3_HUMAN P08254 CHEMBL283 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Human 1103
MMP7_HUMAN P09237 CHEMBL4073 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Human 373
MMP8_HUMAN P22894 CHEMBL4588 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Human 402
MMP9_HUMAN P14780 CHEMBL321 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Human 1232

Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-l

Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 999
UniProt Swissprot ChEMBL Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
MMP10_HUMAN P09238 CHEMBL4270 Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Human 82 1 1 1
MMP11_HUMAN P24347 CHEMBL2867 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Human 71 1 1 1
MMP12_HUMAN P39900 CHEMBL4393 Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Human 289 8 4 5
MMP13_HUMAN P45452 CHEMBL280 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Human 2,513 43 6 37
MMP14_HUMAN P50281 CHEMBL3869 Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Human 507 9 8 14
MMP15_HUMAN P51511 CHEMBL2963 Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Human 30 1 1 3
MMP16_HUMAN P51512 CHEMBL2200 Matrix Metalloproteinase 16, Human 61 3 1 4
MMP17_HUMAN Q9ULZ9 CHEMBL2937 Matrix Metalloproteinase 17, Human 29 1 1 1
MMP25_HUMAN Q9NPA2 CHEMBL1795103 Matrix Metalloproteinase-25, Human 8 0 0 1
MMP26_HUMAN Q9NRE1 CHEMBL4707 Matrix Metalloproteinase 26, Human 23 1 1 2
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 2,765 37 17 44
MMP3_HUMAN P08254 CHEMBL283 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Human 2,212 22 9 40
MMP7_HUMAN P09237 CHEMBL4073 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Human 467 10 4 22
MMP8_HUMAN P22894 CHEMBL4588 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Human 980 16 6 25
MMP9_HUMAN P14780 CHEMBL321 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Human 2,243 31 11 34

Clustered By Gene (0)

Clustered By Organism (1)

Code Description Substances Purchasable Natural In Man
MMP1-1-E Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (cluster #1 Of 2), Eukaryotic 1,868 16 3 28
MMP1-2-E Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (cluster #2 Of 2), Eukaryotic 820 8 8 19
Uniprot Swissprot Chembl Description Number Shared
MMP13_HUMAN P45452 CHEMBL280 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Human 1373
MMP9_HUMAN P14780 CHEMBL321 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Human 1232
MMP3_HUMAN P08254 CHEMBL283 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Human 1103
MMP2_HUMAN P08253 CHEMBL333 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Human 999
ADA17_HUMAN P78536 CHEMBL3706 ADAM17, Human 560
MMP8_HUMAN P22894 CHEMBL4588 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Human 402
MMP7_HUMAN P09237 CHEMBL4073 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Human 373
MMP14_HUMAN P50281 CHEMBL3869 Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Human 193
MMP12_HUMAN P39900 CHEMBL4393 Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Human 73
ADAM9_HUMAN Q13443 CHEMBL5982 ADAM9, Human 64
CAH2_HUMAN P00918 CHEMBL205 Carbonic Anhydrase II, Human 54
CAH4_BOVIN Q95323 CHEMBL281 Carbonic Anhydrase IV, Bovin 50
ATS4_HUMAN O75173 CHEMBL2318 ADAMTS4, Human 45
CAH1_HUMAN P00915 CHEMBL261 Carbonic Anhydrase I, Human 44
MMP16_HUMAN P51512 CHEMBL2200 Matrix Metalloproteinase 16, Human 33
FCER2_HUMAN P06734 CHEMBL2940 Immunoglobulin Epsilon Fc Receptor, Human 31
MMP13_BOVIN O77656 CHEMBL5327 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Bovin 23
MMP9_RAT P50282 CHEMBL3870 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Rat 23
TIMP3_RAT P48032 CHEMBL3881 Tissue Inhibitor Of Metalloproteinases-3, Rat 23
ADA10_HUMAN O14672 CHEMBL5028 ADAM10, Human 21
GCR_HUMAN P04150 CHEMBL2034 Glucocorticoid Receptor, Human 19
MMP15_HUMAN P51511 CHEMBL2963 Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Human 19
TNFA_HUMAN P01375 CHEMBL1825 TNF-alpha, Human 18
MMP26_HUMAN Q9NRE1 CHEMBL4707 Matrix Metalloproteinase 26, Human 17
ADA17_PIG O77636 CHEMBL3332 ADAM17, Pig 16
COLA_CLOPE P43153 CHEMBL2802 Microbial Collagenase, Clope 16
DEF_ECOLI P0A6K3 CHEMBL4976 Peptide Deformylase, Ecoli 14
PDE4A_HUMAN P27815 CHEMBL254 Phosphodiesterase 4A, Human 14
PDE4B_HUMAN Q07343 CHEMBL275 Phosphodiesterase 4B, Human 14
PDE4C_HUMAN Q08493 CHEMBL291 Phosphodiesterase 4C, Human 14
PDE4D_HUMAN Q08499 CHEMBL288 Phosphodiesterase 4D, Human 14
MMP13_RAT P23097 CHEMBL4944 Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Rat 12
ATTY_RAT P04694 CHEMBL5947 Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Rat 10
NEP_RAT P07861 CHEMBL3369 Neprilysin, Rat 9
ADA17_RAT Q9Z1K9 CHEMBL2523 ADAM17, Rat 7
MMP12_MOUSE P34960 CHEMBL2594 Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Mouse 7
CAH9_HUMAN Q16790 CHEMBL3594 Carbonic Anhydrase IX, Human 6
Z50264 Z50264 CHEMBL356 Streptococcus Pyogenes 6
MMP10_HUMAN P09238 CHEMBL4270 Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Human 5
BMP1_HUMAN P13497 CHEMBL3898 Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1, Human 4
CATL1_HUMAN P07711 CHEMBL3837 Cathepsin L, Human 4
MMP11_HUMAN P24347 CHEMBL2867 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Human 4
MMP11_MOUSE Q02853 CHEMBL3412 Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Mouse 4
MMP25_HUMAN Q9NPA2 CHEMBL1795103 Matrix Metalloproteinase-25, Human 4
ERBB2_HUMAN P04626 CHEMBL1824 Receptor Protein-tyrosine Kinase ErbB-2, Human 3
LEF_BACAN P15917 CHEMBL4372 Anthrax Lethal Factor, Bacan 3
PRGR_HUMAN P06401 CHEMBL208 Progesterone Receptor, Human 3
ACE2_HUMAN Q9BYF1 CHEMBL3736 Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2, Human 2
ACE_HUMAN P12821 CHEMBL1808 Angiotensin-converting Enzyme, Human 2
DEFM_HUMAN Q9HBH1 CHEMBL4647 Peptide Deformylase Mitochondrial, Human 2
NEP_HUMAN P08473 CHEMBL1944 Neprilysin, Human 2
ADA12_HUMAN O43184 CHEMBL5030 ADAM12, Human 1
DEF1A_ARATH Q9FV53 CHEMBL1075041 Peptide Deformylase 1A, Chloroplastic, Arath 1
DEF_STAAM P68825 CHEMBL2367 Peptide Deformylase, Staam 1
ECE1_HUMAN P42892 CHEMBL4791 Endothelin-converting Enzyme 1, Human 1
KCNH2_HUMAN Q12809 CHEMBL240 HERG, Human 1
MMP12_RAT Q63341 CHEMBL5506 Macrophage Metalloelastase, Rat 1
MMP17_HUMAN Q9ULZ9 CHEMBL2937 Matrix Metalloproteinase 17, Human 1
MMP2_MOUSE P33434 CHEMBL3095 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Mouse 1
MMP9_MOUSE P41245 CHEMBL2214 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Mouse 1
Q72874_9HIV1 Q72874 CHEMBL243 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protease, 9hiv1 1
Q9JN24_ECOLX Q9JN24 CHEMBL1795101 Peptide Deformylase, Ecolx 1